Music Copyright and Steemit

in #copyright7 years ago

Music Copyright and Steemit

I think people need to be aware of breaking copyright law when they link their post to a video or recording of a song by a well know act (or any band for that matter). It's fair enough to share the link because you like the music and want people to know you like it, but don't take any royalties on behalf of a bands blood sweat tears.

For instance, you have posted on Steemit

It is a really nice day and I'm listening to this song

You have linked to the video of the song on youtube/vevo. The votes come in and after posting and you have over 10 SBD on your post. Thats a nice return. Happy days.

But then, In maybe a few months/years time the big record labels/publishers find out people have been monetizing their music on Steemit. They go through the posts and find out who used their music and how much each song earned. They then use copyright law to claim back the royalties from the posts.

Record companies have invested a lot of money into their acts. Just the same as some users on Steemit have invested alot of money into their accounts. If the copyright owners of the music can see someone has an account worth six figures and they have been making Steem Dollars from their copyrighted content they are going to want that SBD.

The record labels are probably sat right now adding all the figures up, just waiting for it to hit a point where they think it's worth it before their lawyers move in. The same goes for all the TV/Movie companies too, as who really deserves to get paid, the people who own the content or the people who share it.