Cops attitudes out of control and shooting too many people WTF, why and what can be done about it.

in #cops7 years ago

    Problem- How many countless videos are out there of  cops out of control with what I will call "Adrenaline Rage" or "God Complex Mentality".  I've seen videos of Cops shooting people in handcuffs, young teens, people running up to get help etc...  There are too many videos to list, just run a search for them.  Something must be done about this immediately.

     This behavior must stop but why does it happen in the first place?  Because the mentality of  many (not all) but many officers is a combination of being afraid and thinking they are morally better than John Q. Public because they were a badge. 

     Let us deal with why cops are afraid.  They are afraid of being stabbed, beaten, or shot during the execution of there duties.  A valid concern yes, but they carry it way to far!  This statement is for all cops, family members and friends of cops etc... There is no excuse what so ever, repeat NO EXCUSE for EVER pointing a loaded gun at anyone who is not pointing a gun directly at you or at someone in need of your protection, get your stuff under control? Now did any of you not understand any part of that.  Just a couple of example videos, again just do a search you'll be outraged.  Cops shooting bullets at a moving car in a residential neighborhood (search youtube "bodycam shows paul o'neal...")  you idiots kids or anyone might get hit by a stray bullet. Cops shooting and killing teenagers (search youtube  "teen killed by cops"), really people you cant handle a kid without shooting them-were they actually shooting at anyone WTF!  The Australian woman running to a police car for help getting shot dead by those same police (search youtube "australian killed by cops") really, explain to me how a woman in her pajamas yelling help me is a threat and needs to be shot dead.  Even the U.S. Military has a "Don't Fire Unless Fired Upon" policy which means that enemy combatants have more rights to their life than a U.S. Citizen in their own neighborhood.

     Solution, armor up.  Yes most cops were a bullet proof vests blah blah blah yet they are still use their guns so they don't get shot, stabbed etc...  People I talking about full body Knife proof, bullet proof combat armor worn any time/where a cop is on duty.  Here are a few  random images pulled from famous movies/games that could easily made and used with today;s technology and manufacturing techniques,  simple but you get the idea. If a cop cannot be hurt this would immediately eliminate almost all shooting scenarios.

     Now lets deal with the mental attitude of many cops.  There are many officers that get mad, offended, whatever word you desire, if you don't say how high when they say jump.  It's all about power and control, if you don't submit to humiliation then you are in trouble.  What is detention- the putting on of handcuffs during a traffic stop and questioning just so you fell safe WTF, you cops have no right to handcuff me unless I have actually committed a crime and here the words "you are under arrest for".  Remember the words to Protect and Serve, you are here to Serve the public not enslave them to your whim.  Now some criminals run, yes I get that but no cop has the right to beat a prisoner in handcuffs just because they don't follow your commands.  Subdue yes, beat mercilessly no right- just do a video search (youtube "police beat prisoner in handcuffs") there are many examples of this.  Cops serve the public, you are not better than us you volunteered to be lower than us by serving the public interest.

To all cops, friends and family of etc..

If you are scared of getting hurt and might shoot someone-                                   DON'T BE A COP

If you get angry and have to yell when someone doesn't obey-                               DON'T BE A COP

If you don't want to wear a full battle suit to protect yourself and us-                   DON'T BE A COP

If you agree with the phrase guilty until proven innocent-                                       DON'T BE A COP

If you think you are morally better than the public because you wear a badge-   DON'T BE A COP

     Now let me state unequivocally that I do not condone breaking any law by anyone and I myself would never threaten, act out, or imply through word or deed that I condone any sort of violence, I emphatically do not.  That being said I've personally overheard talk (in work, coffee shops, etc...) about cop violence and what should be done to cops and/or their families for committing these crimes.  I personally hope for the best and to that end here is fair warning YOU ARE BEING WATCHED BY EVERYONE! I strongly suggest that it would be in everyone's best interest to quickly get this stuff under control.