Come and Join us on Whaleshares
Welcome to the Cook with Us challenge! The @cookwithus team - @chefsteve, @pandamama and @offoodandart - is happy to host this weekly challenge on Whaleshares. We have learned a lot about food and cooking from around the world from our three seasons on Steemit and most importantly, we got to meet amazing people. Let's do the same here on Whaleshares! Please check out the calendar and the rules below. We are looking forward to seeing your entries.
- Post a photo or video of the theme of the week (see calendar below). More than one photo/video is allowed within the post. Recipes or write-ups about your entry are welcome but optional. Your entry may or may not be something you made or cooked yourself but the post and media should be yours. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Add a link to your post in the comments section below.
- You may enter more than one post per week but only the first one will be rewarded with our sponsor's vote.
- Use #cookwithus as one of your tags/topics. It doesn’t have to be the first tag. Please read and share -
- Please share the Cook with Us post announcing the start of the week's challenge. 100% reward is not required but will be appreciated to help make the challenge visible.
- Although not required, we encourage commenting and rewarding each other's entry posts to build and get to know each other in the CwU community.
- Posts will be rewarded within 5 days after the close of the weekly challenge, distributing them over a few days depending on the mana and amount of entries. This is so the mana is maintained at a healthy level.
- By joining the #cookwithus challenge, the contestant agrees to their material being used by the organizers for any purposes and will not be compensated should the material be published. But you, the author/photographer, will be given written credit.
- Please include your bts ID.
The Cook with Us Calendar

Our Sponsors

We are on Discord!

Thank you to our sponsors @unity, @jepu, @krazykrista, @nutfund and @derangedvisions! Without you, none of these would be possible. We are sincerely grateful for your support.

bonjour, c'est dommage que vous ne soyez pas plus actif ici je suis @cryptoyzzy sur whaleshares et j'utilise votre # ici mais je suis le seul je crois