How-To FAIL! (or Enjoy food and life with someone you love!)

in #cooking6 years ago (edited)

I like seeing posters' cooking blogs. It's nice to get inspired with a new recipe and see a how-to. Something relaxing about cooking and cooking something new.

Unfortunately, I have failed once again to take the time for my select few readers to find out, in photography form, how on earth I have concocted such delicacies!

The only things I have to show for my latest are the final bits of Quiche, Salad, and cookies from last night's dinner.

1)THe almost finished quiche served with salad. Simplicity here...let's talk crust...a homemade crust is surely the best thing to do for yourself and loved ones, but in a pinch (and most my meals, let's face it, are done in a pinch) the Pilsbury refrigerator crust is probably the best of those refrig crusts. GOod in a pinch ;0) Easy to place in a pie pan when at room temp. Done.
THe filling I have perfected (Mr gardenlady says so, so I stand by that) is grated swiss put on the bottom, then spread on the yummy bits. In this case I had sauteed in butter chopped onion, chopped pepper, and sliced mushrooms. THen pour on the mix of 2 eggs plus milk (or mix of milk and cream - whatever's handy) per 8oz Cup. TOtal of 2 cups, so that's 4 eggs plus the milk/cream to reach 2 Cups. Make sure to whisk in some nutmeg and pepper. THen put in pre-heated oven 375F for 30 minutes. Let cool and set a bit before serving.

2)THe easiest side salad ever- but refreshing in my book...arugula topped with thin slices of nectarine. TOp with flaked salt, drizzle of olive oil and drizzle of Balsamic reduction. Balsamic reduction has saved our salads. Its sweet, it's vinegar-y, it's slightly thick, it's yummy.

NOtice that I had already eaten the nectarine slices and had sloppily eaten my quiche so bits are in the greens. oh well.

3)Yes, folks I made these yummy confections...oatmeal cookies. Who can resist? NO one. IT's just the Quaker oats recipe from the lid (altho I use half butter/half crisco shortening) then add the yummy bits of chopped walnuts, raisins, and dried cranberries.

Soft and chewy=wow

Enjoy food and life with someone you love!



You finished that way early as a result steemians now feeling hungry hahah :D

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Awesome, sounds lovely! Nothing like shipping straight to the after shots!!

FUnny, tho, I had that after shot because at the time, I was texting with daughter #1 and she asked me what we were having for dinner. So i grabbed my phone and texted a pic of what was in front of me. Voila...a steemit post was born!

That's quite convenient!! I like a happy coincidence!!!

A happy coincidence indeed - i've gotten pretty lackadaisical about posting (pretty lackadaisical? ok, very!) so it was easy.
HOw do you keep up the 'steam' with your daily posts? I totally got side-tracked this summer and posted pretty much nothing. In fact, I started to get ready to just sell all my steem for bitcoin, but the steem price is so low, I wouldn't get much bitcoin, so i've been holding out...waiting waiting...not posting....waiting some more ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The Good Lady asks me the same. My friends ask me too. Sometimes even I wonder!!! I have been closer to not posting every day. Sometimes. It's kind of like a routine now!! I go on holiday next week though and promised the good lay I would defo take some time off so in 8 days I might have a break!!

I would definitely hooks for now. I truly believe we are just in a tough with all crypto. Give it a great and the same amount of steem will get you s whole bitcoin or two!!! :0)

okay, that's the spirit! chin up!
(I did have to laugh tho, about this "...I go on holiday next week though and promised the good lay...") happy to know ;0)

HAHAHA!! Oh my bloody phone!! :0D

That's happened to me many times, sometimes the most beautiful plates of food all destroyed without one photo!

Nest time lay a place for me please :)

lol, would love to- I"ll have to make 2 quiches cuz hubby and I ate the whole thing!

You had better make more then lol and stop yourself from nibbling :0

I try to do 'no seconds', but sometimes the quiche just too tempting!

I try to do the same but you can't stop it jumping in to your mouth lol