It's celebration time 🥳 🎉 | 100 Days for the #ContestAlerts | 100 STEEM GIVEAWAY

in #contestalerts3 years ago

To be honest It's a personal victory! A goal I set myself to publish the Active Contest List no matter what happens for continues 100 days.

Today I did it 🥳


Searching for new contests every day was not an easy task. Had to go through 100's of profiles each day to find a new contests. That's why it has 100+ contests most of the days. The biggest challenge during this time was, recently I suffered from covid19 but I had the will to continue what I started. Your encouraging feedbacks always gave me more energy. Also, the support I had from Steemit Team - @steemcurator01 was remarkable.

To celebrate this achievement, I thought I should give away something for my followers. It is 100 STEEM GIVEAWAY for you.

In return, all you have to do is comment what you think about #ContestAlerts list.

I want to spread the prize with the first 50 comments. So, each will receive 02 STEEM as the prize.

As always, Contest On!! Steem On!!

Thank you contest organizers! Thank you @pennsif! Thank you @ftz!

You guys were amazing in my little journey..


I am very happy that you are persistent in your journey. You made it to 100. I believe you will go even further and carry on this good work. This contest alerts are really handy and worth checking on.

I did not know that you were affected by COVID. I am sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quickly from this.

You are doing really great. It's always a pleasure to help you as a friend. Maybe my upvote doesn't contribute that much to your earnings, but I tried my best to be with you and will be there all the time.

I wish you all the best and really appreciate your effort and contribution to the Steemit platform.

Thanks @ftz.. Always appreciate your feedbacks.

First of all I would like to thank you for the work you do to keep the members of the platform punctually informed of an aspect that is in the DNA of the community: the contests.

Your work is worthy of an award.

Secondly, a consequence of the first is that on a practical level, both the organisers and the participants, save considerable time and energy, which results in a better use of the resources we have available.

In conclusion, your work benefits everyone at Steemit. If @disconnect didn't exist, it would have to be invented.

What an amazing feedback :) I should read this every time I feel dull. Thanks @xaviduran. You comment meant a lot to me.

100 days of #contestalerts! This is so awesome how long you have stayed consistent in providing us with these juicy contests every day. I have won many contests that I found through your daily #contestalerts post. Thank you and may you continue in this light.

I have won many contests that I found through your daily #contestalerts post.

I'm super happy to see this.

It is my pleasure to check your posts daily.

Maybe it's gone past 50 comments but that should not stop me from commenting. I want to say congratulations on this milestone. Thanks for not giving up when it was tough. A true representation of the words in your profiles, love cheese😃. Everyday i check your profile for new update, i always say to my self that this man is not getting a lot of upvotes but he still keep doing this everyday. I also always thought you could have been posting is some community where you can get some support or maybe you never thoight about it. Remember why you started and dont give up man. Thanks for getting our backs

Thanks for that comment @steemtopus

I can't belong to one community because I'm representing all the contests on this platform.

Maybe it's gone past 50 comments

Not yet 😃

Contest alerts by disconnect rat have been my pathway to navigating the Steemit online community.

It's like one reliable news source that keeps me updated with latest contests to help me make the best from the Steemit platform.

Thanks @disconnect for your hardwork and perseverance.


Thanks for that bold letter amazing feedback! I love it :)

that pride!!! * - * They have always been very helpful, I no longer have to search like crazy every contest, many congratulations: D

I'm glad you found it helpful. Thanks for the wishes :)

I think @disconnect is very helpful for steemit members to be able to get the latest information held on steemit, this is very extraordinary

Keep it up brother

Thank you for your feedback brother.. Steem on! :)

Your contest list is very useful on the daily basis that helps me to find game review contests and challenges movies titles.
Thank you very much for this continuous tidiest work.
You can ask contest creators to tag you in their article or share their posts on a discord group in order to reduce the daily search load.
Speedy recovery

I tried the discord group.. but it is not that effective. I can't depend on organizers to say me everything. They will simply miss some and new contest organizers won't know me. So, I believe I have to search them individually. I appreciate your comment.

Thank you the wishes :)

I might find a way to automate this search on the Steem Blockchain.
I will work on something.

That'll be most helpful :)

#ContestAlerts list is an amazing idea. It is a consolidated list of contests going on in Steemit.

It is great help for newbies who have limited resource credit - they can have a information of contests going to expire next few days and then decide to participate accordingly.

Keep up the good work @disconnect !!

The idea came exactly like this.. I want to find contest according to the expiry date but couldn't, then I did the list :)

Thank you for the feedback @sampu

Great initiave, friend! Your hard work is amazing and really useful for all users!
Congrats on this huge achievement!

Not huge :D it's a tiny achievement in this huge platform.. Thank you for your appreciation @fendit.