New Contest from @Xpilar 2/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

 This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition " Science fiction"

Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story. 

You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting. 

I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories  

Are excited about what you write about my image.  

Good stories can be upvote by me and simple good comment also gets the genre of upvote  

This will be a small competition where the best can get 100 % upvote of me 

Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar

 * Spam plagiarists may be flagged  

 Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.  

What are you waiting for, come on, have fun   




Once upon a time, In ancient times, the story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The boy is very fond of hunting.

He hunts accompanied by Tumang, the pet's favorite dog. Sangkuriang did not know that the dog was a god and her father.

On one day Tumang refused to follow his orders to pursue game. So the dog was thrown into the forest.

When returning to the palace, Sangkuriang told the incident to his mother. Dayang Sumbi is not furious when he heard the story. He accidentally hit Sangkuriang's head with a spoon of rice he held. Sangkuriang was injured. He was very disappointed and went wandering.

After that incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her. He always prayed and was very diligent ascetic. Once upon a time, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has eternal beauty.

After years of wandering, Sangkuriang finally intends to return to his homeland. Once there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he encountered a beautiful girl, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Fascinated by the beauty of the woman then, Sangkuriang proposed to her. Because the young man was very handsome, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated by him.

One day Sangkuriang asked to say goodbye to hunt. She asks Dayang Sumbi for the tidying of her headband. What a surprise Dayang Sumbi to see the scar on the head of her future husband. The wound was exactly like the wound of his son who had gone abroad. After a long time he noticed, the young man's face was very similar to his son's face. He became very frightened.

So then he sought the effort to thwart the process of the proposal. He proposed two conditions. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both conditions must be met before dawn.

That night Sangkuriang did tapa. With his magic he mobilized supernatural beings to help complete the work. Dayang Sumbi also secretly peek at the work. As soon as the work is nearing completion, Dayang Sumbi commands his troops to roll out red silk fabrics east of the city.

When witnessing the color of red in the east of the city, Sangkuriang thought it was early morning. He stopped his work. He is very angry because it means he can not meet the requirements that Dayang Sumbi requested.

With his strength he breaks down the dam he makes. A great flood swept through the city. He then kicked the big boat he made. The canoe floated and fell into a mountain called "Tangkuban Perahu."

good story

Thank you for your good story @zizoo

Instead of extraterrestrial life, perhaps it is better to look for extraterrestrial technology?

Those who are familiar with the space strategy of Stellaris probably know that one of the key moments before meeting with some ancient intelligent life is to determine the traces of the technology of this civilization. Although the game itself is a continuous science fiction, the concept described earlier in the proposal does not seem so far-fetched. At least for the same researchers from the Institute for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (SETI). For example, in the opinion of astronomer Jason Wright, the search for traces of developed technologies, that is, the so-called technosignatures that could have been abandoned by ancient extraterrestrial civilizations, is no less important than the search for biosignatures.

His hypothesis he described and published on the site We hasten to immediately inform you that Wright's work does not contain statements about the existence of evidence pointing to the possible existence in the Solar System of other civilizations before us. However, the likelihood of this is considered, however, as his opinion about whether we are really looking for what is needed. Is it really at the right angle that we are looking for extraterrestrial civilizations.

"There is no evidence of the existence of any very highly technologically advanced civilizations that lived before us. In my work, the question is first of all whether we really have exhausted all possible search options or whether there is some kind of evidence that we could simply miss. And if we have actually missed something and can find it in the future, then what is the probability that the traces left by the ancient highly developed civilizations that lived before us on Earth will have nothing in common with interstellar civilizations, if such, of course, also exist or exist? "

In the current form, the search is more aimed at finding even the most insignificant signs of a possible life or environments capable of supporting life (the main indicator, as a rule, is water). All this, of course, is good, but Wright suggests to start looking for technosignature, which could leave the ancient civilizations of aliens.

"Techno-signatures are proof of technologies that could have left alien civilizations long ago," the researcher said.

"Why not, for example, consider the option in which settlements and other objects of structures of extraterrestrial civilizations could be erected beneath the surface of rocky satellites or large asteroids?"

So what should you look for?
Opening a new planet, or even better - an entire system in the neighborhood or even let in more remote galaxies - this is always good news for aliens. Just recently, we were given some hope for the existence of extraterrestrial life from the TRAPPIST system. Although this hope, it must be admitted, is very fragile because of the extremely temperamental nature of her native star, which with its powerful flares could make the system completely "sterile." Another candidate looks even more attractive - super-Earth LHS 1140b. Even inside our solar system there are planetary satellites - in particular the same Europe and Enceladus - tormenting our imagination and hopes. Why? Because there is water. And where there is water, there is a higher chance of having a life.

And yet, despite the diversity of planets that we have already found, we have not been able to find any examples of extraterrestrial life. The Fermi Paradox? Or maybe we just did not look at all there and not at all what we need? And maybe they did not look at all as carefully as they should?

Against this background, Wright, who wants to simply use all possible options, it is quite possible to understand.

"Even though all the geological indications of the existence of the once highly developed technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization could indeed be lost over a long period of time, if these civilizations mastered space flights, then in one form or another they could leave technological artifacts that can be detected even inside our solar system. "

wow nice story


Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thank you for your good story and information @kobusu


Video: Stories about extraterrestrials and unidentified objects in the sky

This unidentified object can not be called earthly
The huge speed with which the UFO swept across the sky over Novorossiysk is not just impressive, but also proves that it is most likely an alien ship. His operator took it off quite by accident - during the wedding ceremony. Since flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin fly not only quickly, but also soundlessly, this UFO has not been noticed by anyone, including the author himself.
And only later, when looking through the film at a slow pace, the operator discovered a "strange defect", very much like a span of a dish of aliens. Pay attention, this really does not fix the eye, so even if the UFOs will plow our sky with hundreds in this mode, we will not see them. Or maybe it really is? ..

In Dominica, this UFO was filmed by several amateur operators, because the object, strange in its shape and essence, hung completely in the sky and without any sound, and for a relatively long time. To him, apparently, the air currents were not working, however, and the "voice of the engine" was not audible. If we draw a parallel with Canadian kites, this "earthly joke" somehow did not fit into a logical explanation, and therefore still remains a mystery not only for the Domenica islanders themselves, but also the ufologists of the World Wide Web, where this video material got.

By the way, those who are very skeptical about such videos and news are encouraged to look at a new documentary about old, well-proven facts and events proving that UFOs and aliens are far from the fiction of dreamers and ufologists, and the fait accompli for our planet, obviously, much earlier than one can imagine.

F***ing UFOs


verry good story

Thank you for your good story and information @mariachan
