Weekly Contest #6 | Define the Word
Hi friends
Some of you might already participated and know all about contest, so for those looking at this page for the first time let's start with introduction part,
This contest is all about keeping things simple and effective. Every week a word will be given and you simply have to Define the word, in whatever way you like. Best defination will be awarded 80% of SBD payout from this post.
So guys as you probably know the word for last round of contest was Motivation so to add more fun, this time we have taken similar word with diffrent essence. Let's see how it goes.
Word for this round of contest is: Inspiration
Contest Rules:
- You must leave a comment defining given word and do cite the source if you are using it from internet.
- Defination must be within 100 word.
- Upvote the contest page.
Either upvote with 100% voting power.
Or upvote with min worth of 0.20 SBD- And Upvote any single comment other than yours, which you feel is worth upvoting or justifies the definition of word.
(1 Participant upvote = 4 non participant upvotes)
So guys be wise at UpVoteing- You may resteem to increase reward pool.
- You cannot upvote your defination.
- One attempt per person.
- If two persons have same defination, 1st definition will qualify.
- No edits are allowed, so be careful.
- It's not a program coding just a defination, try to keep it simple and easily understandable.
Winner Selection
- Post containing name of Winner and all qualifying contestants will be announced on 8th day.
- Winner for the contest will be selected by combination of no. of upvotes and my decision. ie. 50% weight is counted by upvotes and 50% depends on me.
- WINNER will get 80% of SBD Payout.
- Equal share of upvotes worth 5% of reward pool will be given to participant posts.
- 15% will go to Organising team.
- As of now only one winner will be selected but as prize pool will increase, no. of winners may increase up to three.
- Distributed 13.6 SBD till date
- Sorry about delay on result, this week was not really great for me.
- A post for announcement of winner of previous [Contest #2 | Define the word], will be out within 12 hours, after settleing all fund transfer.
- Any Updates on contest can be seen under #define

That feeling inside you that makes you want to try new things. It gives you hope inside and makes you see the world differently. If it's powerful enough, it can persuade you to do anything. Sometimes the person who inspires you could be a political figure, or a celebrity or even your parents. It could be anybody.
Bob: My inspiration is my dad.
Nel: Why?
Bob: Because he can fix anything.
Inspiration: Is when you feel the spark of life tell you something needs to be done, when the universe whispers in your ear motivating you to take action, it's when a we're put to work by the divine, but it's work that doesn't feel like work, cause when inspiration hits, unbound energy is available! It's beyond the realm of just thinking, analysing and rational, for it must also touch the heart too for it to be inspirational.
I've added one of the artworks I was inpired to do, thank you so much for this initiative 🙏🏽
Inspiration: Believe in yourself. Your essence has everything you need.
Courage + Work + Opportunity
The process of getting stimulated to commit something positive or negative from a person, an event, or an experience is called Inspiration. It helps you overcome the obstacles that keeps you away from achieving something. It usually comes to a person from role model figures or from people whom they look up to.
Inspiration: That thing that makes you want to jump out of bed at 3 am in the morning so that you can do it.
Inspiration: That extreme feeling of a linked focus between the heart and mind spurring your body to do something, anything!
inspiration is a feeling one gets from others when they perform something normally considered impossible.