Contest! 30 Seconds in Exchange for 2 SBDs, Author Rewards and More!

Source: Giphy
Enter My Haiku Contest!!!
If I had more time, I'd enter all the wonderful contests Steemit has to offer. Instead, I started my own!
If you have 30 seconds to spare and you can write 17 syllables, you can win 2 SBD, author rewards, and some free publicity.
Read below for more about the contest instructions, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner.
Contest Instructions
Write a haiku about anything. Use previous haikus, if you have any!
This must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: . Here’s an example:
You may submit multiple haikus, but you need to make each haiku its own reply. Each one will be considered a separate entry.
** For future contests, I'm putting together a list of themes. Suggest one by replying here: Need Your Suggestion for Contest Theme! **
How to Participate
- Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, May 6, 2018.
- Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, May 6, 2018.
That's it! But...
You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.
Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.
Winner gets:
- 2 SBD
- Half of this post's author awards
- One free "shout-out" for winning
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
One runner-up gets:
- One free "shout-out" for winning
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
How I Will Select the Winner
Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.
Feel free to reuse a haiku from the past and write as many as you want!
PS thank you to everybody who've written haikus for my previous contests:
@tygertyger, @kaelci, @mineopoly, @rlt47, @jadams2k18, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @calluna, @giddyupngo, @eprolific, @viking-ventures, @puppetmaster1111, @jvanman, @andysantics48, @kimberlylane, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @fuzzy247, @jacksondavies, @creyestxsa94, @shawnsporter, @cheekah, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @acousticsteveo, @herbertholmes, @kaelci, @dizzyjay, @pocketmouse, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @impending.doom, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01 @ohkaaay, @lologirl, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316, @mermaidvampire, @caesar2341, @kiwideb, @karenmckersie, @jacksonl, @kimberlylane, @wplymouth, @peacemaker, @robsteady, @dildil7401, @geoffreydemars
Feel the Haiku!

only time will tell... Yet with faith
we walk down that road
Good, but can you change it to fit the 5-7-5 like the ones described here: ?
Thanks again for the haiku! I announced the winner
steemit addiction(title)
scrolling and tapping
minutes slipping through fingers
maybe tomorrow
Down the rabbit hole! Nice entry!
Thanks again for the haiku! I announced the winner
Since we are allowed multiple entries, I'll just put another one here. Thanks again for the contest @vdux
Title: Simply Colors
The colors and shades
Looks beautiful all the same
Judge not by the skin
Image source
Hey that's a cool haiku and a sweet picture. For this contest I do traditional haiku only -- it's the fairest way to make sure everybody has the same rules. 5-7-5 only. Can you try again?
Thanks. It shoud be okay now.
I dig it. Nice theme, good tone, cool image. Thanks!
You're the runner-up!
I just sent you 1 SBD, a little bonus because the post payout was higher than usual.
Many thanks @vdux for the contest. Here is my entry:
Title: Sunset
The sky turning red
I walk home as the day ends
The sun rest tonight
I love this haiku. BUT like the other one, I need 5-7-5 format for this contest. Sorry...try again?
My bad. It has been edited.
Noted. Looks good! Thanks!
Catch the Haiku Dream
Picture illusions of life
Before they are steam
Fantasy Train by Karsena
Nice. Bonus for the picture!
This is my other entry.
The bonus is a live stream.... water
A lot of haikus on that post!
Here's one from me:
Ribbons 'round the pole-
Twins and Bulls share the spotlight-
Cinco de Tacos!
Great! And timely. I resteemed, enjoy your fiesta!
Thanks again for the haiku! May's a fine month.
I announced the winner
I forget them all
And I am waking up now
Vivid dreams are gone
Too true!
Verdad! Isn't that the worst feeling?
Thanks again for the haiku! I announced the winner
Rabbit bounds away
Tail up in the morning air
There is no danger
Nice! Thank you for the haiku! Good luck!
Thanks again for the haiku! I announced the winner
okay - I guess I should come up with a real entry - rather than just the tongue-in-cheek one about Cheetah.
Snow gives way to storms
life-giving rain with thunder
Spring in Wyoming.
It all counts. How's the weather out there? We only just finally got spring in the mid-Atlantic.
Spring here brings rain, the occasional snowfall through Mother's Day (at worst), and the start of storm season. I've shared a could of storm pictures in recent days - ones I took last year on a couple of very stormy days.
Ah. Here flowers and trees are blooming but we're still kinda cold around here. It's a bad mix -- we get the allergies from pollen without the enjoyment of sun and warmth! Sigh.
I have trouble with grass pollen - not so much now, after giving up grains for several lengthy periods... it's helped a lot.
Ugh I have the worst allergies. Can't even cut my own grass! Maybe I need to cut out grains, too? Hmm...
Thanks again for the haiku! I announced the winner
I was on allergy shots for 6 years as a teen... Those didn't help much, but being off grains for 6 months (the first time) and a year (the second time) did.
Gluten sensitivity?
My Entry:
You entered it again! Super!
Friends to enemies.
Devastation and carnage.
Didn't say Uno!
You won!