Another VDux Contest!

Source: Giphy
Does Steemit have some great contests?
It also has MY contest!!!
Do you want to win 2 SBDs, author rewards, and some free good-vibes? Yea?
Then write a haiku! With just 17 magic syllables, you can have a chance to have it all.
Read below for haiku contest instructions, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner.
Haiku Contest Instructions
Write a haiku about nature. Use previous haikus, if you have any!
This must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: . Here’s an example:
You may submit multiple haikus, but you need to make each haiku its own reply. Each one will be considered a separate entry.
(Big ups to all who helped me choose the theme -- @mineopoly will get .005 SBDs for suggesting it.)
How to Participate
- Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, May 18, 2018.
- Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, May 18, 2018.
That's it! But...
You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.
Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.
Winner gets:
- 2 SBD
- Half of this post's author awards
- One free "shout-out" for winning
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
One runner-up gets:
- One free "shout-out" for winning
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
How I Will Select the Winner
Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.
Closing Thoughts
A big "AWESOME!!!" to everybody who entered a previous contest:
@giddyupngo, @chrislyr, @mineopoly, @puppetmaster1111, @calluna, @yidneth, @creatr, @acousticsteveo, @blackant, @rlt47, @viking-ventures, @steemotion, @foxfiction, @lologirl, @creyestxsa94, @yahialababidi, @jadams2k18, @doughtaker, @ladyrai, @impending.doom, @andysantics48, @felixgarciap, @godstimetim, @gamsam, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @tygertyger, @kaelci, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @eprolific, @jvanman, @kimberlylane, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @herbertholmes, @dizzyjay, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @millennialnow, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @moneyinfant, @mermaidvampire, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01, @pocketmouse, @jacksondavies, @ohkaaay, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316.
(Sorry if I missed anybody!)

a blazing comet
flies across the sky tonight
me, so small down here
Great entry! Lovely sentiment. And comets and skies!
Here's another lovely sentiment:
You're only as small as you think you are.
I announced the contest winner Thank you for your entry!
That's great. Continues our convo from last contest! I resteemed, too. Thank you for the haiku!
Thank you!
Fruits stems leaves and roots
No added preservatives
Nature in one bite
Fruit - nature's fast food! Love it!
I announced the contest winner Thank you for your entry!
Thank you. I'm having a slow start this week. Thanks for the reminder.
Trash from the ocean
A cephalapod is made
Art brings awareness
Badass. Interesting question:
Some bacteria and other microorganisms have now evolved to eat plastic. Is that natural or not?
We're a result of evolution and our garbage is a sort of extended phenotype said bacteria have evolved to "utilize", yes
Ah! I announced the contest winner Thank you for your entry!
Image from Pixabay
The dog park is close
So many people stop by
Not just for their dogs
So sweet. What kind of dog(s?) do you have?
I have a German Short Haired Pointer and a Labradoodle. 😎
Fun dogs. I have none. Two kids, though! I announced the contest winner Thank you for your entry!
Every hue adorns
you; but radiant light, day
and night; your couture.
Image sources: marked free use
You got it! Great haiku. Every ray of sunshine is designed for a single person -- each of us, individually, and brilliant.
Thank-you for the encouragement!
And thank you for your entry! I announced the contest winner
'hoppers are mating
Isn't it interesting?
See nature's flirting!
Photo Credit :Kolash Phoneography
WHOA this is a family-oriented haiku contest. Many young grasshoppers visit this page. Do you think their parents want them to see that?!?!
Also, great haiku. Pic is amazing. Thanks for the entry!
Young grass hoppers?
I don't think their 'hoppers eyes are too young for it though
Again, great picture. I announced the contest winner Thank you for your entry! Is Kolash Phoneography your business?
oh great.
Kolash? No, it's a friend's.
Nice photos!
Robin red heart sings
To nurture is natural
Hatching blue life songs
Very nice, very nice. Thank you for another great entry!
My pleasure! Your contest is good fun and inspires creativity!
You WON! Thank you for your entry! Did you get my transfer?
I did! Thank you! And I just posted a comment on the most recent @gratitudetrain post. As I am currently a tentative little ant I have yet to post an introduction, perhaps my Gratitude comment will suffice for a shout out?
Oh wait...I got the shout out! Anyways, again thank you @vdux.
Don't worry about a thing! I don't need a stinkin' post to write a shout-out.
Whenever you create that first post, ping me and let me know you'd like me to resteem it. Ok?
ok sounds good.
Heart in the red sand
Sunny days of love’s passion.
The sea loudly sighs.
Ah, the sea. Jealous, I'm sure. Thank you for your entry and for mentioning my contest on your page! I'm about to resteem your haiku.
Thanks for a great contest @vdux and thank you for the resteem.
Thank you!