CONTEST - PRIZE GIVE AWAY - WIN A Steemit T-Shirt And Other Steemit Goodies!

in #contest8 years ago (edited)

It's competition time! Do you want an awesome custom designed Steemit T-Shirt? Yes, you do! lol

In my first Prize offer on Steemit I am going to choose a winner from the commenters on this post who will receive a prize from among the range of products I recently posted here.

Some Examples:



The rules of your quest are simple

To enter:

  1. Upvote this post (at 100% of your vote power for those of you that are above reputation 60 and have access to the vote power slider when they upvote). Your upvote counts for one 'ticket' in the competition.
  2. Resteeming this post will get you an extra 'ticket'.
  3. Write a comment below this post to let me know you have voted and if you have resteemed.

NOTE: This competition is not open to people in the countries that Redbubble do not ship to.


Choosing a winner

I will use to choose the winning ticket at random! Every ticket will have it's own number.

The Prize

As a minimum, I will offer a male or female Steemit T-shirt from my Redbubble shop - shipped to you, wherever you are. If the payout on this post gets high enough, I will amp up the value of the prizes accordingly and may offer multiple prizes to more than just one winner (at my discretion). So the more the competition is promoted and shared and voted for, the better the prizes will be and the more prizes will be available!

I will make the draw after this post pays out in 1 week from the time this post was made and will then notify the winner and ask for their shipping address, clothing size, gender and any other specifics such as product colours that I might need so that I can send them their prize!

That's it!

Get Yer Steem on!



Thank you for the giveaway! :) I think I would look cute in this T-shirt lol!

You are welcome - hehe. Maybe if you win you can post a photo of you wearing it :)

I would definitely do that!

This post received a 4.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information, click here!

I love Free Willy and also Nemo and Dory.

Awesome shirt! Upvoted, looks really nice!

Thanks and Good Luck to you too!

I reeeely need a steem hoodie.

Lets see, upvoted + resteemed

Great, good luck!

Done, upvoted, resteemed and following you

Great, thanks! Good luck!

ooooOOoooo!!!! How exciting!!!! upvoted and resteemed!!! <3

Splendid! :)

upvoted my man, now let me win lol

I can't promise that, but maybe if you do a special dance, the universe will be with you :)

i shall do the rain dance :)

Good choice!

Upvoted! Wish me Luck :)

Great, bon chance!