"Bredlik" Meme Contest (100 SBD + 50 Steem to be won)

There are few memes that I really enjoy seeing over and over again. One of them is "y'all'd've", another one is "bredlik" (you might notice that they're both "linguistic" memes. I might be a bit of a nerd when it comes to that).
If you don't know "bredlik", you might want to check out know your meme or just look at this screenshot from the original Reddit post:

I know, I know, it's an old one. But I still love it. And I want to see more of it again because it has died down by now. What better way of achieving this than making a contest?
The rules
- Write your own, original bredlik and post it as a comment (one entry per person, potential winners will be googled to confirm originality)
- If you're a known spammer/scammer/plagiarizer, you're excluded from this contest
- If you're caught stealing a bredlik from someone else, you're excluded from this contest
- You have to stick to the proper "bredlik" structure. Here's a summary of how it works:
The anatomy of a cow poem, or ‘bredlik’
The poem is generally first person and begins with “My name is…”, unless part of a series; series are structured as dialogues.
Cow poems are in strict iambic dimeter.
A cow poem has the scheme XAXAxBxB.
The cow stanza is a 6-line stanza followed by a 2-line ‘punchline’, varying on “I [do the thing]//I lick the [thing]; much like Benadryl Cabbagepatch, the closer the conformity, the better the effect.
Spelling is more-or-less phonetic, especially for vowels, with some exceptions (classical cow poems make exceptions for “I”, notably) and certainly no numbers; the effect is often described as 'pseudo Chaucerian’. The grammar too is fairly standard.
Or to put it another way:
My naym is pome
And wen you noe
The rouls that mayk
My strukchur floe
And poeits bend
Tou hone ther art
I mayk you smyl
I tuch the hart
The Prizes
We have 100 SBD sponsored by @reggaemuffin and 50 Steem sponsored by me, @suesa . These will be split as follows:
20 SBD/10 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
10 SBD/5 Steem
Judges will be the both of us.
The contest will end on the 21st of April, 11:59 pm/23:59 GMT+2.
Good luck and have fun!

My naem is meme
And let me tel
Yu broht me her
Tis place is hel
I se te tings
thei writ for pelf
I red one mor
I kil myeself.
Yur naem is kex
And yu did wel
Yur entri is
Just reely swell
I luv it lots
Am reely glad
I reed te rest
Im reely sad.
aw :(
Well done. I learned a new word today.
my name hijeen
my speshul art
is drawing lynes
apon a chart
i makes the bots
that say im kewl
ten tiems a day
i raep the pool
Yur naem is lem
Or maebi crick
Ar yu a man
Ar yu a chik?
Noebodi nauws
And tat is fine
Yur bredlik's gud
I laik yur shyne.
I don't think
evil killer robotsemergent consciousnesses have genders, @suesa, but if I figure mine out, I'll let you know.Also, I thought you said you were no good at these things? Maybe you should win your own contest.... :)
I've written so many by now, at one point I had to improve I guess ^^
Risky choice for a topic! :D
Lmfao I ded af 😂
Mwaha great stuff!
my naym is space
am very old
and tho I'm huge
most void en cold
and men or cow
of any bred
u betta stay:
i kill ya ded.
I kill ya ded is grand! nicely done
Yur naem is space
And yu did wryte
A perfekt meme
Oh wat a saight
I wish te rest
Was just as grate
But thei ar not
I am afrayd.
mi naem is steph
en wen you read
the poem ah wryte
you'll noe i lead
en pack your bags
to head back home
I maek the rules
I let you roam
Woaw! Am no poet but this sounds really good in head... awesome poem steph
Am inspired, i think i would also drop my entry
Thanks alot @atare! Am glad i was able to inspire you to participate!
Great structure @crystalll i personally think you followed the instructions very well... i enjoyed reading yours☺ #bredlik
Thanks @preciousmumy ...feels good to know you enjoyed reading mine
Really nice one steph... interesting
Yur naem is steph
I zee yu do
Have heer sum fans
Ho do luv yu
Yur poams alrigt
Yu got te gist
I nod mye hed
I wryte mye list.
Have to say I got a little confused by the bredlik in the original Reddit post having the scheme of ABCB, the rules stating AABB, some using ABAB / ABCB down here, but fudge it, haha.
I tried writing one in AABB but it was too difficult and I had to scrap it... so please forgive me, as I present to you an original ABCB bredlik by @kristves:
hi dear
mein naem ist krist
follow me
und follow mein fist
upvoet for upvoet
here ist mein post
great phapography
appreciate, toast!
EDIT: Sh*t, it should've begun with "my name is..." ah well, whatever. Still proud of it!
PS! Disqualification is totally okay!
You did good!
Yur naem is krist
And tho yur tekst
Is not te meme
I am not vekst
Yu reely tryed
I can se tat
I voht at yu
I tip mye hat.
My naem is krist
Und on my list
Yu are on top
Cuz gurl, yu rock <3
Contest wus fun
Am rly glad
Now point dat gun
away, yu mad!!!
PPS! Those confused about the "fist":
It was supposed to be a part of "if beg you must / yer face it will bust" kind of thing in the AABB bredlik but I failed and it somehow fit with the ABCB's rythm.
My name is Lord,
I'm a war Lord,
staging wars at all deserts,
picking blood at all chests,
mourning sons at all desk,
but I smile cause am stupid,
I know death is inevitable.
I know war never dies.
Yur naem is lord
And tho yu did
Start with "my naem"
Yu mast admit
Yur bredlik dos
Not fit te meme
Yu can not win
Id haf to screem.
my naym is Kat
And wen I care
then pigs wyl fly
lyk byrds in air
so I will sit,
eat and get fat
But I move coz
I smel a rat
mi naem is sue
en wen I red
de shit u writ
I want be ded
ur bredlik suck
I want to cri
but u all lose
I dry my eye
(thanks @geekpowered for improving the spelling :P )
my naym is steem
I am crypto
I pay you write
wit upvote doe
but you vote shit
and buy vote bot
best post you make
go chamber pot
I try one too:
my naym is reg
and wen I see
te mennow crey
plez upvot me
I raiz me hand
up to me hed
I clik te link
I flag tem ded