in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This is all @kiwideb's fault - she twisted my arm and forced me to do a me me me post...

I promise not to nominate anyone else for the 11 facts about me, one of which isn't true challenge.

These are mostly from the dark ages when I was a mad cunt, long before I became a boring old fart.

If you can be arsed, see if you can guess which one is bollocks!


The lucky winner was @artzanolino who was the only one to correctly pick the lie.

Explanations now added in italics



I have ridden more than 10 000 different bicycles.

TRUE - for two years I was working in a bike shop test riding all the new bikes and a lot of the major repairs - so typically over 20 bikes a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year - 20x5x50x2 =10 000. Then I started my own bike shop and did lots more for nine years. At least another 45 000. So 55 000 different bikes would be a conservative estimate! 10 000 is just the tip of the iceberg

I drank my own urine every day for a month and four people copied me.

TRUE - it's really not hard and nearly everyone wanted to try doing it. It tastes like warm Aussie beer

When I was a teenager I had a 67 Valiant with a fully worked race engine out of a speedway car.

TRUE - it had a 300HP HEMI six with full race cam and six into one straight pipe. But it had no non-engine modifications and still had drum brakes. The warrant of fitness was fake and it was a totally illegal deathtrap. If there is a god he was looking out for me, because somehow I got away with it

I went to a concert with seven joints in my pocket and smoked the lot

LIE - that is utter bollocks - I can't smoke seven joints! - read more HERE

I registered the domain name WWW.SIFT.CO.NZ in 2000

TRUE - I also had WWW.FROT.CO.NZ and several others

In 2002 an MRI scan revealed that I had a brain tumour the size of a golf ball

TRUE - that really fucked my shit up and is the reason I learned just about everything I know now. No it didn't kill me within a year without treatment like the doctors said it would! There are many ways to treat illnesses

I have been clocked at 117kph (72mph) on a bicycle

TRUE - but not on a mountainbike like in this photo in which I'm only doing about 65kph looking like a windsock. I was on a roadbike, dressed in lycra, slipstreaming a van downhill on a motorway, with a really strong tailwind. Getting up over 100kph is hard work

I have included a picture with every one of my last 4400 Steemit comments

TRUE - Right from the outset in August 2016 I've had an image fetish. Back then we had to use Imagesafe

I wore contact lenses every day for over 20 years and then one day my eyes wouldn't accept them anymore.

TRUE - this was a contest experiment - would anyone guess the boring one? - no they wouldn't :)

I broke my knee joint clean in half and it was rebuilt by one of New Zealand's top surgeons

TRUE - Man was I lucky - it was a bad enough break that he thought it would be interesting to fix. He did a beautiful job and despite being full of stainless steel only the big scar reveals that it's a bit used

I was chased by seven cops while on a bicycle and was described in the news as the worst example of a reckless bike rider the police had ever seen.

TRUE - as an ex bicycle courier I had a few tricks up my sleeve. But they were good at using radios and the one I didn't know about saw where I went. Got two convictions for that

I sound like a fucking lunatic don't I ?



I drank my own urine every day for a month and four people copied me.

Would they admit to it?

and still no mention of a "double movement" - dear or dear...whats wrong with you cats down there?
Image result for shitting and spewing same time

I haven't vomited since 1982, remember, so definitely no double movements. In the context of drinking urine, you had me very worried about what you meant, so am actually quite relieved.

Does farting and sneezing at the same time count?

yeah i suppose it does...

Thanks for your random guess in my "I am Special" contest :)


OK, I'll give this three days and then add an explanation to each fact and name the lie. Whoever is first to pick the lie will receive $1SBD. If nobody guesses right it will go to the person whose comment cracks me up the most!

ALL IS REVEALED - My tenfactsonelie post -the background - the winner (not you sorry) and a new post about the big lie!

The fact that urine tastes like Aussie beers means 2 things: either you have drunk very bad beers or you should attempt to practice golden showers into your sexual behaviour.
Regarding the tumor in the brain, I wanna know more. How did you treat i?
I am back to bloggin'and I am trying to catch up with all the shit here.

I'm a Kiwi - we always mock Aussies - OK it just tastes like their worst beer - Fosters Lager - weak, and unpleasant!

Ironically there is a pic of me drinking a can (the only time I did) in the coments!

Tumour treatment - I did just about every natural therapy known to man - but I guess the most important thing was believing that illnesses can heal if you let them run their course - you either recover or you die - but most treatments are worse than the illness.

I met a woman who had a similar tumour treated with brain surgery, and I would rather have died than ended up like her, so I took a deep breath and hoped for the best - sort of like the moment on a bike or motorbike when it all turns to shit - just relax and look where you want to go - whatever you look at is what you will hit

What does it mean "every natural therapy known to man"??
Are you one of those that believe lemon treat everything?

I want to know! And I wanna know how you treated the contact lenses situation.
I am also wearing contact lenses!

I'm going with #1. You couldn't possibly have counted them all, or you'd be like some NZ version of Rainman.

ALL IS REVEALED - My tenfactsonelie post -the background - the winner (not you sorry) and a new post about the big lie!

LIES I was chased by seven cops while on a bicycle and was described in the news as the worst example of a reckless bike rider the police had ever seen. I think you kind of wish that was true. Maybe you was chased by 1 or 2 cops, but 7 no way :)

Might have to dig out a newspaper report for this one!

or maybe some conviction notices :)

It was the seventh one I didn't know about that got me - the other six I left in my dust

Nothing like a good chase...

LOL It could be you drank your own urine for less than a month cause as far as I know therapy shouldn't exceed 3 weeks. Since it looks like you don't respect any kind of rules I guess you did it for a month and I do believe 4 or 99 people followed you. Now I'm wondering how did you manage to count all those bikes you have ridden? :)

Thanks for your random guess in my "I am Special" contest :)


OK, I'll give this three days and then add an explanation to each fact and name the lie. Whoever is first to pick the lie will receive $1SBD. If nobody guesses right it will go to the person whose comment cracks me up the most!

ALL IS REVEALED - My tenfactsonelie post -the background - the winner (not you sorry) and a new post about the big lie!

I'm calling BS on this: "I have included a picture with every one of my last 4400 Steemit comments"

I'm pretty sure I've heard you talk about all the other ones and I was around for several of them while they were breaking news, but not sure if you did urine therapy for a whole month. Seems like maybe you wussed out after a day or so lol

I know you like scrolling - but 4400 could take a while..

And I NEVER wuss out :)

Thanks for your random guess in my "I am Special" contest :)


OK, I'll give this three days and then add an explanation to each fact and name the lie. Whoever is first to pick the lie will receive $1SBD. If nobody guesses right it will go to the person whose comment cracks me up the most!

ALL IS REVEALED - My tenfactsonelie post -the background - the winner (not you sorry) and a new post about the big lie!

10,000 bicycles...dude that would mean you rode a different bike every day for nearly thirty years...that's the one I'm calling! The rest I can definitely picture, hahaha!

Happy St. Pat's!

Thanks for your random guess in my "I am Special" contest :)


OK, I'll give this three days and then add an explanation to each fact and name the lie. Whoever is first to pick the lie will receive $1SBD. If nobody guesses right it will go to the person whose comment cracks me up the most!

ALL IS REVEALED - My tenfactsonelie post -the background - the winner (not you sorry) and a new post about the big lie!

Nice post, i like your every post and injoy it, so keep it up, Thank You.

Did you like the bit about the implants?

theres another picture for the look like vanilla ice

Oh shit - you're not going to start using another pic of me for your own ID again are you :)

And Vanilla Ice looks like a real idiot...

Yep, mad cunt alright lol.

OMG the tumour! The WAPF makes sense now.

Urine. Wow. Did it help? Was it worth it? (I'm typing this with a cringe face btw)
cat wink.jpg

I tried everything, but no I don't think the urine did much - I really should do a post about what was most helpful - I think if I was going to suggest one thing for most people it would be no gluten and no sugar, but also acupuncture and vitamin c therapy

I agree about the gluten and sugar. Great news about urine being ineffective :D

I bought these Vit C. Only been on them a week. So far, no different.

you should come on my twin brothers youtube channel and talk about your brain tumor

Yikes - I've never even done a blog post or a Steemit post about it directly, although indirectly everything I write about relates to stuff I learned from it.

It was a benign rather than cancerous tumour and it's still in the middle of my brain like a big lump. But it's dead and doesn't grow anymore.

I was told in 2002 that it would kill me within a year. It was a long time ago and essentially as much as possible I just ignore all memory of it. That is my coping strategy.

I tried dozens of different treatments - one of the first was a vegetarian diet - after about six weeks I felt weak and ill and wanted to eat my own arm, so that was a fail!

Next I tried auto-urine therapy :)

I suspect it was originally set in motion by head injuries I had in 1994 - those could potentially be a Steemit post too!

Glad you are doing well now! If you went with the medical establishments approach im sure you would be dead.

OMG that gold ball in you head that's the creativity i see everyday

Yeah it made me into a space cadet!