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RE: New Contest from @Xpilar 4/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago

War of Self-Esteem

China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela are supporting and willing to provide military assistance to Indonesia. South Korea argues with North Korea The South Korean president said he would not fight if he fought with North Korea until South Korea voted neutral and North Korea took part in supporting Indonesia. Saudi Arabia declared neutral in this case because of criticism from the Americans if it participates in supporting Indonesia. Not only that, most war volunteers from the Middle East are ready to help Indonesia in the face of Australia, such as the Taliban, Hezbollah and al Qaeda who say they will send troops to Indonesia in the near future.

It is done as a form that Indonesia is really angry, and as a sign that Indonesia still has self-esteem that still stands proudly. While the anger of the Indonesian people, SBY still gives time for Australia to apologize. Through his statement, SBY said, "I, along with the entire water spill of the Indonesian nation while reaching the boiling point of anger still gives them an opportunity to apologize to us, we give the grace period no later than Thursday, 28 November 2013 at 7.00 am. If at that time I and all the Indonesian people do not hear the words of their forgiveness, Indonesia will make them suffer by pounding out the use of military power and with the help of our friendly countries. We will use the scorched earth tactics that will burn every important installation they have so they will bangrut, I will also send Indonesian troops to invade into the territory of Australia to conquer any form of resistance committed by them even though my people's army is a student, a civil servant, a private employee, a worker, even a brave unemployed and a deep-seated love of the homeland, even though they would use wooden or steel boats to get to their country and to finish them off. We will cut their trade line, we will bomb every inch of their territory, we will make Canberra a fireworks and Australia as a mass grave for them, Australia we will make part of Indonesia territory, we will mengliam every that is in Australia. Until they prostrate to ask forgiveness from us. "The statement was voiced through SBY's speech at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium attended by thousands of citizens, listened to by millions of Indonesian people, and loaded in foreign magazines such as the BBC, al Jazeera, Voa International.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 the military along with the alutsista of friendly countries of Indonesia have started to arrive, ranging from war ships to fighter aircraft they bring, even Russia and China to send the mother ship complete with fighter planes. Tank tanks began to be deployed through the Main Base IV in Pontianak belonging to the Navy to be deployed near the border, this aims to stem attacks from Malaysia and Singapore if at times they attack. The plan, Russia, China, and Iran petrified Indonesia in fighting in the south. While Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are helping Indonesia against attacks from the North that are likely to be undertaken by Singapore, Malaysia and Britain.

Hearing this, the UN and members of the Non-Aligned Movement held an emergency meeting. The United Nations is trying to prevent a war between Indonesia and Australia that will add to the region's stability and will destroy the economies of Asian and European countries. The meeting produced the following decision! a neutral UN member state will send its fleet to a peace mission in Ambalat and Arafura sea waters which will be a neutral zone guarded by peacekeepers, and non-aligned member states will send their military station in Natuna waters. Because it is considered a vital place, Indonesia does not agree that the Arafura sea is a neutral zone and threatens to attack all UN-flagged ships entering the Arafura sea. With the Indonesian action the United Nations decided to send troops in the Australian sea territory close to the Arafura sea.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013 navy boats marine peacekeepers arrived. They saw the Indonesian warship ship with a giant red and white flag flying on the mast of the flag awaited the flag of the emblem of Garuda underneath, escorted by a warship ship flagged Iran, China, and Russia. They looked back and forth in the Arafura sea by confronting the muzzle of their cannon. To be captured, Natuna warships maintain peacekeeping of non-aligned member countries, they are served with Indonesian warships, Venezuela, and North Korea. On that day Indonesia also formed a weapons post in the area of ​​arrows to be distributed to the citizens and tribes who will participate, as well as train them to train them to use the gun.How can the Australian reaction be prevented alliances? Before the troops of friendly countries arrived, they already sending his military help. in Australia's northern interstate that borders directly with Indonesia has been alerted warships of the Australian Navy, New Zewland and America. Malaysia is alerting its troops to try for British troops in parts of Indonesia in eastern Borneo and at sea behind Ambalat, Singaporean and Malaysian troops are on standby with Natuna. Thursday 28 November 2013 at 4:00 am, three hours before the apology of Australia runs out. SBY gave orders to his generals to alert all combat forces to prepare for an attack if at a predetermined time Indonesia could not hear a word of apology from them. At 5:00 am, there was no phone call between state officials, no diplomacy. Only Vladimir Putin last called the last development mechanism. SBY locked the northern front forces to block attacks by Malaysian, Singaporean and British soldiers using defensive and attacking tactics. While the southern front forces in his command to attack using tactics attack and defend, his strategy of Indonesia will go into the sea of ​​Australia destroying the sea then sea sea bordering Indonesia. After successfully performing, Indonesian fleet troops and others will be a safe route for battleships and bombers to pass. The battle planes and bombers were tasked with attacking and bombing the Australian front defenses on the island of Melville which would later be ruled and made the basis of the frontline defense and bases for subsequent attacks.



Good story.