Horoscope and The Fragile Future

in #contest7 years ago

This post is an entry into @steemit-virus creative contest

Horoscope is based on astrology, which is described as a combination of religion and science, where people look at the night sky and find patterns and shapes which have ‘meaning’.
Horoscope is a chart or diagram which symbolize the positions of the Sun, Moon, astrological aspects and patterns, such as the time of a person's birth.


The picture above has two noticeable zodiac signs on it – Taurus, Aries. While orion is a constellation.
Zodiac signs aim at describing people based on their date of birth and the sun. They describe the person’s attitudes, values and compatibilities.

My Opinion:

These habits, inclinations, values and compatibilities are not exact.
Not exact in the sense that many attributes are shared between different zodiac signs.
For example, The Taurus zodiac sign for people born between April 20 - May 20 is said to have patience as one of it’s strengths, likes high quality clothes and dislikes complications.
But another zodiac sign would still list patience as a strength.
I mean, the people born in April and May are not the most patient people we know. Also a whole lot of people love high quality clothes, and their date of birth don’t fall into the Taurus range.

My argument is that, these described behavioural patterns are too general and contradict each other sometimes.
For example, on the behavior of Aries zodiac sign with money, it is said that, “even though they can be wise and save some money for a rainy day, they often spend lavishly for the joy of spending it and taking risks is appeals more to them. Nothing is clearly defined here. It would be needless to point out other zodiac signs that are practical but love to spend.

The fragile future

The future is filled with uncertainties and can take any shape at all. Although the past has some influence over it, any little change can change the course of future forever.
A fortune teller might foretell someone’s future, if the person doesn’t like it, he may change it. If he likes it, then he may want to sit and hope that it turns out exactly as the fortune teller says.

But this is not usually the case as this predictions are not clear at all. They usually tell how a matter will start, but not how it will end. So the person sitting and waiting for a good future, might have just changed his good future because he was supposed to work for it.

I remember an African story, where a couple had twins, then proceeded to a fortune teller to find out what the twins will do with their lives. "One of the twins would kill his father and marry his mother", said the fortuneteller.
The child was taken away to be killed, but the soft hearted guard could not kill a young innocent child, hence he sold the baby. The baby grew into a man.

The baby-turned-Man also went to a fortune teller who told him the same thing. But in a bid to run away from his foretold destiny, he actually fulfilled it. He killed his father and married his mother because he had no idea that the parents he grew up with were not his real parents.
Now, imagine what would have happened if the child was brought up in his own home. His foretold “future” would have been a different thing.

We are the masters of our own destiny. Whatever decision we make determines what happens next. Our values and characteristics is often a collective summary of the kind of people we grow up with and our personal experiences, Not some pattern in the sky and the position of the sun.

Imagine that you were being prosecuted and sentenced to jail because of a crime you are yet to commit, but it has been foretold. Does that make sense? No, because we have a lot of choices open to us. No one can say for certain that this is how so and so will turn out. Why?

The future is very fragile!


Babes, I'm loving your writeup