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RE: Steam key Giveaway (Saint's Row IV)

in #contest7 years ago

I thought GTA was already quite over the top so it would be interesting to see what exactly you mean by 'hyper maniac cousin'. I haven't played through the GTA series but at some point you get a bit exhausted once the novelty of the game wears out. Probably a good game to play if you are having a bad day at work :D


Well, compared to Saints Row, GTA is basically average person simulator.

It is the perfect game to play when you need terrible humor and unbridled violence.

I take it that Postal and Manhunt are the epitome of terrible humour and unbridled violence though? I can't imagine any games topping those two...

I haven't played either, but I've seen Postal two. Different types of terrible humor I'd say. Saints Row is still a game, where Postal two comes off more as a psychopath simulator.

Apparently people also have come up with strange games on GTA like how far they can hit someone with a car at full speed. I suppose compared to targeting vulnerable children on mobile apps to get them to spend money recklessly at least the makers of Postal and Manhunt are not really hiding anything...

Apparently people also have come up with strange games on GTA like how far they can hit someone with a car at full speed.

I'm pretty sure thats an actual minigame in at least one of the Saint's Row games.

And yeah, violent games are better than games manipulating people into essential gambling addictions.

GTA is pretty poe faced serious. This is completely tongue in cheek. I really should get back and try to finish a GTA IV. I lost interest, again because somehow the promise of the open world was a bit hollow.