You all are sure making judging this contest tough!
It's been great to be able to see all of different animals and plants in your areas, in some wonderful combination photography! I'm still super excited about all of the participation, since without your entries, there would be no contest!
Before I get into who won the contest last week, I’ll once again review what I am looking for by featuring some combination photos of mine.
When I say “combination photography” I mean that you should combine two elements; plants and animals. At least one plant and at least one animal should be featured in your photo. As you can tell from my examples, it was the animals that I was focusing on, as "grass" is not that exciting of a plant... Here are a few examples.
Besides simply providing the images, I also require that those entering this contest provide a proof photo as well. Two main versions of proof photos exist. One kind features the same combination of plants & animals with a written paper in the photo with your username, the date, contest name, etc. to prove that you took the photo for the contest.
The other type of proof is just a selfie with the animal and plant. Here are my examples for the photos featured above.
Once you see the proof photos there should not be any doubt in your mind that I actually took the photos I shared above, because you can see me right there! The written proof works in the same way.
Before I share who won, let me please mention that this was an extremely hard week to judge. You guys are making some amazing entries here! The Winner gets 50% of the liquid post payout from the Week 33 Post and the two runner ups each get 25% of the same.


Thank you everyone for all of your efforts and entries! It has been a blessing to check them all out! Although the official way to enter this contest is by including your entry photo and the proof photo in a reply to my post, I strongly encourage others to make an actual post featuring their entry as well. Sometimes people who don’t win get paid more for their post than if they had actually won!
By now you should have a clue about what this contest is and how to enter, but here are the official rules just to make sure. Enjoy, and I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
- Photo entries must be placed in the reply/comment section of this post.
- Submissions may also be made into posts, but it is not necessary.
- A proof photo will also be required. This can be in the form of a selfie with the subjects from the photos or in the form of your username written on a piece of paper in a photo, etc. Basically, you must prove the originality of your work. Therefore, your entry comment should include two photos.
- Users have between now and the time of the post payout to enter this contest.
- I will personally select one winner to award half of the liquid SBD payout from this post to and two runner ups who will each get 25% of the same.
- Enter as many times as you like!
- Depending on the interest in this contest, I may have it be ongoing.
If you reply to this post with a photo of a plant and animal together and include a proof photo before the post payout from this post, you may win a portion of the post payout.
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

We need a macro lens in this contest to have a very good shot in the insects. I think it's better to take the smallest insect out there with a stunning shot :)
Good photos of large animals can also win, but you did make a good observation about many of the previous winners, a lot of them do have that in common.
hi ..@papa-lada i am a newcomer here i have not understood how i can get votes from you.
this is proof of my photography participation on @papa-lada.
The contest pays out SBD/STEEM to a winner. No votes are involved.
Thanks ;)
I think I've entered this contest 1 or 2 other times. It is so hard for me to get animals to sit still after the first picture so I can get myself in with them and for some odd reason I can never find insects when I'm looking for them! Anyway, I was at the park today and had the opportunity to get some photos of ducks shading by a tree out of the pond so SNAP! CLICK! and I'm involved. Here are my entry photos below.

Yup, that'll prove it!
For animals, the trick is SLOW. Every movement, every action must be done slowly and calmly, no rush. And watch the animal, Move up in increments, don't rush in. If the animal tenses or looks like it is about to bolt, stop, ease back a little and wait until it relaxes again. And keep a low profile, even if it means crawling. Get a tree behind you, whatever, to help camouflage your presence. But most important - CALM, SLOW MOVEMENTS.
By remaining still and lying in front of a wall, not making any threatening or sudden moves, I was able to get this shot, and many others, of this fox.
I have never received any awards in the initiated contest by @papa-pepper
But do not ever dream I'll stop here, no ...
I will keep trying, whatever the outcome.
Awesome shots.
Thanks a lot dude...
Double head, it's just about Art
My entry in @papa-pepper's combination photography contest week 34.
Nice! Turtles = my favorite!
Thank you @papa-pepper to appreciate actually theres a lot of turtles here in our place

Hello @papa-pepper, here my contribution on COMBINATION PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - WEEK 34
With the theme, Tiny beauty Spider on the green Leaf
Congratulations to all winners and this is my entry @papa-pepper. Combination Photo "Golden dragonfly on cherry leaves" This photo I snap on my home page
and below is a photo of proof
Thank you @papa-pepper