Ladys & Gentlemen, Macro No' 5 🎺 😎
Couldn't wait 'till the 5th contest 🤗
I had to use this title now 🤓
Anyway, welcome to Macro Identification Photos Contest No' 3 😋
This one's gonna be a tough one
Upvote, Resteem & give a comment with your answer
Only one answer per person
From those who answered correctly, I'll randomly pick 2 lucky winners which'll get 3 SBD prize each
The contest ends in 7 days from the posts upload date
To show my great appreciation, I'll upvote each and every comment no matter if it has the correct answer.
So lets get started! Try and guess WTF is that ⤵️
Wanna Clue?
It's something you have around your house and you use it frequently 😎
It must be something wheel type .
Hahaha are you going to reveal it @nv21089? I can't think of anything other than a mouse scroll wheel either! But it looks like it has threads coming off it, as if it were a woven material.
Its the scroll wheel of a mouse.

For example
I think its mouse wheel
A scroll wheel
That's a mouse
It looks like the scroll of a mouse
I second mouse wheel :-)