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RE: Friday Poets, Round 8, Contest and Community Building

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hi, @prydefoltz ☻ I'd pay to do this ♥

Cut and pasted:

Oh, girl! And that’s how you build an empire! A trace like that lives forever.

braille tellings
of tales more ancient
than the Earth
leave prints and patterns
invisible but permanent
laid upon bared flesh
mystical tattoos

The transcending romantic erotism of these lines captivated me, and yet there’s something more to them—to the whole poem, indeed—I don’t know what to call it but it must be some word which means at once architectural, symbiotic and emphatic. I don't know if synergetic would do; probably not; I'll bet Japanese have a word for that.

Awesome, @prydefoltz

I'm coming back to upvote when it bumps up ☻


It is a rewarding pursuit:)