
Yeah I sent my transaction when the suggested was still around 30 Steem, I sent in 20 Steem. When my transaction went through it was overbid. I don't like losing money either but it happens a lot on bidbots with people bidding last second.

you have done it twice after me in succession, fucking pay attention you're losing money here

The difference between our transactions were less than a minute and things aren't instant, especially on the bot tracker website.

Losing money is the risk you run when you're using these bidbots, but the point isn't to earn money from them, the point is to promote your posts! Personally, if it gives me reach I don't mind losing 10.59% after curation.

i'm serious, i'm trying to help you here. if you want an explanation of how to bid let me know...

just so you are aware, in addition to yourself and me, you cost all these people (who bid appropriately) money


I know what you're trying to say, basically don't overbid. But what I'm saying is that it's hard sometimes when it's not instant and there's only 30 seconds left on the bot. I checked the suggested bid, it was around 30 something Steem so I bid 20 Steem, within the last half minute much more than 30 Steem was bid which is why it went over.

i offered you help twice and you offered me excuses

if you cant bid appropriately then don't bid

i downvoted you and upvoted everyone you fucked

do it again and i will do it again

What else can you tell me that I haven't mentioned above? If you can actually help me then go ahead!

i offered to help you understand what u did wrong twice

please see my response to @gnarlyanimations

please help me understand cause I am probably doing the same thing, I didnt even know there was ways to do it , i probably have costed people money unknowingly then as well, I just look for one i can afford and then put in whatever never really thought about it


Yes I sure do. I guess luckily I haven't made to big of bids yet haven't cost anyone any money yet, what do I need to know?

Basically you know how there's a suggested amount to bid? Don't bid more than the suggested amount! If you do, you're losing money for yourself and other people who bid.

However, sometimes it can be a bit hard to predict. In the time it takes you to make a bid, there may be many others who also make a bid which means your bid goes over the limit, thus making everyone lose money. This happened to me twice today which is why this @marketstack guy is so upset.

Ah i see, I don't think I ever had more than the suggested amount to bid yet. I am still trying to figure out which ones give me the best payouts for my moneys worth, Good to know though thanks