[40 SBD + 15 SP award!] Logo design contest for the "Mathematics × Programming Competition"! 徽標創作 - 「數學 × 程式編寫比賽」
Logo design contest
for the
Mathematics × Programming Competition
14/8/2017 UTC 15:00 - 20/8/2017 UTC 15:00

For Chinese version please scroll to the bottom. 中文版請見文末。
The Mathematics × Programming Competition has completed 4 rounds already and has been a great success. The number of participants and the prize pool have been continuously growing!
You may check out the previous competitions here:-
Round | Question | Answers and Winners |
1 | Link | Link |
2 | Link | Link |
3 | Link | Link |
4 | Link | Link |
Everything has gone smoothly so far, but we have one thing missing --- a logo specially designed for this competition!
That’s why I am holding a logo design contest now!
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Minimum width: 1000px
- File format: jpg or png
- Has to include the words Mathematics × Programming Competition.
- You have to upvote this post in order to be eligible for the competition.
Please submit your design as a comment below. You are allowed to submit more than one design as separate comments.
- After the end of this competition, the comment with the highest number of non-bot votes will win, and the design would be used in the coming competitions. The prize would be 40 SBD (from myself) plus 15 SP (sponsored by @steemstem).
- @kenchung reserves all the rights to disqualify any suspected plagiarized designs and to decide the distribution of prizes among the winner(s).

The steemSTEM project (@steemstem) is a community-supported project aiming to increase the quality and the visibility of STEM (STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) articles on Steemit. Please support steemSTEM by following @steemstem, joining the chat channel and following the curation trail on Streemian! In order to further promote the use of the chat channel, I will stop announcing the time of next competition via a post. Instead I will announce the time in advance in the chat channel!
徽標創作 — 數學 × 程式編寫比賽
14/8/2017 UTC 15:00 - 20/8/2017 UTC 15:00

「數學 × 程式編寫比賽」已經成功舉辦行了4次,參加人數和送出的獎金都在持續增加中!
回合 | 問題 | 答案及得獎者 |
1 | Link | Link |
2 | Link | Link |
3 | Link | Link |
4 | Link | Link |
一切進展頗為順利,然而我們還欠一個重要的元素 — 一個專為這項比賽而設計的徽標!
- 闊度高度比例:16:9
- 最少闊度:1000px
- 檔案樣式:jpg 或 png
- 必須包含字句 Mathematics × Programming Competition。
- 你必須upvote此帖方能參加比賽。
- 比賽完結後,最多upvote數目的回覆將會贏得比賽,而勝出的作品將會被用於以後的比賽當中。勝出者將可得到 40 SBD (由本人提供) 以及 15 SP (由 @steemstem 贊助)。
- 本人保留一切最終權利,包括但不限於取消任何疑似抄襲者的資格並決定獲獎者的獎勵分配。

steemSTEM(@steemstem)是一個由steemit社群支持的項目,旨在宣傳STEM(STEM是科學,技術,工程和數學的首字母縮略詞)。 請通過以下方式來支持steemSTEM:追蹤@steemSTEM,加入聊天頻道和加入Streemian!為了進一步推廣聊天頻道的使用,我將不再透過發文來宣布下一場比賽的時間,我會在聊天頻道中提前公佈比賽時間!
Hello Ken Sir,
Here is my entry, please let me know if you need any amendment, thankyou! :P
thanks for your submission, nice! :)
100% upvoted - entry1 1778 x 1000 px
thanks for your submission! remember to promote your submission and the number of submission with highest number of non-bote votes will win!
thanks Ken ! hope it all goes well ! :)
if my logo wins, you can have / choose all the different versions of this logo and use them however you like. perhaps a different version each week. let's see how the votes rolldown :)
Another entry of mine, this idea popped into my head this morning:
thanks for your submission, nice one! :)
A variation of my second entry:
Good contest you have going here on Steemit, here's my entry!
thanks for your submission! remember to promote your submission and the number of submission with highest number of non-bote votes will win!
支持一下, 这显然不是我擅长的。。
Hi @Kenchung My submission has some variations depending on the usage
Steemit Thumbnail
Banner Style
Logo on White
Logo on Black
The design is simple enough that it can be adapted depending on use. As an added bonus the background binary spells "Mathematics x Programming Competition"! Let me know what you think
Thanks for your submission, nice one! I will keep myself neutral though, as I have stated in the rules that I will let the community to decide the winners. Remember to promote your submission to gain more votes!
oops 2