SteemBasicIncome Contest - Baby Names!!! - Daily Birding 📷 109
Spotted Towhee
Hello and Welcome!
I am an amateur photographer studying bird biology. This year I challenged myself to a bird photo every day for all of 2018. So far I have not missed a day!
I also enjoy supporting fellow steemians in their ventures and passions by sponsoring them for @steembasicincome shares.
My husband, @josephsavage, is the man behind @steembasicincome. I am extremely proud of his creative genius and of all the work he has done.
We are expecting a new addition to the Savage family this June!
We are very excited and trying to get everything we can done before the arrival to make things go more smoothly.
Without further ado, let's talk about what you are here for! :)
The Challenge
While trying to choose a name from the countless possibilities, we had a good time looking at the bird species names that are out there. There are some that are hilarious, some painful, and some that are actually quite beautiful.
The challenge to you is to choose UP TO FIVE bird names as potential names for our child.
Categories are:
Worst name for a human
Most hilarious name for a human
Best name for a human
The Prize:
The top two names in each category will be sponsored for 3 SBI shares each. Winners will be decided by me and will be reviewed for original content in their blog to qualify (simply meaning no plagiarism).
If profits exceeding a whole number, I will sponsor one additional participant for 1 SBI share.
Ex: profits = 3.24, three additional participants are sponsored for 1 share each.
In Review
Comment up to five (5) bird names that you think would be fun to name our child
The best two (2) names for each category below will be chosen.
Worst name for a human
Most hilarious name for a human
Best name for a human
Profits on this post will be returned to participants as extra SBI shares.
Upvote, Resteem, and Get creative!
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.
(Click the image below to see the complete overview of the program)
Location | Port Orchard, Washington |
Camera | Canon EOS 7D Mark II |
Lens | 18 - 135mm |
Nice one
Please do not leave repetitive generic comments on people's posts. As it happens, this post was a contest that would be very easy to enter just by listing some native birds from your area. If you had actually read the post, you would know that.
The best name for a child girl or boy would be.......

Krestrel, A very majestic and beautiful hawk. Also know as the American Krestrel where I live but they are in many parts of the world.
Painted Bunting, One of my favourite birds I love it when I encounter one of these beauties.
Source By Dan Pancamo
Cardinal, another spectacular beauty. I have many of these that live in my neck of the woods.

Source By SearchNet Media from Tucson, Arizona, USA
Bluejay, another beautiful bird I see daily.
Source By Mdf
Last but not least

Dove, I have a pair of these that live near my front door. I hear them singing often. Did you know doves tend to have the same mate their entire lives. How can it be so popular for hunters to kill this beautiful wonderful bird?
Source By -
Hunting birds that mate for life makes me very sad.
Worst name for a human: HO-OH Savage (Ho-Oh's feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at the foot of a rainbow.)
Most hilarious name for a human: KFC Savage (Finger lickin good)
Best name for a human: Occamy Savage (The Occamy is a plumed, two-legged serpentine-bodied creature with wings that can reach up to fifteen feet in height. It's extremely protective over its eggs as they are made of the finest silver.)
Tweety Savage (This bird is recognized by its large head and bright yellow plumes. These birds are rather intelligent and is known for outsmarting bad ol' pussy cats)
Firstly, congratulations on your pending arrival. Your life will never be the same again.....
Okay, I was going to limit my suggestions to Australian native birds only, but then I figured that I couldn't go past adding Dodo to the list of worst names.
Worst -
Willie Wagtail
We just looked up Rosella. They're very pretty! I think we need to travel more to see those in their natural environment, though.
They are indeed. They only came to mind as we took our 2yo daughter to a Wildlife Sanctuary yesterday where there were a few flying around the trees.
let's see....
worst names:
great tit (parus major)
yellow-bellied sapsucker
best names:
robin (works for either sex - and everyone can pronounce it...)
Oh, in any case, I think that what your husband has done is just totally awesome! I've already received my first share and just yesterday I sponsored my first share as well! So exciting!
I think these are the most worst names:
Worst name for a human : I think it would be Leiothrix
Most hilarious name for a human: Dickcissel (Psaltriparus minimus) and Bushtit (Spiza americana) haha
Best name for a human: Alouette (Skylark in French) for a Girl, and Bran for a boy!
Nice idea for a constest. I love it.
you accidentally switched the scientific names for the dickcissel and bushtit, but we figured it out. no harm, no foul. (no fowl either, these are much more interesting birds)
Thanks for point that out, my mistake! Yes they are very interesting birds. All the best for both and the baby!
Greetings, congratulations for the baby :)
Here's my entry:
Woodcock (hehe)
The worst name name for a human - Pelican

I apologize to all the Pelicans of the world ...
Most hilarious name for a human - Waxwing
All my life there is rowan, and not hamburgers ..... funny, it's not for the boy))
Best name for a human - Condor
Even in old age, he is a strong bird
Yes, why I did not name the names of the girls ...... it's better to call them not the names of the birds, but the names of the fish))
Worst name for a human: Tetroganopterus! Pitsilobrikon!
Most hilarious name for a human: Neon! Labio!
Best name for a human Guppies! Gurami!
You really wanted that it would be fun?)) And how to have fun and not break the rules of the game?))
Fun challenge Katy! Ok, I'm going to stick with Lake Tahoe area birds:
Worst bird/human name - Dark-Eyed Junco (yeah, don't do that to your kid...)
Most hilarious - Cheeseburger Bird (it's the mountain chickadees nickname but that would be funny)
Best - Steller Jay (Steller Savage??? That sounds cool!)
Good luck to you and Joseph with the naming process! We went with Kane for our son @enak.