**Contest** - Design a logo, win a prize (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PT)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #contestlast month (edited)

Deutsche – Entwerfen ein Logo, gewinnen einen Preis
@hefestuseditions ist ein redaktionelles Projekt, das darauf abzielt, Kunst und Texte von Steemian-Autoren zu veröffentlichen. Es ist notwendig, ein Logo zu haben, das Folgendes widerspiegelt:
1 - Den Namen HefestusEditions, inspiriert vom griechischen Gott Hephaistos, der der Gott der Technik, der Schmiede, Handwerker, Bildhauer, Metalle, Metallurgie, des Feuers, der Vulkane und des Feuers war. Seine Symbole waren ein Schmiedehammer und ein Amboss.
2- Die Verbindung zu Steemit.
3- Die internationale Komponente der Mitglieder dieser Gruppe.
Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Verteidigung des Urheberrechts werden Projekte, die durch den Einsatz von KI erzielt wurden, abgelehnt. Das Gewinnerprojekt wird mit einer direkten Überweisung von 15 Steems vom @hefestus Konto belohnt und die restlichen Teilnehmer erhalten einen Preis, der entsprechend der Gesamtzahl der Teilnehmer bis zu einer Gesamtsumme von 25 Steem definiert wird.
Konkurrierende Projekte sollten in den Kommentaren zu diesem Beitrag verlinkt und mit #steemexclusive und #hefestuslogo versehen werden.
Die Gewinner werden 7 Tage nach der Veröffentlichung dieses Beitrags bekannt gegeben.

English – Design a logo, win a prize
@hefestuseditions is an editorial project that is intended to publish art and writing by Steemian authors. It is necessary to have a logo that reflects:
1 - The name HefestusEditions, inspired by the Greek God Hephaestus, who was the God of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire, volcanoes and fire. His symbols were a blacksmith's hammer and an anvil.
2- The connection to Steemit.
3- The international component of the members of this group.
From the point of view of defending copyright, projects obtained through the use of AI will be rejected. The winning project will be awarded with a direct transfer of 15 Steems from the @hefestus account and the remaining competitors will have a prize to be defined according to the total number of competitors, up to a total of 25 steem.
Competing projects should be linked in comment to this post and tagged with #steemexclusive and #hefestuslogo
The winners will be announced 7 days after the publication of this post.


Español – Diseña un logotipo, gana un premio
@hefestuseditions es un proyecto editorial que tiene como objetivo publicar arte y escritos de autores steemianos. Es necesario contar con un logotipo que refleje:
1- El nombre HefestusEditions, inspirado en el Dios griego Hefesto, quien era el Dios de la tecnología, herreros, artesanos, escultores, metales, metalurgia, fuego, volcanes y fuego. Sus símbolos eran un martillo de herrero y un yunque. 2- La conexión con Steemit.
3- El componente internacional de los miembros de este grupo.
Desde el punto de vista de la defensa de los derechos de autor, los proyectos obtenidos mediante el uso de la IA serán rechazados. El proyecto ganador será premiado con una transferencia directa de 15 Steems de la cuenta @hefestus y el resto de competidores tendrán un premio a definir según el número total de competidores, hasta un total de 25 Steem.
Los proyectos que compitan deben estar enlazados en los comentarios de esta publicación y etiquetados con #steemexclusive y #hefestuslogo
Los ganadores serán anunciados 7 días después de la publicación de este post.

Français – Concevoir un logo, gagner un prix
@hefestuseditions est un projet éditorial destiné à publier des œuvres d’art et des écrits d’auteurs stémiens. Il est nécessaire d’avoir un logo qui reflète:
1 - Le nom HefestusEditions, inspiré par le dieu grec Héphaïstos, qui était le dieu de la technologie, des forgerons, des artisans, des sculpteurs, des métaux, de la métallurgie, du feu, des volcans et du feu. Ses symboles étaient un marteau de forgeron et une enclume.
2- La connexion à Steemit. 3- La composante internationale des membres de ce groupe. Du point de vue de la défense du droit d’auteur, les projets obtenus grâce à l’utilisation de l’IA seront rejetés. Le projet gagnant sera récompensé par un transfert direct de 15 Steems du compte @hefestus et les concurrents restants auront un prix à définir en fonction du nombre total de concurrents, jusqu’à un total de 25 Steem.
Les projets concurrents doivent être liés en commentaire à cet article et étiquetés avec #steemexclusive et #hefestuslogo
Les gagnants seront annoncés 7 jours après la publication de cet article.


Italiano - Disegna un logo, vinci un premio
@hefestuseditions è un progetto editoriale che si propone di pubblicare arte e scrittura di autori Steemiani. Abbiamo bisogno di un logo che rifletta:
1 - Il nome HefestusEditions, ispirato al Dio Greco Efesto, che era il Dio della tecnologia, dei fabbri, degli artigiani, scultori, metalli, metallurgia, fuoco, vulcani e fiamme. I suoi simboli erano un martello da fabbro e un'incudine.
2 - Il legame con Steemit.
3 - La componente internazionale dei membri di questo gruppo.
Nell'ottica della difesa dei diritti d'autore, saranno scartati progetti ottenuti tramite l'uso di IA. Il progetto vincitore sarà premiato con un trasferimento diretto di 15 Steems dall'account di @hefestus e gli altri concorrenti avranno un premio da definire in base al numero totale di concorrenti, fino a un massimo di 25 steem.
I progetti concorrenti devono essere linkati in un commento a questo post e contrassegnati con #steemexclusive e #hefestuslogo.
I vincitori saranno annunciati 7 giorni dopo la pubblicazione di questo post.

Português – Desenha um logotipo, ganha um prémio
@hefestuseditions é um projecto editorial que se destina a publicar arte e escrita de autores Steemianos. Faz falta de um logotipo que reflicta:
1 - O nome HefestusEditions, inspirado no Deus Grego Hefesto, que era o Deus da tecnologia, dos ferreiros, dos artesãos, escultores, metais, metalurgia, fogo, dos vulcões e do lume. Os seus símbolos eram um martelo de ferreiro e uma bigorna.
2- A ligação ao Steemit.
3- A componente internacional dos membros deste grupo.
Na óptica da defesa dos direitos de autor, serão rejeitados projectos obtidos através da utilização de IA.
O projecto vencedor será premiado com uma transferência directa de 15 Steems da conta de @hefestus e os restantes concorrentes terão um prémio a definir conforme o total de concorrentes, até um total de 25 steem.
Os projectos concorrentes devem ser linkados em comentário a este post e marcados com #steemexclusive e #hefestuslogo
Os vencedores serão anunciados 7 dias depois da pubicação deste post.

I thank @wakeupkitty, @weisser-rabe, @moecki, @mikitaly, @adeljose and @chriddi for the promotion of this contest in your communities, if you can resteemit for me there. :)

cc. @disconnect
(Languages appear in alphabetical order of international language notation)




We can also host a comment contest in Art & Artist for your logo but please not such a long text the community is English a link can be left to this post.

What do you think? You can always make your own logo. 🥳

P. S. You should really start with always the same hashtag. In your case bookeditor

Of course I can, but, with so many artists around, it would be silly to miss this opportunity to get some people aware of my project. Also, it's a chance to test the concept and correct mistakes.
I'll do the hashtag thing, sure. I'm still a bit green about handling the particularities of managing myself inside this platform. :)

You did not really reach out to the artists. I wonder why not. You are new and not very known. You could have searched for them, mentioned them or visited their posts, comment and ask if they are interested.
It doesn't feel as if those who entered their logos know anything about:
1 publishers

  1. Logos for publishers. Most important: writers

A writer has a voice and goes for a certain publisher (just like the other way round) mixing different writing styles, niches is already a risk.
So far I stick by what I said (wrote) yesterday. This, whatI see, doesn't make me feel comfortable.

I don't like any of them. They feel like they were all done on the same AI engine. I'll awards some prizes, just the same and next time, I'll be sure to do it better.

It looks like it. Disappointing.

That's a great idea. In the future, I can separate the contests announcements by each community's official language and redirect them all to the main multilingual post in my blog. :)
Also, I think I'll be starting a portuguese writers community, just because there is none. It's ridiculous, because there are some 500 million portuguese speakers in the world, but that's what it is...

Resteemed & voted 👍

It's a pleasure to be here ☺️

Below 👇 are my designs for the Logo editions, please do well to keep me posted on any suppose edits
Artemis Vintage Logo .png

Beige Minimal Decor Logo.png

Orange and Red E-Sports Skull Gaming Gaming Logo.png

#steemexclusive #hefestuslogo

Thanks. Your entry has been admitted to contest.


From that time on, a 24 h deliberation period will follow until the announcement of the winners. Thank you all for participating.

So you go for whatever is between these few? I am not impressed.

This is my entry. Please lemme know if there's anything to add or remove so as to make it more effective.

1000400335.pngdesigned with Canva

1000400313.pngCanva design

How about Steem, Freedom of Writing? Creativity? Did you make this yourself or ask AI?

I carefully under studied the nature of his establishment then I used Canva to create the design with the aim of depicting technology and craft.

I have always learned and tried to guide against going in contrary to the standards of the platform.

The nature of the establishment is?

He did mentioned that it is an editorial project with full intentions of publishing arts and crafts.

However, my inspiration was centered on the Greek God "Hephaestus" whom he mentioned to be the God of Technology...

Thanks. Your entry has been admited to contest.

These are my designed logos. Please let me of any complains

25Sep2424 Simon Pro Upload.jpg

Colorful Modern Infinity Creative Studio Logo.jpg

Thanks. Your entry has been admited to contest.

Hello brother.I can design a logo for you but can you tell me which type of logo you want ?Like tell me about little bit. I would behighly obligheed my friend.
CC: @hefestus@hefestuseditions

Hello. Muhammad, az sallam aleikhum.
Well... As the rules imply, the logo should carry the following idea:
1 - The name HefestusEditions, inspired by the Greek God Hephaestus, who was the God of technology, blacksmiths, craftsmen, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire, volcanoes and fire. His symbols were a blacksmith's hammer and an anvil.
2- The connection to Steemit.
3- The international component of the members of this group.

It is to be used on all book covers of the books published through this Editor by Steemian authors, so it should be styled to be readable even in the short width of a book bind (1.5 -3 cms wide).
Is this enough information, my brother?

Ok Thanks Dear.

I have design these Designs about your Logo.If you want any changes or want to do any changes or if you don't like, then let me know.




CC: @hefestus

Ok. I'll take them into the contest. Thanks.

I wonder what type of stories those logos will cover. If it comes to publishers they usually publish a certain type of logo fitting to the niche of the publisher

The last one reminds me of the Libris bookstores

@hefestus @golden-rain @diodao @tezzmax @krucekoncept

I'll be saying my say in a couple of hours...
Thanks for the support.

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