Pop Quiz by Hasini #01: Boost your intelligence
Hello My Dear Friends,
This is a start of a new contest. If you are looking for a little fun challenge this pop quiz is for you. I have five (05) questions for you to find answers to. The questions are divided into 5 categories on different levels of difficulty.

Do you think you’re clever enough to solve them?
Alright then,

Q 01:
Which piece below (A to E), when fitted into the piece on the top, will form a perfect square?

Q 02:
Who has developed the https://steemworld.org/ webtool?

Q 03:
What is the movie that has this dialog?

Q 04:
Which country produced the first women president?

Source: Wikipedia
Q 05:
What is the maximum amount of Bitcoins that will ever be created?

The first one to answer all the questions correctly will be rewarded 02 Steem. You can simply provide answers as a comment to this post. Time expires on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, at 23:59 UTC.
Good Luck!!
Q1. B
Q2. @steemchiller
Q3. Toy story: Buzz light-year
Q4. Iceland
Q5. 21 million
Hi @imuniru38,
Thanks for the participation. You got 03 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Q. 01. D
Q. 02. Steem chiller
Q. 03. Toy story (Buzz Lightyear)
Q. 04. Iceland
Q. 05. 21 million Bitcoin
Hi @dhanux94,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Nice and resteemed :-)
Q1: B
Q2: @steemchiller
Q3: Toy Story
Q4: Iceland
Q5: 21 Million
Hi @sheham-sh,
Thanks for the participation. You got 03 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Q 01: D
Q 02: @steemchiller
Q 03: Toy Story
Q 04: Ice land
Q 05: 21 million Bitcoin
Hi @pixiepop,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Thank you.
1: D
2: @steemchiller
3: Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear)
4: Iceland
5: 21 million
Hi @nafeela,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
That was a close one, I'll for sure participate in the latest edition. (Thunbs up)
No1. D
No2. Steemchiller
No3. Toy story
No4. Iceland
No5. 21 million
Hi @ebileinad,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Q1: B
Q2: @steemchiller
Q3: Toy Story
Q4: Iceland
Q5: 21 Million
Hi @jmpangelo2021,
Thanks for the participation. You got 03 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Q 01: D
Q 02: @steemchiller
Q 03: Buzz Lightyear
Q 04: Ice land
Q 05: 21 million Bitcoin
Hi @artist1111,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence
Hi @reddileep,
Thanks for the participation. You got 04 answers correct out of 05. To review the result and participate in the latest edition I invite you to check this: Pop Quiz by Hasini #02: Boost your intelligence