What Did Grandma Say?(First Thanksgiving Contest by @olivia08)

The lady in the photo is my grandmother: Catalina Jimenez. She was like a mother to me. Although she was strong in character, with me she was very sweet and tender. She was a very original mixture: French father and Dominican mother.
I remember particularly about her that she always had a hen tied by a leg and a rooster tied also because the house pen had no fence. We did not eat the eggs, they were to get more chicks. She ever told me: "Never sacrifice the females, they are the ones that produce".
So we only ate the male chickens. Eventually she came to have a long line of hens tied with short ropes and a rooster with a longer rope so that he could overtake all the hens. Of course these strings got tangled up every now and then and the job that I did every day was to stay tuned to untangle them.
Her teaching to take care of the females and her love for the breeding that I have always had with birds and other breeding animals, and as she taught me, I only sacrifice the males.
In fact, when I go fishing, if I catch a fish that because of its bulk I realize that it is female, that it has eggs, I immediately throw it into the water again.
Another detail that I remember of her is that when someone asked for money she always said she did not have it, because all the money she got she kept for me, 'cause I was her only grandson, male and the spoiled.

La dama de la foto es mi abuela: Catalina Jimenez. Ella fue para mí como una madre. Aunque era de carácter fuerte, conmigo era muy dulce y tierna. Era de una mezcla muy original: padre francés y madre dominicana.
Recuerdo particularmente de ella que siempre tenía una gallina atada por una pata y un gallo atado también porque el corral de la casa no tenía cerca. No nos comíamos los huevos, eran para sacar más pollitos. Ella me decía: "Nunca sacrifiques las hembras, ellas son las que producen". Así que solo se comían los pollos machos. Con el tiempo llegó a tener una larga hilera de gallinas atadas con cuerdas cortas y un gallo con una cuerda más larga para que pudiera alcanzar a pisar a todas las gallinas. Por supuesto que esas cuerdas se enredaban a cada rato y el trabajito que yo hacía a diario era el estar pendiente para desenredarlas.
Se me quedó tan sembrada su enseñanza de cuidar las hembras y su amor por la cría que siempre he tenido aves y otros animales de cría y, tal como ella me enseñó, sólo sacrifico los machos.
De hecho, cuando voy de pesca, si atrapo un pez que por su voluminosidad me doy cuenta que es hembra, que tiene huevos, de inmediato lo lanzo al agua de nuevo.
Otro detalle que recuerdo de ella es que cuando alguien le pedía dinero siempre decía que no tenía, todo el dinero que conseguía lo guardaba para mí, que era su único nieto varón y el consentido.
Talk you too about your grandma and celebrate with @olivia08 that now she has 500 followers in Steemit. read the bases of the contest here: https://steemit.com/contest/@olivia08/what-did-grandma-say-first-thanksgiving-contest-by-olivia08

Thank you for your entry and I.love your grandmother teaching.
Thank you for promoting my contest.it is so.much appreciated..
Thank your @olivia08 for visit my blog and for this wonderful contest that made remember that special woman that was my grandma.
Yes we all love oir grandmother my dear