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in #contest7 years ago

Think about how pifc gained delegations and powered up to a high SP.
Propose a use that others would support or sponsor. That will take a lot less time than growing organically.
Having said that, even my SP is not enough to impact most people or posts to make a difference. I can't even give away SBI with my easy contests.
But, do think of a cause that many might support.

boy in Nigeria who climbs a tree to get a signal so he can do a post. A lady in Venezuela who used her payout to make a dinner for her children.

How do you encapsulate that?

At one time, I thought it was the mission of pifc (before there was a pifc) ...


You know I never thought about it that way. That is really something to mull over a bit. Thanks for offering up a different perspective.

I like your spirit and energy - "spunk", perhaps ...


  1. informal
    courage and determination.
    synonyms: courage, bravery, valor, nerve, confidence, daring, audacity, pluck, spirit, grit, mettle, spine, backbone;

You are unique at the very least. I know that you'll do great things if given the power.
And I have been watching you (in a good way) - I am sure that you know (the first part - watching).

Thanks so much! A complement always makes the day a bit brighter.
I don't think it takes much bravery to sit behind a keyboard. The really spunky ones are the ones living out there in challenging circumstances.
I think Steemit has the power to change lives for the better. The trick is in harnessing that power.
watching = steemit is a great place for people watching. Everything is so transparent here.

public speaking is the number 1 fear of many or most people ...

The Thing We Fear More Than Death | Psychology Today
Humans evolved as social animals to defend themselves from predators and other threats. ... We fear public speaking because we fear rejection, equating this on a primal level with the ... The fear is not just about public speaking, but is also faced my many others who are faced .... When Experience Is Not the Best Teacher.

Is Public Speaking The Number 1 Fear? – Public Speaking Power
Dec 31, 2013 - Pubic speaking is commonly stated as the number one fear, above everything ... More people are now afraid of running out of money in their old age, ... There are a lot of different studies out there, so if you really want to know ...
Public speaking is No. 1 fear of many Americans - Midland Reporter ...
Mar 27, 2018 - According to most studies, public speaking is the No. 1 fear for ... What is it about public speaking that makes so many people uncomfortable?