Blobfish poetry contest - winners!

Hi all,
So after having read through your wacky entries, I've selected the winners (with the approval of my co-conspirator of course). These were great fun to read. Good job people and thanks for your entries :)
Joint first place goes to collaborator's @tygertyger and @calluna:
My love for thee my dearest heart is stronger than a pungent fart
A fart so strong it peels the paint and causes armies doth to faint
As nations flee the dreadful stench, I run to thee my faithful wench
For thee I brave the fiercest smell, would travel through the depths of hell
Kill hoards of demons without fear, to win the heart of one so dear
And should your soul you give me not, your corpse i’ll eat right on the spot
For nothing my love can repel not holy water nor a spell
and should you dare deny your soul, I nay would fail to eat you whole
But dearest trust me by my life I’d rather make you my sweet wife
than free you from your swan white skin and eat the flesh that lies within
Do swing past their blogs and drop an upvote for this awesome creation
Second place goes to @artwatch
steemy stalkers of all sorts
your flavors are quite flavorless
I impeach thee to smell my farts
As thee departs
Good bye cruel following
I will try to get by without wallowing
I tried to be kind
Sexy you will find
Minds making out
Hissing jealouse bouts
So typicol of humans
Mostly slobs sitting on their cans
I am with you
A strange admirer of sorts
Strangers admire until they know
Weird strangers.
I am in love with falling
I hurt for you as if it is my calling
Third place goes to @seesladen
You and I are like the fires of hell,
Together we burn, and we burn non-stop..
And like hell we do not die out,
It's heat, pure heat that's what we've got...
Oh You and I are like the flames of the devil,
We hungrily lick up all who are thrown at us..
Then we return to each other at the turn of eleven,
For though love may die, it is never our loss...
Oh dear You and I, we're like the symbols of sin,
The image of constant lust, desire, and smut..
We ate not the fruit, we are the fruits,
Only after a taste of each other, do we see reason for cloth...
You and I beloved, and I and You...
Our Love can't be condoned in heaven, but then hell will do...
And we'll burn forever...
Payments have been made:
Hope you guys enjoyed writing these as much as I did reading them :)
Wooooo!! Thank you so much!! It was so fun to do a collab <3 and they were all really good entries, such a great contest idea - thank you!
Yay! :D Thank you :)
No, cheers to you guys - your entry was awesome! :)