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RE: Awaken... What does it mean to be awake?

in #contest6 years ago

You can and are likely to encounter highly intelligent people that do not seem to be "awake". Why is that?

last century my uncle was a security guard at a place that was involved in high energy physics (they made nuclear bombs)...he told us the story one time sitting around the dinner table about a recurring problem they had with what he called 'egg heads'

They were VERY absent the point that they were almost sleep walking.

They were thinking about 'physicis stuff' (particles , anti particles, math and interdimensional interaction of muons and ....well you get the idea)....and weren't really paying much attention to every day life..

Were they awake?


Hehe... To really know you'd likely need to encounter them outside of work. For their task they likely were doing exactly what they needed to be doing. Yet, that is just a task. If you want to see it at work then that'd likely require something that disrupted their task and see what they did when they were needed for other things.

I dunno...he said a lot of them 'dressed funny'...(shoes on wrong feet...shirt not buttoned right)
in one cases they had to go looking for the guy..the egghead's wife called...he never arrived at home.
he was found sitting in his car in the parking lot...never left work..staring into space...totally zoned out.
thinking about 'stuff'..

He might have been required to have someone drive him after that...

Heh. I wouldn't likely consider such people awake. Though very possibly having some interesting dreams.