
Yep @doctorcrypto has some more general items for you..I think need to upgrade to a 12 sided die if possible? He will provide soon (life getting in way at moment :))

New Items @cryptonik I figure whoever sets up the bot can put the stats for these items on them. There are 24 so pick whichever ones you like and save the rest for later. :) I would say to try and match the good ones to bad ones so it is even.
Amulet.jpgBatteries.jpgBroken Bottle.jpgCandy.jpgDeath Strike.jpgFabulous Boots.jpg
Fist of Steel.jpgGlowing Gem.jpgHelm of Fortitude.jpgKick in the Ass.jpgLucky Clover.jpgMysterious Pill.jpg
Net.jpgPoison Blade.jpgSavage Claw.jpgScales of Justice.jpgScorpion Toxin.jpgscroll.jpg
Shield of Honor.jpgSpiked Ring.jpgStinky Cheese.jpgTiki Idol.jpgWeevel.jpgWolf Pact.jpg

Very cool, however I trust it is @lordnigel will deliver me a list of names and stats for the items :P

Arrgh hecks will try to PM you Cryptonik, prob just pick 3 more negative and 3 more positives to current pile (but happy if you want to do some yourself as well)...So many great Items, Cheers @doctorcrypto

Can upgrade to s many items as you need no problem ;)