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RE: Finish the Story Contest - WEEK #17

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I am excited to get going on this historic prompt, @cyemela can I just check, this is set during the reign of Henry 7th, the perkin warbeck saga time period, but also the viking invasion, how historically accurate are you looking for? I was full on ready to start when I noticed the date, and everything I had researched was for a story around 800-900AD and based on some of the mysterious viking remains found earlier this year :( - I will just have to write two - although thinking about it... maybe I have an idea but the challange will be to get all of it under 500 words. How important is accuracy here? Seeing the picture with the prompt, I am guessing this is pretty fixed as a Roses story? Finally, is the protagonist John Sherwood or Richard Foxe?


@calluna, I think you can just let your hair loose on this one... Yeah, I too was thinking about the Vikings end of history but things were not adding up.

I agree with @oivas, @calluna .. considering that a spaceship is about to land between the two factions, staring open mouth. I think that Cyrus will be quite lenient, I will look for his answer and keep it in mind when awarding.
Adding: about the words limit, I just answered to @anixio about it, the way I see it ;-)

We will see what I end up with ;)

Ok ok, I have something, I am trying really hard to hack the word count down (need more of those battle axes) 566 words + a viking incantation and translation - gunna just get the old blade sharpener, give it about slash, and then just post it. Then if you and @cyemela think it is too many, it is an easy way to disqualify me from the prizes ;)

Slash the adjectives with that sharp blade, Cal! ;-P (but when it's good it's good, no matter the word count)

You say this, but one day you will just get a novel ;)

Yeah. You're right. The book's about Richard III. Thought of a Viking invasion flashback for the Priest of Durham only they happened earlier. For this excercise Historical Fiction only in that it takes place in the 1490s.

And to clarify Red Roses takes place in 1485 and covers the last months of Richard III's life leading up to The Battle of Bosworth Field that basically ends the Wars of Roses. White Roses vs. Red Roses. Written like Shakespeare. As a member of the Richard III Society we point our finger at Richard III the play by Shakespeare as what tarnished his reputation in history. This audiobook portrays Richard III as a soldier King. Think I get some free links. Would love any sort of reviews.

Richard III House of York actually White Roses:

I am such a fan of this period of history, Richard III was not a bad guy, not even arguably the most destructive of the three sons of York. He stood by his brother. I can't believe he killed the princes in the tower, and am not even sure they were both in there, I really enjoy the alternative theories, especially those with plenty of evidence - I will have to check it out, I get faaaar to excited about history, I am looking forward to seeing where you fell on things. I am not normally into ebooks, but this worth making an exception for!

The audiobook is better. Should be available soon.

You can always get more info here:

Awww I love audiobooks, let me know when it comes out and I will be right on it!