New 'Outsider' Writing Contest - 'IS CLOSED'...(July 4 thru July 9) Pic-a-Topic
Pic-a-Topic 'NEW' writing contest begins today (Weds. July 4th 2018) We are launching the new writing contest, with a closing date set to be (Monday 9th, 2018) at Midnight EST.

So, roll out that parchment paper, grab your quill and some fresh ink to begin creating your most celebrated, literary masterpiece...Right here on Steemit.
If you don't have any of that stuff mentioned above to write with, then some type of digital device will do.
Just Pic-a-Topic from the list below, relax your troubled mind, and begin writing. The title of your essay/story does 'not' have to match the choices below...just stay within the category selected.
Here are the Topics to Choose From:
- My Early Childhood (One event, or a general description)
- My Fears (Or one fear that you have/had)
- Pets (Any story about a pet you have or had)
- An Encounter With a Ghost/or Spirit
- Do Angels Exist? (What's Your Opinion?)
- Feel or Felt Like an Outsider (Weird, odd, rejected, ignored etc.)
- A 'Seemingly' Crazy or Strange Neighbor (It's Your Judgement)
We're adding two additional topics for you to choose from, suggested by @ayushjalan who is a past winner of this contest. Here are the extra categories below:
8. Recent big changes I made in my life (career, love life, daily routine, etc.)
9. My 'True' Confession
There are three winning places, with number one receiving 'two' SBD or SBI, or combination thereof...The second and third place winners will each receive 'one' SBD or SBI .
All the Stupid and Ugly Rules are Listed Below. At least we're not ridiculously complicated like some contest promoters are on this platform...We never ask you to include a selfie with your head inside the mouth of an alligator, while sipping soda from a wash basin at a junk yard, in a country you don't normally reside...Then make you 'claim' the 0.5 award by posting an acceptance on another social media site, where you must get at least 100 thumbs up from members of the clergy...No...We don't do that...
- English Language Only (Sorry) We have a working knowledge of a couple others, but not well enough to 'rate'
- Try to Keep Your Story at About 1,000 Words or Less (A little over is Fine)
- One Entry Per Person
- 'Link' This Announcement Page at the End of Your Post
- Post a Link to Your Entry in the 'Comment Section' Below (So we can find you)
If your little heart can up-vote, re-steem or help promote this contest in some other way.
That's about it...If I think of anything more, I'll be back with an edit, or put in a follow-up post.
Thank you for including my suggested ideas :D
Will be making my entry soon. Peace!
You're welcome; they are good suggestions.
Hey there! Here's my entry:
Recent Big Changes I Made In My Life
I know that we're not supposed to use the same title for our posts but I just couldn't think of anything else so... yeah. I tried to make it a little more personal and open this time, so I really hope you'll enjoy reading it. Peace!
I'm closing the contest early due to 'lowest turnout' to date...Often there are last minute submissions here and on other contests by people with low or mediocre quality posts who are just trying to take advantage of awards...
Thank you for your participation @ayushjalan once again, and we have automatically nominated you for top place payout...The balance of funds will remain in the pool for future contests.
It's sad that we couldn't have participants this time. I wanted to read what others had in mind. But oh well, next time I hope! I'll try even harder to promote the contests.
And thanks for the reward. I will always participate no matter what :)
There has been a recent decline in the steemit population activity. Many more seem to be 'not' posting or engaging for a variety of reasons. That includes quite a few of our past participants.
Also, I have called out and needed to 'mute' some of the typical spammers and scammers who love to populate contest posts. I'm happy that most of them disappeared here, but they are still heavy at it on other posts; and being rewarded for it as well...??? Seems they follow each other around in club-like, 'organised' fashion.
Yes. Especially after the recent price falls. And as for the spammers, it seems like they have developed their own little communities to make mutual profits without having to make any efforts to make quality content.
If this keeps happening, it surely will reduce the traffic here on Steemit. People won't be able to grab attention for their original content and will eventually leave the platform; and curators won't be able to find posts that are actually worth upvoting.
The biggest problem is, people are not willing to contribute to the problem. They don't wanna flag spams because then they risk getting their own content flagged on by the whole group of spammers.
upvote for me please?
upvote for me please?
Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!