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RE: Get Paid To Rant #5! 10 SBD Inside Plus Upvotes!

in #contest7 years ago

People in aiports!!

I travel for a living, and I understand that not everyone does, but C'MON people! You are not the only one that has somewhere to be!!! These annoying air travelers come in a few varieties.

People Who Randomly Get Assigned Pre-Check by the Airline
These f'ers kill me. I have a true TSA pre-check. This means no shoe removal, no laptop removal, quick walk through and on your way. It's supposed to be a shorter line. But now airlines are giving people pre-check for no reason. So they're not seasoned travelers, unpacking their liquids, unpacking their laptops, taking off their shoes. Looking for their IDs. NO!!!! Now they have to take the time to put everything they took out but didn't need to back, comment and chat me up about how nice it is to be able to do this. Ummm, yeah, I know. I'm a true PAYING pre-check traveler. And you just cost me 30 extra minutes in line.

People Who Think Bitching Will Fix a Broken Plane
If you want to know the true goodness of a person, watch how they react when the plane is late to take off due to technical issues. They carry on, they yell, they threaten to sue or write a nasty letter. Uh, yeah, because writing a letter is going to get us on a plane any sooner? Write your letter, get your $200 flight voucher, but lady, we're still not getting on this plane on time. And do you really want to?? They're telling us the plane is unsafe. Let's think about this a minute. They yell at the poor unlucky agent at the gate, who clearly is responsible for breaking the plane in the first place. Then when they're done doing that we get to hear them call everyone they know and repeat the whole drama sequence again. How they just HAVE to be there on time. You know, unlike the rest of us at the gate that have absolutely nowhere to be at all (eye roll)

Business Travelers Who are the Most Important Person in the Universe
These are my favorite. Suit and tie types, who feel the need to pace the gate area and talk on the phone with their ear piece in. Now, I don't run a Fortune 500 company or anything, but I do have an executive level title at a reasonably large corporation. I, too, have phone calls to make. Yet I really don't feel the need to involve the entire gate in my professional business. They're on the phone, but they're not fully engaged in what they're doing. They're looking around at the crowd, making sure to notice if the rest of us lowly commoners are noticing them. They're very careful to throw out as many corporate buzz words as humanly possible. You know, because they're smarter than you and me. Again, scanning the crowd to be sure they're being noticed. When it's time to take off, they are also the same people that refuse to power down, and actually give the "just a second" hand gesture to the flight attendants when told to hang up.

Some call it good people watching, but when you travel every single week it really becomes annoying. You realize how completely clueless half the population actually are, while the other half are totally self-absorbed. By the time I'm seated, all I can do to keep my sanity is put the earbuds in, turn up the volume, and hope I fall asleep.