RE: IFC Championship Round - Results.
I'm loving it so far!! This makes things feel soooo much smoother. I haven't noticed the chop I noticed earlier when making my first post. Do you know if it notifies you when you get mentioned? Or is there an option for mentions? Also really liking the portfolio mode for my photography and other peoples. That's cool!
Oh also the stuff I was talking about in regards to easing eye strain are.. "Twilight" for my phone and "f.lux" for the computer. I haven't seen the science behind it so I don't totally know how it works of it it works, but it feels like it has helped! It basically reverses the blue light and does red light instead during the darker hours.. I need to look into the science a lil bit more and make a post on it before too long, cause I feel like it has helped. And I bet it might help others as well! :)
Ha ha... Looks like the choppiness has passed on to my phone! On my laptop and desktop, it was flying... Mobile version is pretty clunky ui wise!
I used Twilight on my phone for a while, but now my version of Android has it baked in. I never bothered with the computers though! I think the blue light component of the white light has a energising effect on us... But I seem to remember read somewhere that it wasn't definitely proven yet? I have to check again...