CONTEST : The Story Behind That One Single Picture : Unity in Diversity

in #contest7 years ago

I took this photo yesterday on 6th August 2018 at Banda Aceh, capital city of Aceh, the most western part of Indonesia.

Actually, I went to find a new sim card with my friend. Then I saw many people who wore Aceh traditional custom people marching according to their respective districts. Those made my friend and I stopped by.

As Buginese who is trying to learn Aceh culture deeply, I was very enthusiastic to see this traditional customs’ parade. For your information, there are 23 districts in Aceh. So people who were from different districts stood in arranged line and showed the uniqueness in their respective districts. The parade was a part of Aceh Cultural Week which is held on 5-15 August 2018. The diversity of Aceh is indeed very visible. This diversity is what enriches Aceh. It must be very nice to see colorful Aceh in one place, in one time. Unity in diversity that can strengthen our nation.