Wikileaks Drops 65GB torrent link (weiners emails ?)
Dump attempted? Link black (65gb)
(link works !! as of now)
Julian Assange disappears from Twitter, but not before dropping a torrent link to a 65 GB file! I'm hearing it could be the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop! It's probably going to be some hours before someone has it completely downloaded. Can't wait! #QAnon #CBTS
I have the torrent downloaded (not the 65 gig tar file) and will repost it on my server if the link goes dead ,just tell me in the comments

Wikileaks has never released any information on 911. The climategate emails that were released around 2012 were also removed from the wikileaks server (although you can find mention of climategate in later leaks).
I think whatever does manage to get released to the public is carefully selected for political reasons.
This looks like part of the wikileaks insurance file dump from 2012!
You can see it in the filename: 2012 - 02 - 22
-} That's the date.
It has been talked about elsewhere.
thats obvious , the point is , who is seeding this , why , whats does it contain and what is all the who ha with twitter and assange
some fascinating facts here, about assange's history...
I'm with you on that , I put this out there , maybe they fuck up and let something out that actually is usefull
Sure! They have to put out stuff to maintain their credibility.
The question is only, why does it come out, qui bono and where does it lead...
The info they put out itself is good and real.
But what happens then? Where is Clinton? Podesta? What happened? Nothing. Just a big backfiring "Pizzagate" mess. Could there be an entity behind it we are not aware of? Just asking...
Did you notice that Clinton & Podesta haven't tweeted Christmas well wishes?
Silence from BillyBob too.
Isn't Christmas already politically incorrect? Would tweeting Christmas well wishes offend a muslim or a jew? Just wondering :)
I'm pretty sure assange is actor Julian Sands and the whole thing is a scam , I'm Hoping Sands got reamed by his satanist pals and now wants payback
Well, we don't know for sure, but in my book something is fishy with this guy...
LOL, I know. Very sketchy this guy. Plus he is a star in the MSM, they seem to like him a lot...
I think I go with James Corbett on this one...
How did you find this? I havent seen any comment on twitter from wikileaks and it doesnt show on Is this 4 real?
Was tweeted this morning , it was so unusual I jumped on it , no idea what the tar file contains just that the torrent seems legit , sorry but i have also been waiting for more all day... will post anything pertinent as soon as i get it ,,,
Where was it tweeted?
I copied the tweet but did not screen shot it damm... or retweet it
The story so far is .. Ass'ange' (the wikileaks crew use ass joke psuedonyms for names) had his twitter accounts deleted and is now on , he apparently dropped this link this morniing and is no nowhere to be found
Very interresting. His twitter account is back up, but hasnt said anything about his account. Whats even more weird is his following when from 1 (wikileaks) to 25.
The weird part is , if this torrent was a hoax i would know about it already , I got the tweet 12 hours ago, but I cant download it Im on a capped line so I'm just going to have to wait , I suspect it's prolly just another useless porky wikileaks(CIA) scam , but who knows ?
Hopefully its something. Please let us know when you've downloaded it ;)
did you not read I am never downloading any wikileaks file , and cannot download anything larger than a gig or two
Ow sorry I though your bandwidth were capped and you had to wait for it. I'm a bit of dyslexia.
I think the PGP key is expired but very keen for confirmation.
PGP: A04C 5E09 ED02 B328 03EB 6116 93ED 732E
The only official PGP key used by WikiLeaks has expired on March 29, 2017. It's been several months and it has not been updated. Their twitter and their website still show the expired key.
Im not sure whats going on everything on this is dead quiet , but seeders on that torrent should be a good indication of whats going on
Exciting! ; )
Is Assange really alive... Nobody has seen him in flesh and blood since he went missing in october 2016. But he did video interviews with Hannity and others, well it might be CGI or something.
This is not true.
Torrent is an AES file. Anyone know if there is a password for this and how to open?
I think suspicion of Wikileaks due to limited production of actionable material is shortsighted. Assange is in the position of being damned no matter what he releases. If he doesn't release enough, he has insurance, but is suspicious to the market.
If he releases too much, no embassy will keep him alive. He has to hold back the truly devastating info, or die. Or worse.