📆 Connecting some Hidden Dots – Days of the Week 📅

We live our everyday lives unknowingly worshiping what was once called gods, even as far as we have come now we still use these out of date terms and names to control where and when we are, in a cycle we have made that will never end.

I'm talking about the days of the week, every time you say a name of the day of the week you are referring to a planet star or moon, when they used to say the phrase " The gods are up in the heavens" they where talking about them.

Regarded as the 1st day of the week, Sun day from old english Sunnandæg, meaning "day of the sun" aka from Latin dies solis.
Notice I said 1st day of the week instead of first, because this is the symbol for the Golden medal, which you get when you come 1st in sports.

In Christian culture considered "the Lord's Day" "our Savior" because without the Sun nothing would Grow and the earth would be all ice, Christians consider this to be the day of Jesus, the Son/Sun of god, this is why every official picture you see of G-sus has a golden sun around the head.

Do Christians know what they pray to?

Truth is Sun day is about Sun Worshiping, a very Ancient tradition long before Rome came up with the idea of Christianity, another thing to consider is there are No days no future or past, there is only the Now, when you think about the past or the future where are you? in the now, if you where to jump on a space ship and fly out of our Solar/Sun system, where there was no near by sun, dark all the time, what time would it be? what day would it be? see they don't really exist.

It's all a construct that has been created to keep us busy and in work, even as far as to make sure we get all the day light we can, by still having daylight savings and changing our clocks back and forward an hour, even though modern day farming does not require it with the giant green houses and artificial lighting.

Monday/Moonday the day of Money, the day people dread the most, the first day back at work after the weekend,
and of course represented in symbol by the Silver coin, the second day the 2nd medal.

People used to trade with Sterling Silver, then it was bank notes promising to pay,
now your lucky if most places will even take anything that is not contact less.
the war on cash continues but how do you pay for goods when the computers say no to you?

Black Monday = a new moon, no silver shine considered unlucky as you make no money, which is untrue as retail stores profit from it every year.
Which is deceiving and is associated with the moon as we have De-moons/ Demons, which is nothing more than shadows and dark of the night, created by the false light of the moon, the morning star Lucifer, son of the morning.

The 3rd day of the week, Old English tiwesdæg, from Tiwes, ancient Germanic god of war, known to the Romans As Mars, and Ares to the Greeks.

Ares one of the 12 Olympians, Did you come 3rd? you get Bronze/Iron as in the Red Planet Mars

Tuesday, September 11, 2001 - War on Terror follows
you'll find many bad events happen on Tuesdays

Fourth day of the week, known as The "middle" of the week. comes from old english wodnesdæg "Woden's day," Old Norse Oðinsdagr, For Woden = Odin, Viking all father god.

The day of Mercury the Roman god Mercury, originally a god of tradesmen and thieves, from merx "merchandise."
The Greek god Hermes, associated with the Greek name hydrargyros "liquid silver," which gives the element its symbol Hg.

A Highly Toxic metal, I know let's put it in our teeth.
Hermes is known as the trickster, it might look like Silver but it's not.

The Fifth day of the week, from old english þurresdæg, literally "Thor's day," Danish and Swedish Torsdag "Thursday"
Latin Jovis dies "day of Jupiter."
Roman Jupiter, in Greek dios hemera "the day of Zeus."
thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the gods of Mount Olympus.
Odin's eldest son, strongest of the gods though not the wisest.

The Jupiter's metal is Tin, still used in the preserving of foodstuffs, traditionally Jupiter was the preserver, and a well-placed Jupiter in the chart is alleged to preserve youth. Ale used to be drunk from pewter mugs, a tin-based alloy.
Theaters simulate the sound of thunder by shaking a sheet of tinfoil, which produces a roar like distant thunder.

The sixth day of the week, Old English frigedæg "Friday, Frigga's day," Germanic goddess of married love.
Old Norse frijadagr, possibly named after another goddess Freya, goddess of sexual love and beauty in Norse mythology,

Venus in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of beauty and love, especially sensual love, from Venus "love, sexual desire; loveliness, beauty, charm; a beloved object.

From the Greek Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, personification of female grace.
the Earth and moon is also considered a female energy, which is interesting what could be growing on these places for them to be considered life creating female planets/moons.

(There has been word coming from the Secret space programs of giant crystalline structures growing within the moon and our governments already have mining operations going on, still waiting to see the pictures though.)

The seventh day of the week, old english sæterdæg, sæternesdæg, literally "day of the planet Saturn,"
in Greek known as Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos, the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans.
Symbols used, The Black Cube, Satan, Santa, Baphomet, Satyr the part man part goat figure, Pan ect..

The Lord of the Rings - What's that on your finger Saturn Symbolism?

The Black Cube of Saturn - Mecca or Makkah - Do Muslims know what they pray to?

Saturn 6 Pointed Hexagon

Can go on for hours about this one, Hope you enjoyed connecting some dots here,
might need a part 2.


Going to have to do more posts Like this one.

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