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RE: Law of Attraction and Focusing on News/Conspiracy Theories

in #conspiracy6 years ago

I appreciate your response.

I was wondering how one is able to take inspired action if they ignore what is going on in the world in terms of corruption and injustices?

If you do not believe that others are not in control of us, then i'm not sure where you are living, but it cannot be in the west. Our lives, values, belief systems are dictated by outside forces. Our concepts and ideas are passed down from one generation to the next. Norms are established by social conditioning and rules and enforced and we are taught to obey and not ask questions.

Unfortunately today, we live in an increasingly toxic environment and our society is structured in such a way that creates inequality and is discriminatory and racist, in many aspects of the way it functions.

These are such things occupying stolen land of the Indigenous Nations, and then designating certain segments of the land to the Indigenous and the rest to the occupiers, who claim it as their own and then allow for the destruction of our homeland and the extraction of the resources.

Simply saying that one is playing the victim mentality ignores the genocidal actions of the past, and as the great thinkers have stated, if we fail to understand the true reality of the past and what caused these horrific actions, then there is a great danger that these events will repeat themselves again in the future.

I believe the worst poison we can take is accepting the values, beliefs and customs of the dominant culture of capitalism.

I believe that the Law of Attraction teaches to ignore reality and pretend that negative things are not taking place in the outside world. It seems to me it's like if someone were to be assaulted in the same room as you were in and instead of acknowledging this is taking place, you choose to close your eyes, and focus on more pleasant things.

This might be a better scenario for you, but it does little to help the other person in need.

That is how I see law of attraction, I see it as an arm of our masters. It's hard to accept anything that mainstream is selling and I prefer to follow the teachings of the Indigenous Nations, who have been here since time immemorial.


You can either fight them on their level of fear and primal savagery, perpetuating their story, or you can step into a higher paradigm with the Gandhis and the Martin Luther Kings creating a new story that's not in REACTION to theirs. Law of Attraction teachings are about being proactive, not responding to low fear. LOA is always in action regardless of what you believe. So you can choose to create out of reaction to others creating more violence, fear, negativity and illness, or stepping into a higher paradigm and proactively creating. Since this is a planet of free will, you get to choose.


as @freebornangel says
"No man is more perfectly enslaved than the man that thinks himself falsely free."

His information is on point, it's worth checking out, I believe.