Top Clinton Donor Found Dead, Podesta Tied to Steve Mostyn's Controversial Super PAC Before Death

in #conspiracy7 years ago

podesta hillary arkan.jpg

A top Clinton donor was found dead on November 15th 2017 in an alleged suicide, after a 'sudden onset' of mental health issues. Before his death, Steve Mostyn gave $5 million dollars to Democrats during Barack Obama's 2012 campaign, and later co-founded the 'Ready for Hillary' PAC which received donations from Tony Podesta, and George Soros.

A recent WND article also reviews how Mostyn's PAC was accused of illegally obtaining an email list of 4 million names from the super PAC, which top Clinton lawyer Cheryl Mills had asked John Podesta to help obtain according to a 2014 email released by Wikileaks.

The 2014 E-mail forwarded to Podesta through Mills shares advice from Lyn Utrecht on how Cheryl Mills and others should approach the issue with caution,

"From: Lyn Utrecht [email protected]
Date: Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 12:28 PM
Subject: Fwd: Options for an exploratory or future campaign committee to
obtain a direct mail or email list
To: Cheryl Mills [email protected]
Cc: Eric Kleinfeld [email protected]

Hi Cheryl - here are some options for getting the lists. A few key points:

We can't give you a number on cost of purchase without doing a match of the
two lists. This would require getting both lists to a vendor. Our vendor
estimates the cost at $1-2,000. We believe Ready for could pay that cost to
determine the value of its list. We will also look further into the pricing
of appended and updated info.

The discussions about this should probably take place between lawyers for
the entities who can do so as an effort to make sure that there is
agreement re the law.

There should not be a request or direction on behalf of HRC as to how R4H
disposes of its list. If a decision is made to purchase it, a request may
be made for that.

Please let us know if you have questions.
Lyn and Eric"

Ultimately, Hillary's team obtained the list through a second Super PAC to access the list, in an apparent effort to protect themselves from accusations of wrongdoing.

Clinton lawyer Roby Mook continued to worry about the transfer, whether it broke election law, and the possibility of bad press for Clinton:
“Big picture, I’m approaching this from the following position: does the benefit of a campaign getting the list outweigh the cost in dollars, compliance headaches, and scrutiny (actual FEC investigation or just handwringing in the press…especially early.)”


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Most interesting read @realityreader. A joy to see rotten Clinton Empire in shambles… Waiting for the bars over those pics :)

Are they really being divided to the point to kill "their" donors? It is quite strange but appears to be so.

(You're highly recommended by Titus Frost! I'm looking forward to seeing you on his show.) Yes, maybe it would take like psychopaths to slay the head of the gorgon.

Shit has been getting so fucking shady for the clinton fam. and it reeally seems like they're not able to cover up for the sh@t that they do now. I Wonder what happaned.