The European Migrant Crisis: A Tale Of Cause And Effect And An Engineered Clash Of Civilisations

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell

The Migrant Crisis

This post is a bit of side step from my recent output, but I’ve been asked by several people to cover this issue and so I have decided to take the bull by the horns. Today I’m going to take the opportunity to discuss the hugely divisive, emotive and controversial subject of the European migrant crisis. Firstly a preface to this post (and I hate living in a world where I need to clarify this) I am not approaching this from a remotely racist ideology. I treat every person I meet (regardless of skin colour, religion and sexuality) the way I want to be treated, as an individual. In an age of a million shades of grey, I refuse to perceive the world in black and white and to fall victim to generalisations and identity politics..

There are good and bad within every community, every country and every religion, so I remain objective. Equally, if you use a black and white worldview to try and understand the machinations of an era of deception and illusion, you are never going to see beyond the smoke and mirrors. I seek the truth (not manipulation) and as such within this post you will find zero propagandic images of invading migrant hordes or displaced children clutching teddy bears. Although I’m fully aware that within the opposing polarities of our current environment it’s a lonely path to walk, my aim is to at least try an offer an agenda free, honest and balanced perspective. That said, it’s my personal perspective and opinion and so (as always) I will leave it open for the reader to decide who has the perceptualflaws.


Right/Left Deception

I have been watching the media's implementation of a left/right mind control paradigm and how it's being used within this crisis. My perception of current events involving mass migration and indeed the migrant crisis is that it is leading to a manipulated clash of civilisations, a clash that has been engineered for at least 60 years. As I’ve written previously, as the ability for MSM to control the narrative grows ever more anemic the system increasingly attempts to draw the seekers of truth into a controlled faux alt left/alt right paradigm and thus ferment some kind of clash or civil war.


Although it weaves truth amongst the fear, the alt left/alt-right paradigm is also a prison for the mind and whilst you operate within these confines it’s a trap from which there is no escape. The left/right paradigm plays to duality and the brains left/right hemispheres. Unfortunately within this cul-de-sac for the mind whether you choose the red or the blue pill, you still remain asleep to the bigger picture. The left/right dichotomy plays to both sides of our brain hemispheres and yet equally fails to grant us a balanced and objective perception of reality. In reality, there is no right wing truth and there is no left wing truth, the truth simply is. Twisting the truth to suit political agendas has ensured that we now live in a world of illusion.

Equally, as mass migration issues increasingly rise to the fore, do you not think a pivot towards patriotism and the right wing of politics won’t have been anticipated? They have brought down countries and fermented Arab springs across the entire middle-east via the use of propagandic algorithms and social media; do you not think they were aware of the growing unease among the western populace? Do you not think they can track trends by collating our search terms and then act accordingly? At the upper echelons of the hidden hand (and although there will be politicians whom are unaware that they're being used) what we actually have is a one party state hiding behind a veneer of choice, utilising the illusion of democracy to leverage ever more division.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
― Vladimir Lenin

In a fast changing world the traditional values that were once indicative of the right will of course create a perception of a safe haven, this is a false promise, a lie and an illusion. Within the left/right paradigm both sides are utilised as a tool of control, a left/right blow to unity and a cohesive society. That's not to say that there aren't a handful of good people fighting for change within this dynamic, it's just that at its core the system is set up in such a way that even if a change is elicited it will be transient, one step forwards two steps back. Let’s not forget that it was a coalition of left and right wing politicians that fermented this crisis. Throughout their war on terror the left and the right paradigm have killed and displaced millions of people, indeed war and destruction appears to be the only thing that unifies them.


Order Out Of Chaos

Firstly I believe that in the march to a one world government the dilution of patriotism and national identity is essential. Secondly, alongside a potential monetary crisis the aim is to create a clash of civilisations, divide & conquer, Ordo Ab Chao (order out of chaos) which all eventually give rise to a world citizen with no nationality and a false sense of history (The Kalergi plan). Thirdly (to keep us safe) the social unrest that arises from this engineered crisis will be used to erode free speech and justify the implemention of the omnipresent spying grid that is currently being assembled around us.


By studying algorithms and search terms, there is a realisation amongst the elite controllers of this world that humanity is experiencing some kind of an awakening. Vast swathes of the population are beginning to understand the uncomfortable realities of this world and indeed the political puppet masters behind it. The clash of civilisations keeps us distracted by focusing on the effect and not the cause; it also subverts the raising our collective consciousness by utilising the age old methods of political, racial and religious division, dragging us down into the lower vibrational resonances of fear and hate.

A further benefit for left-wing governments is that the huge influx of migrants (once made citizens) will obviously vote for the parties that promise to house them and provide benefits, in all honesty wouldn’t you? Equally the people from many of these countries are used to a far more authoritarian form of government and arrive without the expectations of freedom that we have lazily taken for granted.


The Spy Grid & Thought Police

Obviously elements of the spy grid were being implemented before the migrant crisis but equally, it's now being used as a justification to feed it and both are born from the relentless Orwellian war on (of) terror. The engineered clash of civilisations and resulting social unrest will aid the power structure in limiting free speech and indeed the very freedoms our society is based upon.

Look around you, in the name of security every phone call you make is recorded, every email you send can be read, your TV’s can now watch you, facial recognition technology is now being trialled as is drone surveillance! Your telephones can listen to you and in real time track everywhere that you go. Since 2015 and under EU regulation (I think it’s the same in the States) every new car has been fitted with a black box that tracks and records your movements.

Once the smart meters have been installed into every house, the internet of things will increasingly ensure that every facet of your life is tracked, monitored and surveilled. Stingray technology has already attached itself to an increasing array of cell towers, thus drawing information and passwords from each passing mobile phone, electronic I.D's for every citizen, an eye is the sky will soon have the ability to monitor your every move. I could go on but I think you get the gist.


The Ministry Of Truth & Hate Speech

The German justice Minster (Heiko Maas) recenty launched a bid to crackdown on those voicing "hate speech" and xenophobia. To aid him in achieving this goal Maas sought the help of an organisation called network against Nazi's (NAN). The trouble is this organisation works alongside the Amaedu Antonio Foundation, which is run by Anetta Kahane who previously worked for the Stasi!


Another problem is the broad definition of hate speech and what constitutes a Nazi, indeed the German authorities have raided the homes of many that simply voice concerns regarding the Governments open door immigration policy. The German Government intends to fine Social Media platforms up to 50 million euro's for failure to remove hate speech and curb fake news, but who get's to define hate, and do we really want a ministry of truth?

By neglecting to deliver a cohesive definition of illegal content it becomes apparent that the purpose of this truth ministry is to insidiously infringe upon free speech. It seems that in many ways the authorities simply do not want to clearly define these boundaries and so we appear to be ushering in an age of creeping language authoritarianism.


Women Need A Voice

In relation to free speech, the difficult and controversial subjects highlighted in the video below should be a battleground for feminists but they have been cowed into submission through fear of being labelled racist. The women below are often forgotten but they need a mainstream platform to speak and air their fears, they need a voice!

The Hypocrisy Of Blair

Have a listen to the recent interview I’ve attached below. The interview starts at approx 04.38, during this exchange Blair let’s slip the EU's envisioned future of an electronic I.D (the focus on electronic I.D cards can be found between the minutes of approx 10.50 and 12.50). The concept of electronic I.D cards is not a new idea and Blair himself was a proponent of their implementation throughout his tenure as Prime Minister. Again notice how they are using the migrants to justify the destruction of liberty, utilising freedom of movement as a weapon to destroy freedom of thought and self determination.

They care not for the migrants and are simply using them as means to an ends, indeed if they cared about these people why did they use depleted uranium when they carpet bombed Iraq and Libya? Aside from Blair, In the last year of the Obama administration there were over 26,000 bombs rained down across the middle east, but hey he gave a great rendition of "my way" so go back to sleep folks!

Notice how in relation to non EU migration Blair is quick to point out the hard stance taken by his government, this is of course an illusion. It’s interesting that Blair’s anti immigration stance is a direct contrast to the analysis of his own advisors, even the former Cabinet minister Lord Mandelson has stated that labour “sent out search parties for immigrants”. Of course many will state that this search was carried out with the sole purpose of filling vacant jobs, equally a cursory glance at the leaflet below (similar leaflets were sent out in different languages to multiple countries) will reveal this to be a fabrication.


Gaddafi's Warning

It shouldn't be forgotten that prior to the invasion of Libya, Gaddafi was welcomed (lured) into the western fold by Blair himself. The meetings between the two leaders culminated in Bair's “great” deal in the desert. As the relationship began to sour (incidentally as Gaddafi began to create a gold backed Dinar) the Libyan leader released the below statement.


In March 2011, Gaddafi warned that without unified and stable Libya there would be no one to control countless migrants from Africa and the Middle East from fleeing to Europe. Unlike Western leaders, he apparently understood that millions, not thousands will come, should Tripoli fall.Source

"Libya may become the Somalia of North Africa, of the Mediterranean. You will see the pirates in Sicily, in Crete, in Lampedusa. You will see millions of illegal immigrants. The terror will be next door," he noted.

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

In reality the refugee crisis was simpy capitalised upon in order to kickstart a momentum of profound proportions. Notice in the video below, how Spectre alludes to the fact that Europe will not survive without mass migration. In a way this is also fuelling the Europeans anger for many have been both economically and guilt tripped out of having children, told for generations that there are too many of us and then suddenly there aren’t enough? Over the last forty years, the sperm rates of the western male have also declined by nearly 60% and so one has to wonder if the migrants are being lured towards the west as some form of long term depopulation agenda?

President Emmanuel Macron recently made a pronouncement that ‘Bombshell’ population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, stating that “The migratory phenomenon we are facing will be historic,” As the interiew progressed Macron alluded to French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith who has predicted that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.

Although the right will inevitably attempt to capitalise upon fear and the effect of poor Africans seeking a better life (wouldn't you want the best life for yourself and your family?) and the left will attempt to guilt trip the populace to accept this seismic change (remember it's all about divide and conquer), it should never be forgotten that via the installation of corrupt puppet governments (whom enabled this wholesale pillage), this potential “unprecedented” age of mass migration is born out of the European elites rape of African resources. As always it's a win-win for the puppet masters.


Conversation Not Hate & Violence

But let's return to the current crisis; the erosion of freedom of speech, political correctness and the attempted suppression of the fears many hold regarding this monumental societal change is creating a potential tinderbox. This situation will not only cause huge problems for native westerners, but also for the millions of law abiding and peaceful Migrants that have already settled in the west. The laws of Newtonian physics dictate that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” and as such every reasoned and balanced argument that’s not made (through fear of being labelled racist) will be replaced by one of hatred.

The recent trend in migration points towards the numbers being predominantly 70-80% military aged men. Many migrants are not from warzones but economic migrants, some arriving from countries with huge cultural differences relating to how life is led and how women are treated. Even if you are in complete disagreement and believe every migrant is a refugee, I’m sure you can see the insanity of a foreign policy that revolves around bombing middle-eastern countries into the stone-age and then inviting everyone to live in Europe? It’s time to tackle the cause of these problems and not an outcome that uses peoples lives to ferment unrest and to be utilised as a sick game of political chess.

An Engineered Crisis

Firstly the governments build a narrative and momentum towards some kind of military entanglement. Many people (like myself) write and protest against the wisdom of such direct action, but they are ignored. Then over the course of a couple of years the guilt for the destruction caused by these wars is slowly shifted onto the shoulders of the general population. Their wars become our wars which in turn create a subconscious inner self loathing and an outward hatred for our “democratic” colonialism. Self loathing is capitalised upon in order to construct the next stage of the plan, the inevitable migrant crisis.

The left plays to our guilt and the right to our fear, whilst both are utilised as a tool of division. It’s easy to focus the attention on the effect and not the cause but this crisis is born out of the pillage of resources (Africa is a prime example) the destruction of countries, borders, and the slaughter of (often) moderate voices within the middle-east. I fully concede that amongst the migrants there are hardcore fundamentalists, people traffickers and all round dregs of society, equally many are simply running towards the promise of a better life and are prepared to work and move heaven and earth to achieve it. Unfortunately with many areas of the EU suffering from a 40-50% youth unemployment crisis the lure of a better life is a false promise and the migrants are simply being utilised as a tool of change. A change who's end game is the creation of a global citizen that will be ruled by a world government.

With screams of racist and islamaphobia, the left shout down any dissenting voices and trample over attempts to debate the societal transformation that mass migration brings. People are left to feel as though they have no voice or way to air their fears and so are drawn towards right wing organisations and parties that will listen to them, equally many of these organisations are controlled opposition that have been constructed to ferment civil unrest. The media skirt along the periphery by hinting at the problems but without directly addressing the subject.

MSM relay stories alluding to the nature of crimes committed by migrants and grooming gangs, whilst at the same time playing to the virtues of political correctness and shutting down online newspaper commentary and social media debate. This allows the populace to know just enough to raise their fear and anger levels but not enough to feel as though their voice is heard, thus creating a simmering rage that’s slowly building towards a confrontation.

In this age of technology, as complex algorithms divide us into our chosen ideologies, we increasingly live within echo chambers. The left only hear good news about migration and the right only hear the bad, their diametric opposition exponentially increases and the stance hardens. Let me make this very clear; whether you’re left or right wing if you’re out there calling for a civil war or some form of violent uprising, you’re part of the problem and not the solution!

The puppet masters are deliberately manipulating us towards a confrontation for they need a confrontation to justify their pre-planned retaliation, problem, reaction, solution. They want us angry and afraid, for we are far easier to control when in this mind frame. Ultimately, we don't need a revolution, we need an evolution of thought, consciousness, and understanding. Alas, until we rediscover our inner power and cease to look outwards for salvation we will continue to spin in ever decreasing circles.


The doctrines of Wahhabism and the horrors of extremism (which have been empowered and utilised as a tool of control and regime change by western governments) are certainly not indicative of the Islamic faith in it's entirety, indeed Middle-Eastern culture has many attributes that are never reported within Western society. The Middle-East was once the cradle of civilisation, science and agriculture. You only need to look at many of the ancient cities and monuments to see that throughout history they have been at the forefront of architecture and renaissance. Nothing in this world is black and white and in many ways we have much to learn from these ancient cultures and traditions. Away from the wars, extremism and western generalistaions are a people built upon community and respect for life, so please understand that there are always two sides to every story.


Compassion and the milk of human kindness for our fellow man/woman has to be one of the most beautiful attributes of humanity. Sadly, the virtues of compassion have now been weaponised to create political division and erode the fabric of a society shaking under the weight of this huge, planned societal change. People choose to divide themselves in all manner of ways; but from my perspective there is only one race, the human race! If we are to move forward as a species then the freedom to discuss our hopes and fears is essential, the more they try to suppress the greater the potential for it to boil over. There are no easy answers in this world of illusion for things simply are, until we begin to wholly perceive the way they are, we will never be able to fully comprehend the way they could be.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


Written by perceptualflaws
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More divide and conquer. I hear the conversations here all the time in Canada, how the immigrants get sooooo much more than the people here. More than the vets, more than the destitute. And it's all on purpose!!!

Keeping us fighting over the fucking table scraps while the central bankers and politicians take it ALL!!!

Hey @lyndsaybowes yes you can really see what they're trying to achieve here .. divide and conquer, fight over the migrants, draw everyone into a left/right dynamic and then keep splintering and fracturing it .. a slight of hand that creates a shift of focus and allows the elites to carry on unimpeded. They're flying an inflatable baby Trump over London today and a Sadiq Khan one tomorrow .. there is also a left-wing march today and a right-wing march tomorrow, all the while the chasms of division grow ever wider. In a way, this is one of the most fiendishly clever aspects of their new world order implementation, they want a worldwide citizen that will be ruled over by a totalitarian one world government and if you disagree you're racist and fascist and the more that divides us .. the better. The saddest part of it all is that they have weaponised compassion. Thanks again my friend!

Soon enough donar kebabs will Canada's national food too.

Excellent piece. I'm glad you took on the request of your peers. You hit all the important points on the head.

They're doing to Canada what they are doing to Europe. They do it in a rather ingenious way. They play good cop bad cop. Trump the patriarchal racist bigot who terrorizes the migrants and locks up their kids, which in turn the migrants (not even the same migrants) 'run' to the open armed self-proclaimed feminist Trudeau. It's like watching community theatre, it's so obvious. Yet, everyone eats it up. It has put me at odds with my core group of activist friends (from the MAM days). For they can't seem to look at these situations without an emotional lens on. They can't/won't accept the negative consequences of flooding people of a completely (worlds apart) culture and way of life into a country in such a short amount of time. In their minds, every single migrant is a poor persecuted family, just looking for a better life, and that's just factually untrue.

Anyways, great job. Resteemed

Hey @venomnymous thank for the support, much appreciated. Yes this left/right .. good cop/bad cop routine plays to the brains left-right hemispheres and so if you're caught in the trap it becomes ever more difficult to see the bigger picture. The left focuses on the positivity and the right the negativity whilst neither offer a complete and full evaluation of what is happening. The vast majority of my friends have also been drawn into this dynamic and have become entrenched within their black and white worldviews. There are good and bad within every facet of society so I refuse to be drawn into the generalisations and hatred .. equally I'm a realist that refuses to be drawn into an idealistic worldview, hence why I have written a balanced perspective. You can see the manipulation and mind control occuring in real time and it's so frustrating to see the vast majority being increasingly drawn into the web. Thanks again my friend.

Right now in my country (the US) it would be more the threat of Latin America overtaking the US culture (though there is plenty of fear of Muslims too), even though we're the ones who arm them, buy the drugs that keep their cartels in power, and maintain thugs in power if they simply do our bidding (or destabilize democratically elected governments who serve the interests of their people above US interests).

Here in the US we're supposed to hate and fear each other because someone is going to take our jobs, or change our language, or rob us.

Not long ago it was my people (African-Americans) the white americans were supposed to fear. That's why "white" was created as an idea. Before that there were landowners and those who worked for landowners. But then newly freed African slaves started working with European descendant indentured servants and sharecroppers too effectively, so "white" had to be created to separate the poor and increase the relative power of a much smaller group of wealthy landowners, all of who happened to be European descendants.

"You're more like us than like them," they told the poor "whites." "You should support our interests so that someday you can be like us, instead of becoming more like them. You don't want to become more like THEM do you? You see how much worse we treat them than the way we treat you. Things could get so much worse."

This has worked for a long time, and continues to work.

And yet it is also true that while a culture is strengthened by an influx of differing viewpoints, genetic stock, etc. it can only digest but so much at a time. It absolutely can create a cultural crisis and exacerbate existing economic and environmental issues if too many people from an "alien" culture swarm another culture in a short period of time.

I’m sure you can see the insanity of a foreign policy that revolves around bombing middle-eastern countries into the stone-age and then inviting everyone to live in Europe....

Yes, I do see the insanity of such a foreign policy, and many of the same people saying "don't criminalized being a refugee" are also saying "don't bomb them out of their homes, and we'd rather they stay where they are now." It's not so black and white in all minds. There is a great deal of complexity being considered from some mental frameworks.

That said, some "sides" of the issue are more wrong than others. That's real. Some are more dangerous than others. It's hard to avoid letting the perfect be the enemy of the good when both are so terrible. And yet, there is such a thing as worse.

And this is the difficult situation we're in. All the options are quite horrible, and yet we must act.

Thank you for stopping by @indigocean and sorry for the late reply but I've been away for a few days. Yes, I very much agree .. we're insidiously taught to hate and fear one another whilst at the same time being artificially pushed together, you can stand back and see the way they are manipulating these divisions and bringing it to a potential boiling point.

Not long ago it was my people (African-Americans) the white americans were supposed to fear. That's why "white" was created as an idea. Before that there were landowners and those who worked for landowners. But then newly freed African slaves started working with European descendant indentured servants and sharecroppers too effectively, so "white" had to be created to separate the poor and increase the relative

Yes I couldn't agree more and indeed I wrote something similar in one of my posts where I stated:

Whilst I’m fully aware that some people will not understand the point I’m making here, please know that whether white or black, religious or atheist, rich or poor we are all prisoners of a system that demands subservience and increasing control over every facet of our lives. We are all victims of the great game of divide and conquer, it’s just that (as countries) we have been handed different roles. We are pieces on a chessboard, some of us are pawns, some are knights whilst others live like kings; but outside of a human life it’s all transient.

The destruction of indigenous communities and the colonisation of the world is a relatively modern occurrence and it remains fresh within our collective memories. These memories are manipulated in order to obtain an attachment of guilt, but we were all indigenous once. The tribes of Europe were also removed from their lands and their way of life scattered to the four winds, the only difference is that it occurred so long ago that we have forgotten what was stolen, forgotten what it means to be truly free.

Yes, I do see the insanity of such a foreign policy, and many of the same people saying "don't criminalized being a refugee" are also saying "don't bomb them out of their homes, and we'd rather they stay where they are now." It's not so black and white in all minds. There is a great deal of complexity being considered from some mental frameworks.

Yes, I very much agree that there are people whom are able to comprehend the multiple shades of grey at play here .. my problem is that I'm increasingly observing the collective being drawn (manipulated) into polarised positions and my fear is that over time this dynamic is being utilised to create ever greater division and ultimately could very easily give rise to civil unrest, from that perspective we will all be losers. Equally with the European crisis, the huge gulf in culture is also being used to ferment hatred.

There are no easy answers in all this my friend but I do know that I refuse to be drawn into collectivisation & generalisation .. hence my reason for writing this post was to show that by increasingly taking these polarised (black & white) perspectives our society is being led into a blind alley. Indeed the left is feeding the right and the right is feeding the left and if this continues we will all grow hungry :(

Thanks again @indigocean you've raised some great points.

This is extremly valuable post @perceptualflaws and I wish I would find it earlier so I could resteem it. Upvoted it anyway.

Im aware that my knowledge on this issue is very limited and I love the fact that you shared your view. We are indeed facing enormous immigration crisis and as a forigner living abroad I must say, that it's firing back already.

Most countries around the world are adjusting to immigration policy of big players (USA, EU) and they are also becoming very hostile towards forigners. Also those coming from developed countries.

it is leading to a manipulated clash of civilisations

Meaning? You mean clash of christian and musilim civilisation?

the truth simply is

Wouldn't you agree that there are "many truths"?

Great post.

Hey @crypto.piotr thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave a thoughtful message .. it's much appreciated. Equally sorry for the delay in replying but I was away for a few days last week and I'm just catching up on messages.

Certainly over here in Europe the media has spent a great deal of time focusing on all the negative aspects and fermenting fear and hatred towards the middle east. This has taken place over the last twenty years or so .. you can see it in film, media etc etc. Then once they have created the perception they then artificially push us together, through suppression and political correctness they bring these fears to a boiling point and I fear this will increasingly give rise to an anger and frustration that has the potential to lead us all down a very dark path.

You can kind of follow a similar pattern in the States with the Latino's and like you say it's happening across the world .. our differences are constantly highlighted and collectivisation rules over individuality.

Meaning? You mean clash of christian and musilim civilisation?

I would say that this is more prevelant in Europe where we also have the history of the crusades that can be capitalised upon, equally it's happening with different cultures across the world and through the left/right mindset .. indeed we're also being psychologically divided.

Wouldn't you agree that there are "many truths"?

Yes I would very much agree with that, in the context of this post I relayed the "truth simply is" statement in relation to the left/right paradigm.

Thanks again my friend.

Both world wars have been orchestrated by the world globalist elites and ww3 could be an inevitability

Hey my friend, sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I've been away for a few days. Yes I agree, they have always planned for a third world war and they are using the left/right dynamic to usher in a potential totalitarian system and keep people off balance.

Something is brewing under the surface... It feels a bit like the silence before the storm.

Beautiful article once more.

Thank you for stopping by my friend, I really appreciate it. I'm also very happy that the post resonated with you .. there is so much polarisation around this subject and it's being used to leverage ever greater division within our society so I wanted to tell both sides of the story. You're right, there is almost an eerie silence at the moment .. equally, there is a lot of suppression occurring. Thanks again @flauwy

Flawless post, great research and dead on. Divide and conquer, out of chaos comes order until it isn’t.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post @walkthisway .. divide and conquer is one of the oldest games in the book, and yet people appear to fall for it every time. We must awaken to these manipulations.

You’re welcome, your posts are always well laid out and interesting.

Excellent article, reSteemed!
I think the whole divide and conquer is working well on the masses but I think there is going to be a watershed moment soon where many people are waking up to it all. I watch a lot of YouTube videos of @lifttheveil411 and he takes phone calls from his audience and there are great calls every show he takes them. There are people from around the world that call in and give good opinions and are honest and understand the crap that’s going on. There are countless people out there like us and there are more each day as this gets more ridiculous.
They are pushing this mainstream agenda on the masses and the Q anon on the truther community. Both are a sham and eroding more and more.

Hey thanks for stopping by @cmplxty .. yes I very much agree that people are waking up, and that one day we will retain control, indeed it's always darkest before dawn and in some sense the more they push for power and control the more they force us to awaken .. hence they are the architects of their own demise. That said, it's not enough that people simply awaken .. we must also make changes in our choices and decisions, the way we converse and live alongside each other .. rebuild communities organically from the ground up, take responsibility for ourselves and others around us and stop looking outwards for salvation.

Equally, it's imperative that we research the web they have spun .. there are a literal handful of companies/organisations (under millions of names) that are buying up the world and creating an illusion of choice .. hence we're paying for our own enslavement. We must become wise consumers, indeed people are still out there buying the same TV's we were told are spying on us and feeding their information into google. Open source, organically made technology for the people, it can be done and we can break the chains and our ties to the corporatocracy/technocracy. Even though we live in a quick fix society the easy way is certainly not always the best way. Thanks again my friend.

Quite true, knowledge without action isn’t effective at all.
They are always creating and changing companies names it’s quite frustrating. Blackwater is the most egregious example I know, I think they’ve since changed their name two or three times but their MO doesn’t change.

The thing about the Spying platform I think most do not comprehend is that it is not for spying on us regular people, but for blackmailing those Agents who are trying to do the job they where hired for.

Why they would put up with it is beyond me?

Hey @commonlaw yes that is a great point, the population control grid and the spy grid are two different aspects of the same tool of subjugation. So yes in relation to blackmailing agents and indeed politicians and heads of state your point is very valid. Equally, as time moves on I feel it will be increasingly utilised to control dissenting voices that have pertinent and popular points. They don't spy on us or listen to us all in real time, what they do is monitor (they probably have some form of A.I system doing this) emails and telephone calls for certain key words/phrases, these emails and calls are then stored .. perhaps they will never be listened to again, then again if you're a person of interest or at a later date you begin to become a problem they can start to collate this information and see if they can find something that could be used against you.

That was roughly how the old Echelon system works and now they have a much more nuanced and reactive grid .. the storage capabilities they have are pretty amazing, the last time I looked into it they had the ability to store about 400 years worth of the entire worlds real-time phone calls/emails etc etc . That may sound like overkill but when you factor in the fast approaching 4th industrial revolution and the internet of things it becomes more valid. So yes, although they're not spying on us all in real time if at a later date we become a person of interest (and that could simply be for expressing certain viewpoints) they can draw a hell of a lot of information within a very short time. Thank you for the excellent point and curation.

"They don't spy on us or listen to us all in real time, what they do is monitor (they probably have some form of A.I system doing this) emails and telephone calls for certain key words/phrases, these emails and calls are then stored .. perhaps they will never be listened to again, then again if you're a person of interest or at a later date you begin to become a problem they can start to collate this information and see if they can find something that could be used against you."

Author : @perceptualflaws

Just to handle 10% of the key words looked for they would have to have more people working in there computer rooms going over this stuff than all the governments and agencies they currently have working in the world. It is a boogie man that is way more effective than if they actually tried.


Wow another amazing post from you @perceptualflaws ! Good to see you back in the saddle here putting out these gems of your brilliantly constructed and insightful thoughts on these very worrying times ! Thanks for you amazing work my friend ! SteemOn )

Hey thank you for stopping by my friend @gomeravibz .. really glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for the support, much appreciated! I saw the below article today and thought of you .. could be fear mongering but stay safe my friend.

Hey thanks for the heads up bro ( yeah that does not look goodf at all (