Green Phoenix Further Connections: Funding The Rebellion

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)


Tangled Webs

Thank you for joining me. This post is a continuation of my recent agenda 21/2030 and associated fake (corporate sponsored) environmental activism research. I won’t be covering very much old ground, so if you require a far deeper context/understanding the posts listed at the bottom of this one are very comprehensive. Equally, this post (and the one the preceded it) directly correlate to the same subject matter.


As highlighted on numerous occasions; I am not saying that all individuals within these institutions are involved in acts of malfeasance. The new form of governance doesn’t require vast arrays of people all working towards a nefarious intent, indeed it hides behind virtue and a good intent, for "the path to hell is paved with good intentions". What I am saying is that from the grassroots upwards, corporate sponsored climate activists (and their respective leaders) are being utlilised for a singular agenda that exists beyond the comprehension of the majority.

Even at the upper echelons of the climate movement there will be many (not all) that remain unaware (or willfully ignorant) to the wider implications (the true essence) of agenda 21/2030, many will very much believe in the virtues of the part they're playing. Whilst this post is focused upon another link in the corporate sponsored environmental chain of control (The Climate Emergency Fund), as opposed to casting aspersions against the individuals and hierarchy who direct/manage the fund; this post is more concerned with unravelling how their myriad of inter-connections all filter back to the same control structure. It is for the reader to ponder the narrative control these connections enable, and thus general direction were being nudged towards.

Following on from my recent article that touched upon the Rockefeller, Ford & Bill & Melinda Gates connections to the Guardian newspaper, it was with great interest that I read (in the Guardian) that the new kid on the corporate climate block (the Climate Emergency fund) has recently given (with a promise of much more to come) £500,000 ($628,000) to the fake "grassroots" movement “Extinction Rebellion”. Perhaps it's wise to note that non-profits allow corporate donors to create an avenue of tax-free privileges, advertising, and public relations exposure. Donated funds are returned (many-fold) through speculation in the housing, education, healthcare sectors and of course tax breaks. From the perspective of the technocracy, philanthropy is a tool of corporate and social control and in essence, is the antithesis of altruism. Philanthropy is a vast and highly lucrative business model.


The Climate Emergency Fund

The Climate Emergency Fund provides funding to individuals and organizations that demonstrate the intention and capability of disrupting with urgency the inadequate and immoral gradual approach governments around the world are taking to address the climate emergency​. Source

I left the Climate Emergency Fund out of my original posts/investigation, as I ran out of space/time to include them within an already comprehensive three chapters. Equally, I was waiting to see what their next move would be; now they have begun to reveal their hand, let’s take a closer look at the interconnected narratives behind their board of directors.

Trevor Nielson

Alongside being a climate emergency fund director, co-founder and advisory board member, Mr Nielson is also the co-founder/partner (former president) of the G2 investment group, which is partnered with his other company i(x) investments.

Apply the teachings of Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway to assets that should be owned for decades. Source

Prior to launching i(x) investments, Neilson served as President of G2 Investment Group where he helped lead the firm’s initiatives in energy, real estate and security. Source

In terms of i(x)investments, co-founder Nielsons business partner is Howard Buffet, the grandson of Warren Buffet. The investments are directed towards companies that are working on the issues of clean energy, water scarcity and sustainable agriculture. Away from i(x) and looking at a broader perspective, many companies are leading the stampede towards private ownership/control of the world’s corporate sponsored (greenwashed) infrastructure projects, and associated technologies (agenda 21 inspired social change mechanisms) of the 4th industrial revolution.

“How do you harness the power of business to create social change?” Trevor Nielson

“We need to think bigger. We need to embrace the notion that capitalism is one of the most powerful forces on the planet, and if we build and invest in businesses that have an explicit purpose, we can create sustained change on a scale that we’ve only imagined.”
– Trevor Neilson, Co-founder and CEO Source

Mr Neilson is also the former executive director of the Global Business Coalition (GBC).

GBC is a coalition of over 200 multinational companies which is focused on global health issues and was created with investments from Bill Gates, George Soros, and Ted Turner. Source

Early in his career Neilson was recognised by the world economic forum as a young global leader. He previously served on President Bill Clintons advance team, and remains active within the Clinton global initiative. Mr Neilson has previously worked for Bill & Melinda Gates, both in their family office, as a director of special projects and as a founding member (director of public affairs) with the team that created and launched the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.

Moving on, Trevor Neilson is a former member of the council on foreign relations. Equally, alongside several former officers from the Central Intelligence Agency, Neilson co-founded Threat Pattern. Threat Pattern could be considered as an alliance between the CIA and Wall Street, it utilises cutting edge intelligence and counter-intelligence analytics to protect corporate assets and brand reputation. Mr Neilson also sits on the board of Climate Mobilisation where he is connected to Margaret Kline Salamon.


Margaret Kline Salamon

The Climate Mobilisation connects Nielson to Climate Emergency fund board member Margaret Kline Salamon. In a previous post I looked into both Salamon and Climate Mobilisation so again I won’t be covering old ground, although I did observe that:

On the advisory board sits Lise Van Susteren, an American psychiatrist that in 2009 was elected to the board of directors of Al Gore’s The Climate Project.

Further connections between The Climate Mobilisation and Extinction Rebellion are found on the linkedin page of Gregory Schwedock. Indeed, Schwedock serves as both director of digital organising for The Climate Mobilisation and local coordinator for extinction rebellion. Another Climate Mobilisation board member is Betsy Taylor who is a founder member of the Clinton Global Fund initiative 1sky, which merged with the Rockefeller seeded

“Working with partners 1Sky will raise $50 million to advocate for a simple set of goals and policy proposals to improve the federal government’s policies on climate change.” — Clinton Foundation Source on Sept 27, 2007

Of further note is that on the 31st Oct 2018 Salamon launched the Extinction Rebellion twitter account, which was the same day as the movements UK launch.

In the U.S., Climate Mobilization founder Margaret Klein Salamon is working on Extinction Rebellion’s international expansion, and sees the group as a game-changer for the wider climate movement “advocating solutions that may have long been seen as impossible, but which the group believe could gather mainstream momentum.” Source

“There is so much momentum around Extinction Rebellion, and what is needed is to be able to escalate the disruption,” she said.: “This is still a very young movement, but there is tremendous enthusiasm for it.” Statement by Margaret Kline Salamon

Laura Dawn Murphy

Another member of the Climate Emergency fund that sits on the Climate Mobilisation advisory board is Laura Dawn Murphy, who is the former creative director for From the perspective of climate change (although they have their fingers in many other pies) (and associated movements) play a key role in drawing activism into the machinations of the neo-liberal agenda. MoveOn, GetUp, Avaaz, Purpose, and ResPublica share the same co-founders, with Moveon & ResPublica being the founders of Avaaz and Purpose. Moveon were previously partnered with the new organising institute whom were part funded by the Open society and the Ford foundation. Both Avaaz and Purpose were also part funded by the Soros open society foundation.

Avaaz was co-founded in 2007 by “Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and” The former received grants totaling $250,000 from the Soros Open Society Institute in 2008. The latter received a $1.46 million grant from George Soros in 2004. Res Publica describes as its “primary current project.”Source

Equally, as highlighted on page 87 of the 2009 Form 990 Open Society report we can see the evidence of further funding below. The report also reveals the interconnected nature of both Open Society & Rockefeller foundations.


If we take a quick look at Moveon's 2015 gift disclosure we can see further connections to the democratic party, with a $375.000 donation from Cari Tuna. During 2016 Tuna and her husband (facebook co-founder) Dustin Moskovitz donated 20 million dollars to the campaign of Hilary Clinton. Equally, in the donations list we once again find (through his open society policy center) further connections/funding from George Soros.


Although keenly aligned to the democratic party; from a broader perspective that sits beyond the comprehensive of most of its staff (and the adherents to the increasingly weaponised left/right mind control paradigm) and as with the vast majority of NGO's and non profits, Moveon serves to blur the lines between social engineering, the corporatocracy, and the mainstream media. In essence they serve as yet another aspect of the fuel that drives forward the United Nations one world agenda.


Bill Mckibben

A further member of The Climate Emergency board of directors is Bill Mckibben. Alongside being a prominent environmentalist and author, Mckibben is the co-founder and senior advisor at Rockefeller seeded, alongside the aforementioned Betsy Taylor he also sits on the board of directors at the Clinton & Rockefeller foundations funded (merged with 1sky.

This month marked the exciting marriage of 1Sky and—two grantees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Sustainable Development program. Source

Below, (taken from their website) we can see that also acknowledge both a partnership and activist commonality with extinction rebellion. like the school strikers, Extinction Rebellion and our many other partners, organisations and supporters across the globe are ramping up action on climate change. Over the coming months across the globe, there will be strikes, walkouts, demonstrations, events and action camps. Source

The divestment campaign partner of is The Coalition For Environmentally Responsible Economics (CERES). This coalition is directly connected to Wall Street and represents the nexus where the plutocrats and aforementioned foundations, corporate and banking interests, invest their money and thus spread their influence. They are directly linked to banks including J.P Morgan and Morgan Stanley.

JPMorgan Chase is a member of the Ceres Company Network (Opens Overlay) (Opens Overlay), which helps advance the firm's sustainability objectives. Ceres is a leading nonprofit organization that works with a network of companies, investors, and public interest groups to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable business practices and build a healthy global economy. Source

As highlighted below, Ceres collaborate with “We Mean Business” who are co-founded by The Climate Group. Again as highlighted in this post, The Climate Group were originally an in house Rockefeller project that was enabled to become a free standing institution, although they still list Rockefeller Bros as a strategic partner. From the public to big business, as highlighted in numerous posts, within the machinations of the UN and it’s elite architects, sustainability equates to agenda 21/2030 and an intended total control system.

Ceres' Company Network comprises 50+ companies, nearly 75 percent of them Fortune 500 firms, setting the highest bar for sustainability leadership. Through direct stakeholder engagement, standard-setting, regular benchmarking, and strong collaborations with coalitions like We Mean Business, Ceres moves companies to raise their ambition on robust sustainability goals and improve resiliency in their operations and supply chains. Source

Members of the Ceres investor network include; Rockefeller Bros Fund, Rockefeller Capital Management, Sierra Club, United Nations, and Wells Fargo. Source

The Ceres Investor Network includes over 170 institutional investors, managing more than $26 trillion in assets, advancing leading investment practices, corporate engagement strategies, and key policy and regulatory solutions. Source

Katie Elder

Now Katie Elder is the obligatory youthful face of The Climate Emergency Fund. Due to her young age and the environmental fear porn that has been drip fed into the minds of youth, I’m very much prepared to acknowledge that Elder is probably connected to the fund out of valid concern for the environment. I note the presence of Miss Elder, purely as a means of elucidating the fact that she is the co-founder and executive director of Future Coalition, who are a network of youth movements.

Several movements within the coalition have founding/funding mechanisms that connect to the same corporate control structure, whilst others are born of Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. Connected members include Zero Hour who also often partner with, and the Sunrise Movement who are the co-authors of and have been described as the force behind the green new deal. In this post, we can see how the teenage founder of Zero Hour (Jamie Margolin) is being used to greenwash the tarnished reputation of UN sustainable development and global compact partner Johnson & Johnson.

By joining the Zero Hour movement, students have the ability to build a better future for themselves — one without fossil fuels. Here in NYC, we are partnering with a diverse array of activist groups and organizations to maximize turnout for our July 21st March. We have worked closely with Fossil Free USA, People’s Climate Movement, 350NYC,, Alliance for Climate Education, and the Youth Progressive Policy Group. Source

Another connected youth movement is imatteryouth, who are suing the U.S goverment as a means of forcing them to take more aggressive approach against climate change. The imatteryouth movement are also part financed by The Rockefeller Bros fund.

Julia Olson, the executive director and chief legal counsel for Our Children’s Trust, helped form the organization in 2010 in collaboration with the iMatter Youth Movement, then known as Kids vs. Global Warming.

Youth-oriented climate groups put out calls for volunteers, and Ms. Olson found herself with more than enough enthusiastic young activists willing to be plaintiffs. The organization is financed in part by individual contributions and institutional funding from groups like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which contributes heavily to environmental causes. Source

Other members of Future Coalition include:

The coalition consists of over 25 youth-led activist organizations focused on issues such as gun violence prevention, climate change, and social and racial justice.[12][13] They include: National Youth Rights Association, Bridge the Divide, Sunrise Movement, Box the Ballot, Chicago Fuerte, Coalition of Students, DC Teens For Action, Embracing Green, Global Minds, Indivisible Students, iMatter, March For Our Lives National, Moco4Change, March for Our Lives, National Die In, National School Walkout, Orange Generation, Parents Promise to Kids, Platform, Redefy, Shattering the Silence, Student Voice, Team Enough, Triangle People Power, Youth Empower, Zero Hour, and 50 Miles More. Source


Psychological Rebellion

In essence and at it's most simplistic, agenda 21/2030 is a resource management plan, with human resources sitting atop of a very deep rabbit hole. They seek the control of water rights and infrastructure, all land, minerals and resources, plants, energy, education, information, medicine, housing/construction, reproduction and your perceptual reality. Thought collectivisation is the desired result, to achieve this ideal (and in favour of a manipulated general consensus) we're witnessing the slow but steady erosion of critical thinking, individual rights and self determinism.


Our governments don't have the mandate to elicit such a huge societal change, and so the corporate controlled media, the NGO's, non profits and (fake) "grassroot movements" are there to manufacture the consent of the general populace. Such a concept is made clear in the video below, and of course from a psychological perspective a rebellion must have an antithesis to fight against; within this era it is the middle aged (plus) white male, the gammon, the perceptual personification of the capitalist model.

Right wing governments also serve as the antithesis; but out of those that are rallying against them, few will realise the extent of the game that is being played. Indeed, as taken from the clip below, Extinction Rebellions Gail Bradbrook clearly states at 05.15; "Politicians behind the scenes (including the current government) are telling us they need a social movement like ours, to give them the social permission to do the neccesary".

The Times Are A Changing

Depending on your location/country, if you live in a rural area you may already see the rumblings of this seismic change beginning to slowly gather place. As previously highlighted, the ultimate intent is to remove people from the land and into high density housing. Many factors are intended to bring this ideal to fruition; water and land use controls will be attached to those that manage their own land, gradually centralisation and financial pressures will progressively lead to the closure of local sevices, post offices, banks, cash machines, the local pub etc etc.

They want to make it increasingly difficult for people to live (self sustain themselves) in rural areas, this will become more apparent after some form of financial crash. Whilst certain areas are left to degrade and their infrastructure decay, in others you will begin to see large scale (seemingly inappropriate) housing developments; alongside the smart city, these areas are the intended/designated human habitation zones.

Final Thoughts

I have written this series of posts as a means of highlighting how centralised, controlled and manipulated this agenda is. To highlight that it is the offical (documentable) face of the nwo, to speak to the importance of knowledge, unity, community, preparation, self sustainance and the individual perspective. The thing that is very difficult for people to understand is that ultimately we're all in this together, chess pieces in this game of thrones. White, black, the libtards, the gammons, the Trumptards, the Muslims, the Christians, the conspiracy theorists, the sjw's, the remoaners, the brexshitters, the middle-class, the working class, the leftists, the right-wingers, the Proud Boys and Antifa .. to name but a few of the labels we so readily attach to ourselves and each other.

Do you see? As vicious and as blinded as some are, we're all victims and we are all being used as a means towards the same end. They want us arguing and fighting because they can capitalise from it, they don't make us making statements like the one above. As difficult as it is, we need to rise above the allure of manufactured division whilst we still have the time to do so. Mark my words, if we fail to find (or at least search) for a semblence of common unity, our divisions will become our downfall!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have a couple more points/posts I want to make, then it's time to focus on my philosophical and nature of reality musings/writings. Until next time, I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.

If you appreciate my voice and perspective and would like to enable me to research and write more, I would really appreciate the support/upvote and/or resteem. Equally, any donations can be given to the litecoin address below.

Litecoin: LdzNy4ZdvTXLCV4ZwbGMx56CmGypar9BXW

Further Reading

One: The Fake Big Business Green Energy Revolution

Two: Smart City Rising & The Guardian Of Wolves

Three: Green Phoenix Rising Part One

Four: Green Phoenix Rising Part Two

Five: Green Phoenix Rising Part Three

Six: Green Phoenix Rising Conclusion


Written by perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
Banner Gifs courtesy of @justcallmemyth



I’d like to know what you think is behind the immigration agenda? Sure at face value, the EU will have you believe that it has everything to do with humanitarianism, but I don’t buy that at all. In fact, the rate at which immigration is happening in the EU comes off not only counterintuitive but also detrimental. This is happening to the extent that cultures are being overwritten. Some areas are becoming Islamicized to the point where you have to be a Muslim to live in said areas or suffer inevitable consequences. Do you think any of this NGO driven mass migration is related to agenda 21/2030? If yes, or no, what do you suppose the end game is?

Hey my friend, hope you've been well? Personally, I believe that agenda 21/2030 is THE agenda, and that all other aspects of the globalist fuelled movements/social changes and entwined with the same ideal of claiming complete dominion over all aspects of the human condition. At it's most simplistic it's a game of divide and conquer .. although dividing the world is a complex and multi-faceted process. In terms of mass Muslim migration; if you (as a means to create agitation) were looking for a belief system that was the polarity of western values .. you would probably pick Islam, you could almost say people were primed for it.

For approaching a generation every expression (and there are hundreds if not thousands of them) of the Muslim faith has been equated with hardline Saudi Arabian inspired Wahhabism, the western populace has been drip-fed a daily diet of Islamic inspired fear porn. Equally, during the same timeframe; bombs have rained down across the middle east, entire communities destroyed, family members blown up in front of each other's eyes, and then we've all been drawn together and placed in the same communities/cities/towns? Of course, someone would have known such an influx would cause agitation and social friction (division). It also nudges the opposing political mind frames of the host countries towards the extremities of an increasingly weaponised left/right paradigm, more division and more control to be capitalised from the intended discourse.

To my mind, they want to cause social chaos, to break down the western social structure and then rebuild it in their desired image. At the moment I feel that the migrants are being used as much (if not more) than anyone, and that such mass migration is being used to focus our attention on the effect and not the cause, to focus our attention towards infighting and away from the bigger picture, to direct anger towards the migrants and shift it away from the architects of the system. But that ultimately (gradually), migration is intended to erode the perception of a national identity and create (not saying they will achieve it) their desired global citizen, that will be led by a one-world government and kept in check by a one-world army .. and live in a sustainably developed one world, because we are one, right? The left may well get their nationless, borderless world, what they don't realise is that the common man won't be able (or afford) to travel anywhere.

Where was I? lol There are areas in the UK that are entirely Muslim, and Muslim no go areas are real .. I've seen them and don't need to be told they don't exist by some pompous newsreader. The speed and scale of mass migration is what is going to cause the most problems. Of course, if they knew anything about the tribal basis for our psychology (hint they do) it would be known that Muslims would gather together in selected areas and that when large groups move en masse it makes integration far more difficult. This is actually pretty normal and is shown throughout every society in the world .. we gravitate towards the tribe with which we share commonality, mostly a cultural (in this instance religious) commonality .. the in joke etc etc. The thing is they want people angry for manipulated anger is an emotion (an energy) that be directed and used to fuel their system. The more angry people are towards each other, the tighter the controls can get .. after a while, it becomes self-perpetuating. There are certainly no easy answers in all this .. but I do know that fanning the flames has the potential to burn all our fingers. Cheers my friend, and thanks for the upvote/resteem :) .. you might be interested in the post I wrote below:

No need to thank me, I love your work! Also, thank you for the thoughtful reply. I think we’re mostly on the same page. The migration is happening so fast that it doesn’t allow for proper integration. Some religious sects, depending on the area of the world, are radically against western ways. Like you implied, it’s bound to lead to conflict. It seems like they’re intention is to balkanize, but I don’t know to what end. It could be as simple as the divide-and-conquer technique, but if it’s more, I can’t see them successfully dictating what the culture will be after that unless they’re just banking on the idea that Islam will prevail and plan to roll with that. To be honest, whether or not that Pike quote was true, this effort seems so very much like his alleged prediction of WWIII, or whoever wrote that anyhow. Thanks for the link, I will go read that!

Thanks my friend. It's difficult to observe how they could alter society to such a degree through the lens of the moment, then again if someone had told you ten years ago the way things are playing out now .. you'd be forgiven for disbelieving them .. and yet many seem willing to accept insanity and normality, it's a funny old world! I've come to believe (observe with my own eyes) that with the passage of time, social engineering, the right way of framing things and capitalising on events that instill fear into the mind of the populace .. they can pretty much convince the majority of anything! It seems like they're engineering some kind of clash of civilisations .. with religious connotations. I some deeper ideas on this .. but they require some more work/thought. Thanks again @thoughts-in-time

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Good to see you have covered the UN agenda. I have listened a lot to Deborah Tavares on this. She has been a mine of useful information and even attended the last 'Alternative View' conference in England. We have an awful long way to go, to reach 'tipping point' though! Hope you get to publish your book, in time to make a real difference. Just ordered the latest Icke (out tomorrow).
Came across a woman called Sharry Edwards, who discovered she could heal people using sound frequencies and it reminded me of our discussion on the historic importance of sound frequency and the whole Terence McKenna and 2001 space odyssey thing. She has set up a site called soundoptions and trains online practitioners. Considered doing it but my equipment is rather low tech ;) Babbling, bye for now ~~~~~

Hey @ricia .. hope you've been keeping well? Apart from a couple of random interviews, I haven't really looked into Deborah's work so thanks for the reminder! I was settling back into the book when I saw the climate emergency fund were funding extinction rebellion so felt compelled to continue my investigation .. it's incredible how multifaceted and connected this all is (and there is still much I haven't shared) it makes your head spin and at times it's like writing a maze .. if that makes sense? lol

Yes I remember the conversation, think it was on my transcension hypothesis post last year .. I very much believe in the power of sound vibration .. just not sure if the required tech is in the public arena , have heard of people in my area that claim to have a rife resonator .. but I don't believe any exist or that the full original blueprints survive, hence I find them to be duplicitous. That said, I have an open mind so will look into the work of Sharry Edwards with hope and great interest .. thank you! :) I'm not sure if the book will make a difference to the direction we are heading in .. but I'm trying (around work and a busy life) to make it as comprehensive as possible .. there will be a key focus placed on spirituality, it's just slow process putting it all together .. specially with all the work I've been doing on agenda 21/2030 etc etc. I have a couple more posts to write on here then I can really focus on it!

On Sharry Edwards - I came across her on Nightlife yt channel recently when Kathy interviewed her. In her case, it was the sound of her own voice that seemed to have dramatic effects. She suppressed it until her daughter's life was endangered and then used it with seeming success. A very ordinary, down to earth and plausable woman. One of the things I was not so sure of though, is that her training is 'free', but then you have to purchase further stuff after training.
The extinction rebellion, is every bit as abusive of those kids as the 'trans' agenda as far as I am concerned - so sickening to watch the staged gentle patience of the police as though it was their general modus operandi.
I am fine, just thinking that things might get very nasty, very quickly now. By the way, have you ever heard of Leuren Moret? Saw her interviewed on Professor Hamomoto's yt channel (2016?) she was talking about what she called ancient Iranian bloodline families and linked it with dna research done by Russia.
Hope you are well too.

Thank my friend .. I've been away a few days but will definitely look into your recommendations. I've been helping set up and also attend a few festivals over the summer (including last weekend) and it's amazing how successful x rebellion have been in infiltrating festival activism .. I will write a post on it at some point as my last in the series. I have tracked the ancient middle eastern bloodlines into (and then out of) Russia so will look at the work of Leuren Moret with great interest! Thank you again. :)

I have been seeing the push to remove people from country area's as they increase costs and reduce services. Just buy doing these things people will have to move without being forced by law.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @j85063 .. if you know the intent and methodology and then look around objectively you can see aspects of it beginning to be rolled out. And yes, most people won't be pushed out .. they will be gently nudged out.

As always a superbly researched and written post. I can hardly express my gratitude for your work adequately.

" may already see the rumblings of this seismic change beginning to slowly gather place. As previously highlighted, the ultimate intent is to remove people from the land and into high density housing. Many factors are intended to bring this ideal to fruition; water and land use controls will be attached to those that manage their own land, gradually centralisation and financial pressures will progressively lead to the closure of local sevices, post offices, banks, cash machines, the local pub etc etc."

I have indeed noted such hereabouts. In fact, not long ago Oregon was nearly embroiled in a shooting incident, if not a war, as the Democratic Party undertook to end the citizen initiative and referendum process that has long been enshrined here, and in the process of ending that attempt a Republican told the press that police sent to capture him should be 'heavily armed, and bachelors'. One of the bills that was so formed as to prevent citizen referendum regarding it was to impose carbon taxes that would have destroyed rural businesses and the communities that depend on them, just as you note is the intent of the faux environmental movement.

Oregon has some particular resource issues, one of the worst is that collecting the water that falls on your roof is illegal. I regard this as contrary to property rights going back to the paleolithic, and expect more folks respect it in the breach than not, but government is troublesome when it tries to be.

I have confidence that even maximally brainwashed sincere kids sucked into environmental corporatism will eventually snap out of their entrancement when proof of benevolent development by their peers armed with decentralized means of production are contrasted with jackbooted thugs stopping them, putting them in jail, and even killing them, but that's probably what it will take. This is why it is ever more critical that we adopt decentralized means of production and advance it's development as much as possible.

The thugs are undeniably coming. We need to be ready to prove the globalists are lying by showing how real environmentalists care for ecosystems, resources, and each other. A lot of the city kids were bamboozled by the rhetoric of the proponents of the carbon credit bill that was being foisted on Oregon, and I bet many of them still are. What stopped that from happening was the threat of war, and I don't think that will keep working forever.

Sooner or later, they'll bring the war, and when they do, we'd better be ready.


Thank you for taking the time to leave such a great comment @valued-customer .. I really appreciate it. And yes, your experiences and observations are very much in line with the encroaching land-use restrictions that they're slowly warming the public up to here in the UK & Europe. There is talk (which is aimed at making houses more affordable) that some kind of governing body will own the land/minerals etc underneath the house and the owner will only own the bricks and mortar, to be honest .. I've yet to fully look into it/research it .. so I'm withholding judgement, but it certainly got the alarm bells ringing! The words "having your house sold out from underneath you" sprang to mind. Equally houses would already be a lot cheaper if we had any semblance of a free market, in fact the government over here already pay half the deposit for first-time buyers just to keep this dog and pony show going. We have to be really vigilant/focused upon the fine print of the new land use, sustainable business etc etc laws that they will attempt to pass over the next few years .. the majority will cheer them on, but as always .. the devil will be in the details.

I have confidence that even maximally brainwashed sincere kids sucked into environmental corporatism will eventually snap out of their entrancement when proof of benevolent development by their peers armed with decentralized means of production are contrasted with jackbooted thugs stopping them, putting them in jail, and even killing them, but that's probably what it will take. This is why it is ever more critical that we adopt decentralized means of production and advance it's development as much as possible.

I very much agree, but I feel that before people/youth snap out of their socially engineered fear entrancement, it is going to go right down to the wire. They are looking to obtain increasing access to the school curriculum .. have a look at who is supporting this venture i.e Rockefeller and Turner Foundations. They appear predominantly focused upon primary age children. I ran out of time before I posted .. but I will add a further section about this movement (who again will very much believe they're doing the right thing) over the weekend. Basically, they focus upon getting the message to young children and from there (if they show promise) the interconnected nature of this system is able to connect them to globalist funded youth movements .. and then from there into something like etc etc.

"Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man." St Ignatius Loyola

This Civic Engagement Curriculum Guide will help you to integrate the Young Voices for the Planet films into formal or informal education. Source

I'm very much with you decentralisation .. in fact, my reason for writing the first post on my further reading list was to show that a greenwashed centralised energy sector is actually destroying the environment they purport to save .. power to the people!

They are marching forward, but in many instances (like you allude to with water restrictions) they are operating within grey areas of the law. If a concerned lawyer that was proficient in international law and human rights was to look into some of these areas .. I feel it would be an interesting confrontation. Thanks again my friend!