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RE: Why The U.S. Wants Venezuela To Collapse - My Interview with Eva Golinger [VIDEO]

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

In three simple points I can clarify your questions.

  1. CIA and European intelligence agencies have managed to detect links between the Venezuelan government and groups identified with the FARC, the ELN, ETA and Hezbollah, led mainly by the vice-president Tarek El Aissami, along with many personalities coming from the ancestry of the Middle East, together with the public and notorious fact that caused the Venezuelan regime to order the expulsion of the Venezuelan Tv the CNN Hispanic branch "CNN in Spanish" by a special program in which the result of an investigation was shown that many terrorists and characters related to hezbollah possess Venezuelan diplomatic passports which can only be granted by Venezuelan authorities. This special called "passports in the shade" was the straw that broke the camel's back for a regime that did not even bother to deny such a profound investigation.

  2. Dictatorial because it is true if they hold elections but only when the national electoral council responds to the interests of the governing party, and the best way to prove it is that of its 5 rectors in charge, 4 belong to the governing party and one is impartial does not even play any opposition party The biggest problem of all this is that last year by constitutional mandate touched to make the change of this council through the congress elected by the people. I know you will say "a congress elected by the people under the mandate of this council" I participated in that electoral process and there were quite a lot of struggles we had to take to avoid cheating, they closed centers suddenly with people in line waiting to vote, in other parts where there were supporters of the regime reopened centers to allow other people who had already voted to do it again with other IDs the worst is that all this was done with the protection of military and police forces. That they have refused to change this council to establish it in a balanced and fair way 2 supporters of governments, 2 supporters of opposition and 1 impartial rector with understanding on both sides is what shows that they intend to make elections today and tomorrow and always but do not want to lose nor are they willing to compete with normal conditions because they would lose very badly and they would have to go to arms to avoid leaving power. I invite you to investigate when constitutionally mandated to make the change in the council and you will not find any reason why it has not been done.

  3. Assassins because if you enter the country you will find in the hoods several armed groups (bearing in mind that in Venezuela civilians can not carry weapons at present) that "defend the people" and that they identify themselves as "collectives of peace, "these groups have in their account hundreds of deaths in all days of demonstrations that have occurred in Venezuela, the alarming thing is that there has not been justice yet and has not even intended to carry out the disarmament of these criminal groups . Murderers because two and a half months ago he ran around the world the videos and images of how the regime with all the weight of his force executed if, you hear it well, He executed 14 people who were hiding in a house with an army group of more than 100 men, two tanks and weapons of war such as the RPG, this group was a group of military deserters who opposed the government, by law should be arrested, however there was no mercy and were killed on the site by These forces, and the site was completely destroyed and the bodies took days to show them to the relatives to be able to prepare them first. no government that is not dictatorial performs these acts There is more than enough evidence to show that the regime not only allows common crime, promotes it by allowing ex-convicts and people with criminal records to register and belong to police forces, all this has resulted in nothing more in the In 2017 there were 26,616 deaths due to homicide, along with hundreds of investigations that show that there are links between the military with drug trafficking and with mobsters called "Pranes" who reign in Venezuelan prisons.

I do not get blind when it comes to knowing that the United States only cares for reasons of their own benefit, never helps any nation without taking advantage of it, the question is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend and at this moment fortunately for my enemy is a group of criminals that the world repudiates thanks to the investigative management of the United States and other countries that know all the criminal issues of the regime. I also know that this whole issue refers to a socio-economic controversy with China and Russia over control of influences in South America. and if the government prefers to ally with Russia and China it has to tolerate the fact that the people prefer the alliance with the United States and in the struggle between the rulers and the sovereign people the people must always prevail for the very fact of being sovereign. That's how simple it is, those are the facts.