YouTube Music Is Priming Us for Communism

in #conspiracy9 years ago

YouTube Red? Oh, how appropriate.

People think it's really great that we don't have to buy music anymore. We can all listen to our communal music selection on YouTube.
With those bike rental things in many major cities, we don't have to buy a bike anymore, either.
Soon, we won't even need to buy cars. We can just call a self-driving car on our cell phones and one will show up and take us to wherever we need to go! Then, it'll go back to the self-driving car farm to wait until someone else needs it.
And houses? Those are super expensive and so much upkeep. Let's just find an apartment in the city located conveniently close to our jobs. We don't need to worry about keeping up a yard or making repairs. We can rent one of those bikes and ride it to Best Buy and Bed Bath and Beyond. With the parking situation, having a car would be more of a hindrance than a help, and soon we can all use any self-driving car we want anyway.
Maybe someone will put boxes on the street where we can take some clothes/leave some clothes so we don't have to buy those either.

The future looks bright, we won't need to own anything anymore! We'll all be super rich.


Or super poor, depends on which way you look at it.. you wont own anything anymore. its basically making everyone the same.

Yep, and all this stuff will still cost money.

itll cost crypto! ;-0

have you noticed the turning of ownership of property from a natural right into a psychopathology? just watch hoarders. there are some genuinely ill people there but, it is teaching that, if you own stuff, you are crazy. there is also the decluttering movement.

Good observation, never thought of it like that.

it's all in the trends, the patterns. if you see media pushing some idea, the why of it is in the patterns. the hoarders, the decluttering, and now i'm seeing a lot of emphasis on the Minimalist movement in art. it is all about less and less. decreasing, reducing. like reducing your footprint. it is emphasizing the idea for us to feel smaller, like we matter less. teaching the popular mind the zeitgeist of laying down and letting go, to stop struggling and learn helplessness. same thing with the common core education system. it teaches the high achievers to give up and not be any better than the worst student, or else they are insulting or shaming the least among them. it's the group above all. that's communism. private property is sacrosanct, even your mind belongs to the group. to hell with that, i say, the universe belongs to all of us. i and the product of my labor, belongs to me. life, liberty, property. no communist can stand against it.

Yes, art probably provides a lot of clues. Maybe that is why electronic music is so popular now, with a single beat and a couple nonsensical words making up all the lyrics.

i saw a statistic study recently, having to do with music. the results showed that there is less and less variation in pop music over time. at this rate i'll not be surprised when it becomes a single tone with a beat.

i think you mjight be reading to much in to it... i still have cds... im living in the dark ages...

I like to buy CDs on Amazon so I can get both the digital and physical copy for the price of one