MISSING: Mandalay Bay Security Guard, Jesus Ramos | Las Vegas Conspiracy - Lift the Veil
MIRROR & SHARE: The official story from Las Vegas continues to unravel in dramatic fashion with the disappearance of "hero" Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos.
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Thanks for the mention. Gave you a follow. Peace bro. Nice to see you on this platform.
I'm also suspicious of Robert David Steele. He seems to have come out of nowhere and is now EVERYWHERE. Plus, I don't believe anyone can be EX-CIA -- once a spook, always a spook in my book. But, I do hope I'm wrong because he seems to be ingrained in the "truther movement" now. Finally, if he is genuine, the level of ignorance required to be unaware of whistle-blower Phil Schneider and our underground pest problem is outstanding.
Just fyi, Victurus Libertas are on steemit and I do believe, as of right now, that they are real truth seekers. Their handle is @vl1
Steele is blatant disinformation imho. Lot's of truth, sure, but lots of misleading BS thrown in as well. For instance, his claiming that pedogate victims are all on Mars. Check out my feed for a video from a journalist whose entire family has had their lives threatened-- Steele is oddly connected!