9/11 Do You Believe The US Government Was Involved? - An Informal Steemit Survey

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

I am curious to hear the opinions of the Steemit community on the question of whether a rogue element within the US government was involved with the destruction of the 3 buildings during the 9/11 attacks.

I suspect that the Steemit community is well educated on this topic and not easily fooled but let us see...

If there is a significant response to this post I will write a followup post showing a graph of the responses detailing the numbers for, against and undecided on this question. I will also include some of the best comments in my follow up post.

If there is not a significant response to this post I know I will need to address this topic in further posts.

I do not intend this post to be a representation of my opinions but I will list a few facts to get the ball rolling.

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Cui bono - For Whose Benefit?

Cui bono is a latin phrase literally meaning "for whose benefit". It is still in use today as a key forensic question for crime and identifies the motives for those crimes. Many great leaders have recognised this as a key understanding for who instigates many of the actions we see in our world.

In the case of 9/11 there have clearly been those who benefited and those who lost!

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Who Benefited From 9/11?

There were clearly those who profited in a spectacular manner from the destruction of buildings World Trade Centre 1, 2 and 7. Here are just a few people who can clearly be identified to have profited:

  • Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowe who profited from insurance policies on their newly purchased towers - the final settlement was over 4.5 billion dollars, the largest in history
  • Halliburton who profited from the subsequent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - the vice president of the US, Dick Chaney was their former CEO
  • Those involved with the heroin industry which was waining under the Taliban but brought back to life in a spectacular way after the American occupation of Afghanistan
  • The massive American military industrial complex
  • The NSA through increased funding and control of digital data
  • The media industry who profited by repeatedly selling the fear narrative
  • The stock traders who were able to push their fraudulent transactions through in the mayhem of 9/11
  • The stock traders who were under investigation for fraud and had all the records of that investigation destroyed in building 7
  • Those companies who placed major put option stock bets on the future drop in share prices for American Airlines and others

In truth the list of those who profited is much longer. I just want to make the point that there are major corporate interests who profited enormously from 9/11!

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Who Lost From 9/11?

Although the profits created by 9/11 were enormous for the the few people who benefited, the number of people who have lost from 9/11 is much larger:

  • The people and families of those who were in the towers when they collapsed
  • The first responders and families of those who died from illnesses after 9/11
  • The people of the nation of Afghanistan - 34.66 million
  • The people of the nation of Iraq - 37.2 million
  • The people of the nation of Libya - 18.43 million
  • The thousands of young American and coalition soldiers who died during combat
  • The entire population of the Internet who now suffer significant oversight by the NSA
  • The American tax payer

Again this is not an exhaustive list. I just wanted to highlight some of the obvious losers and I would love to hear what you think!

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What Does This Add Up To?

The official narrative given to the world about who was responsible for 9/11 was that Osama Bin Laden planned the attacks from a cave in Afghanistan. The attacks were carried out by 19 terrorists with box cutters. This narrative has started to disintegrate over the years.

The official 9/11 commission report had 28 pages redacted and failed to even mention the third building that collapsed during the attacks - World Trade Centre 7. The NIST report explaining the collapse of the buildings in nearly free fall speed did not make any sense and again failed to address key points such as numerous eye witness reports of explosions within the buildings.

I can understand that to accept that the government of the US was complicit or actively involved in the murder of thousands of its citizens is appalling and forces us to reassess our entire perspective of the world we live in. To extrapolate that concept to include the enormous profits made from the 'war on terror' and the suffering of millions of people around the world is simply heart braking.

I would love to hear your opinions so I can extrapolate the sentiments of Steemians into a graph to understand how we feel about this topic here on Steemit! =)

Links for further research:

  1. 911 Trillions Follow The Money
  2. Who Profited after 911
  3. Former CIA Assest Exposes 911 Coverup
  4. 911 Truth
  5. Architects & Engineers For 911 Truth

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jockey loves you All!

@jockey banner 2.jpg


Yes, much of this I would agree with.
I agree, the burn cars are "too much" and not a sign of even military explosives (which also happened that day).

Many traces of TherMATE as well as "FAKE VIDEOS" of planes hitting the towers.

Turns out, WITNESSES of this event, did not see planes...

No planes, thermate not thermite, controlled demolition, Yinon plan upgraded to PNAC plan, Jesuits and Zionists managed it, self-financed by many things (insurance, heroin, child trafficking, weapons sales to manufactured enemies), balkanization of Yinon listed nations, which are held in destabilized escro until jesuit faux pope says form them into a big nation to rule the world from.

Thank you so much for your comment @titusfrost I love your style and have been following your work for a long time! Followed and upvoted mate! I wanted to gauge the feelings of the Steemit community so didn't go into more information here! I will be following your Steemit profile and I just want to tell you that I believe in your work and please continue to speak the truth - I know you will! Well done - A+ !!! =)

This a troll? This is a joke, right?

I knew it on the day it happened and I know it now: IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB.

Dick Cheney & his Halliburton cronies, the people who tried to disappear the audit on the $2.3 trillion in missing Pentagon money, those under investigation in WTC 7, those in the CIA who saw their chance to get in on the heroin trade big time, if they could just remove those pesky Taliban, etc...

The 9/11 circumstantial evidence would be enough in any normal court case (a murder or a robbery) to send people away for a 1000 years.

Me too - I remember researching it online the day after and I'd never seen so much bullshit - man it was obvious!

I even did a webpage about it but I took it down in 2007 because I figured if anyone hadn't grasped the obvious in over five years I couldn't be bothered anymore...

True dat! In 2006, I met a director at the Swiss Re reinsurance company who actually made a killing on the stock market on 9/11 and the days to follow. A few of his buddies did the same. He got inside info that specifically said to bet against airline stocks.

When he talked to me about it, he saw nothing strange in that and felt no connection between himself and the perpetrators. He thought that his buddy that was doing him a favor with this tip maybe had someone in the intelligence community, who "may have heard chatter".

The webs of this wretched thing are spread all around us.
So I think I will toast the death of this fucked up empire, when it does finally die, with several bottles of Dalmatian wine!

Yes those airline put options were one of the first things I was looking into the day after - that was so dodgy..

Great graph! I have saved it! Upvoted! =)

Great comment! Upvoted! =)

Great response! I would have loved to see the webpage. Your image is very nicely done! Upvoted! =)

I completely agree! Thank you for sharing your comment everything you said is spot on in my opinion! Upvoted! =)

Absolute Inside Job - the 'Official Story' is just that... a story!



Witnesses do not report planes, they report "explosions".

Great image! I completely agree! Upvoted and followed! I have also saved the image! =)

G'day. Where do you pull these from?? As far as interesting comments go......you're right up there!
You've certainly left a couple of rippers for me on my posts. Good on ya!

I agree! Excellent @nzfxtrader! =)

This WTC 7 collapse was indeed a very very odd thing to say the least

It was not odd. It was a huge theft. This is all very well documented.

Entirely too obvious to any unbiased observer.
Obviously controlled demolitions.
Obviously suppressed military response.
Obviously hustled "clean-up" and corrupted "investigation."
Obvious destruction of sensitive information.

For those who engineered this, and all of the fallout that continues to this day, there will be hell to pay. Big time.



Nope. That was nothing. If you knew the scope.. The end game starts Aug 21, 2017. Don't be near people, don't go to the eclipse. Can't you people tell shit is not normal? This eclipse is the focal point fof a super ritual that contains EVERY TERROR EVENT IN THE USA EVER. From Waco texas, to all flights in 911. Linked numerologically and geographically to form a massive ritual across the entire USA.

You folks are way to late to dig deep enough to get the data I have, but... if you want to know more, I can tell people... USA is prime target, it's going down between Aug 21 and Sept 23, representing the birth of the antichrist. That's the sign in revelations. Revelations is basically a setup for the end times. One of the first big plants for our generation.

Can you elaborate further?

An excellent comment! I agree completely with you! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thank you.

It seems to me there are two types of people. Some who have not or will not look into what actually happened that day, and they believe the official story. The rest have actually looked into it and become educated, and everyone who has done so knows it's a lie. It makes sense to me that anyone posting here has looked into it, and so there is 100% agreement.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I agree with you! Thank you also for your continued support - Great name! Upvoted and followed! =)

And even still, most who look are no-where near the truth This is door one, of a 10000 door mansion, and the thing is getting burned down as we speak.

Personally, I think we may never know for sure. There are certainly people who were inside the US government that stood to gain. Then there's Israel and Saudi Arabia as well. Probably, it was a joint effort by rogue groups inside multiple intelligence agencies from the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

Definitely don't buy the official story, though.

Valid comment! Thank you! Upvoted! =)

Interesting to consider GW may have known nothing about it, and his dad, and the VP, are running the show...
Most of these things are a cabal, and the insiders are very secure, about who gets the actual info.

This (pilot) episode aired March 4th, 2001:

The list is huge.

Matrix - Passport Neo

No way!!! I have to check this but it's too weird if it is true! WOW! Upvoted and followed! =)

I did had to check it too when I first saw this one so I downloaded the whole movie back then and sure enough. There are so so many it's ridiculous.

That's nothing. Everything from black hole sun, to the number 23 reference the coming sept 23 date this year. Starting with rocky horror picture show, and going from there. IF you all knew how much encoded predictive programming there actually was, you'd drop into a huge depression for a while. Everyone does who finds the truth.

Hell superunknown was released 23 years ago. Chris Cornell didn't 'die' this year by accident. The date, method, etc was not an accident. The number of days between the death, and chester beningtons and aug 21 is relevant. The song black hole sun is about THIS ECLIPSE MONDAY.

Crazy. Just watched the first matrix after years again last night.

Excellent! Upvoted and followed! =)

I think I had never seen this one. It's an interesting one for sure.

Excellent! This seems like product placement! Really it is manipulating the consciousness of the people! Upvoted! =)

Yeah that pilot this is totally insane. There's so many thing like that but this one is by far the most obvious. I mean it's the exact same thing as what happened except they didn't succeed .

Excellent! I have seen this before! Upvoted! =)

That's creepy. The question is, what is being inserted into tv programming today, that would tell us what is going to happen tomorrow?

I agree with you 100%. They show the events as tv programs years before it happens.

Great image thank you! Upvoted! =)

It is so obvious that is was inside job that I don't want to comment much. :)

People that believe that no one would do that, that no one is so evil, just ask self one question...Are people saying official story of 9/11 same people that said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Lie that cause millions of deaths.

Yes mate! Excellent comment! I agree! Upvoted and followed! =)

If we did not have the Internet, then nobody would ever know what happened there. I so this video... Where the third building collapsed which has no contact with two high buildings, and this video is decisive. United States of America they must look in the own mirror, not the rest of the world. This is their planned and organize Hollywood show .

Excellent point mate! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thank you!! I am happy that you make time and look :)

It's so obvious that the government was involved. They lie about it only.
There is no fucking way that this was not an inside job.

I am from Germany and we learned all about Hitler's inside job: the Reichstagsfeuer which was blamed on a retarded guy from a mental asylum and used to justify the imprisonment of political opponents who associated with the extreme left wing in Germany.

No one has a problem accepting that is what governments did in the past. But as soon as you suggest that today's governments do this too you are crazy. Well, at least I am consistent and rational which is why I am able to hold governments of the now and the past to the same standards.

Since all governments only lie and bullshit you, I am generally grading them with F for failure.

"F for failure"!!! LOL! Very funny my friend! Great comment! Upvoted and followed! Hahahaha : F-


Haha, thanks man. Appreciate it.