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RE: Will The Conspiracy Against Trump And American Democracy Go Unpunished?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

First thanks for share this article and as usual great work

Second many people see that Trump is too smart to be vindictive. He wants to restore America back to something resembling what it once was ie a reflection of her constitution. Since he was elected he has been ripping up Obama's executive orders and starting afresh whilst simultaneously growing the economy.

What he has achieved thus far is simply staggering considering all the crap he has had to put up with. But whats more amazing is how he has out witted and played the Dems / deep state and their presstitute media like a Stradivarius violin.

Trump may not be the slickest or most eloquent of leaders but he is certainly the most intelligent. Just wait until the next Fisa revelations start to drop. These people are running scared - you only have to see their FF attempt with the dumpster truck to know that Trump has them by the balls.