Why do we not show our outrage?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

The symbols are everywhere. On most flags, on company logos, in music videos.
Using the pentagram appears to be very hip and sexy. If a celebrity or a politician or the pope flash a satanic symbol, they are considered to be cool.

We know what lies underneath these symbols. The information is out there.
Not conspiracy theories, but facts. Cold, hard, documented FACTS.

Ted Gunderson, a former high ranking FBI agent exposed the ugly truth decades ago.
Ronald Bernard only recently revealed the inner workings of the Cabal.
The art collection of the Podesta brothers speaks volumes.
The implications of "Pizzagate" are horrifying.

We have some clues, very good ones for what might be going on, but nothing happens.
It keeps on happening as it did for centuries.
How can that be?

I think one of the reasons is that researching this subject is so disgusting and terrifying that most people prefer to ignore it.
Even thinking about it is painful and so outrageous that we have a hard time imagining it.
It is too repulsive for the average human to even think about it.

So we rather ignore it, pretend it is not there.
Meanwhile our children are abused and killed.

How much responsibility do WE have?
For not even thinking about it?
For not showing our outrage?
For not taking action?
For our cowardice?
For our silence?



Yep, most people can’t handle the truth because they would have to get involved and be responsible. People often say, “Sorry, I don’t want to get involved”. That’s very sad. I want the truth at all cost and these Satanic Pedophiles removed from the planet. I don’t want this to continue any longer so I to try and raise awareness with limited influence. Still we must try.

Same here, my friend, same here. I will follow you. Let's rock the sinking boat!


People absolutely, positively do not understand the occult. They lack spirituality in the first place, so it's virtually impossible to understand occult symbolism. I worked as a psychic medium for many years and a helped people all over the world. IMHO, it is divided right down the middle. It is, in fact, the duality itself. You either embrace it or you flatout reject it. The good news is that as quickly as they disbelieve, one day they may as quickly have a change of heart. I have faith that our innate spirituality will push through the cracks. Lucifer's greatest accomplishment is making the world truly believe that evil does not exist. It is a new season.

Its not about us anymore its about how we raise our children.

That has drifted off a lot and now to a lot of parents its all about the money and well the gov knows what is best as in what to teach our children ect. BIG MISTAKE

To end it is quite simple, teach your children young about the stock market and trends, about small business and finances. Hell in 5th grade we were taught about bank accounts and how to properly write out a check. But no more.

In the 1950s a man could work own a home and pay for his family only on his income. Then came WW2 for profit but it killed off a lot of workers that were men. Could not have that so in can Rosie the riveter to pick up the slack at the cost of the family. After the war it was viewed as hey screw the family we have 2x as many workers now and 2x the profit but we can not let them get to wealthy so we will jack up the prices so now it will take both the husband and wife to make a living. Do not worry about the children we will take care of them and teach them well.... YA RIGHT

If our children were taught to compete there would be millions of 18 yr old people being competitive in the small business and the stock market. They have to be able to play the game to beat it at this point. And the powers that be have done everything in our school systems to prevent that, but for a selective few.