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RE: Freedom of Speech on the World Wide Web: Under Assault

in #conspiracy6 years ago

The death of free speech started after WW2 when it became a crime in Germany to present facts about the h0l0c@u$t. Since then, restrictions have been increased gradually using the boiling frog method. What we experiencing now is only a noticeable increase of restrictions. It always comes under the veil of "protecting" a minority or society. But we are too distracted by so many other issues like wars, economy and political divisions that our power to do anything about it is scattered all over the place. And most people are already so indoctrinated that they welcome the "protection". The noose is tightening.


Grim but true. I wonder how far could it be traced back to? A dystopian psuedo-utopia tweaked to be just right for the everyday blind individual? A prison cell that includes whirlpool, 8K HD, and all the trimmings if you will.

IMHO free speech never really existed. It was only tolerated as long as it had no major impact on society.
If an unwanted speaker got too much attention, he was always eliminated.
Because of the free flow of information today information needs to be censored more obviously because it could possibly challenge the official narrative and question the government on a larger scale.
I think what is going on now is that they establish the legal framework to filter information to be able to control unwanted information once we are all connected to the grid with implants and download the hive mind. The research for this is advanced. The patents for this are present, so is the hardware. What's missing is the infrastructure, like 5G. And this will come soon.