Whats Wrong Wit You News: GREATEST EXISTING NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT? Edward Snowden's leaks: Is Mass Surveillance and Gov't inability to even control it the greatest threat to economy and national security possible short of a planet killing asteroid?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

So the rulers when they getting you thinking bout Snowden and all of it want you to buy into little vague values like supporting 4th amendment and privacy and security and a bunch of other ship so they can con you into cattle.

Don't fall for it. It's a long con and they want you and me like dolls from a plastic factory. Now it is horrifying and has caused significant disutility to me due to paranoia knowing the government is spying on us constantly via webcams, hot mic'n our phone n tvs, planting backdoors into hard drives and operating systems--that criminals can exploit, shadow shadowy brokers right??? Frequently more more radical visions I do not record in digital organized mediums.

At the same time, we have people like the Central Park 5 convicted for crimes looking back on it they didn't do. And our society claims better for 100 guilty go free than 1 innocent go to jail, yet thousands of people have been ducked by corrupt judges and prosecutors over the past decades. And you ask to former Federal Judge Nancy Gertnere or MD Carl Hart, the War on Drugs only hurts us, yet they got nearly 1% of us behind bars here in merica, many for victimless crimes.

Ultimately with all the lawlessness in our society and how much control the military industrial intelligence prison complex has the idea of a better alternative being 0 mass surveillance seems unlikely. You can go to MIT's website they have publicly disclosed technology of cameras that can detect bodies behind walls. Even though it would still be being spied on seems like a better system would be making public all this NSA and CIA mass surveillance and whatever in all they black budgets and all the other intelligence apparatuses. Could not most murders and all other crimes be solved with NSA data--especially if there is already significant surveillance from satellites and/or drones and/or techs? I don't know about you or me I want a system where people act aggressively they are brought to justice as fast and cheapest and most guaranteed justice possible. Perhaps there would be no privacy, but aint any now anyways. And perhaps if this data was opened up then we might have a better society and could maybe have privacy again since we currently dont. I love specific deterrence against aggression.

So not only have the stupid incompetent bureaucrats at the DC Cartel prove themselves incapable of getting drugs off the street despite the lives and loot twisted into their system of incarceration and sky high prices. Truth is at least for the slizzest of the slime is they aint incompetent at all, they's just waiting on they dance through the revolving door to another stop on the tour of the military industrial complex where they get the rewarded at the expense of the American taxpayer, the American people with their lives and the people of the places of the all the puppetry the puerile places choose to stage their little shows of lies.

Apparently they couldnt stop Snowden and whoever leaked Vault 7 and Shadow Brokers and Reality Winner and the guy just sentenced. N even tho they seyz it all fer national security, it been getting leaked to DEA and IRS which be consitutionally questionable??




Greatest Existing Threat to US Constituion and People Subjected to It's Coercive Power: Non Public Mass Surveillance

So anyhuh, Eddie Snowden says they could read even Obama's emails. So why coodn't they hack into all agriculture futures and all futures markets and find insider trading information and essentially always win, and do so with enough shell companies and purposely lose some so they are undetectable unless someone was already looking for em? Seems like this would enable a quasi state cabal to eventually accumulate as much capital as they can with that market and every other market that one can use secret access to all digital files for.

Such unchecked power that they cant even ducking secure is the penultimate threat to this planet, at least its economy, after maybe a planet killing asteroid.

Kinda funny in a sad way of a mad man way that this obvious threat of the situation if you look at all publicly available information doesnt seem to have been covered at all in the media or by the politicks--those who rule and suck the lifeblood out of collective action in the name of a "public good."

Should be as obvious to anyone we are ruled by lawless thieves who want significant lawlessness. That is why we have the war on drugs in the first place to help with control because by being able to duck over a significant portion of the populace via drug crimes the rulers can quickly accomplish co intel pro or other possibly not totally illegitimate investigative activities by being able to utilize the informal information networks of the drug war and all black market activities.

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Any copyrightable material created by the article’s author is released into the public domain. Images and video used are from Pixabay and other sources and may also be unlicensed. If you have questions about what this means and what you can do perhaps hire an attorney since your law is so complex.


Follow the white rabbit - Patent on Evil https://payhip.com/b/JPKpCoverWhiteRabbit.jpg

Not just all this, but they can extract sound out of video
The technology at the top is many years ahead indeed

Yea I think I heard also can maybe get into air gap machines too.

This solves the gif/jif issue because they all actually are just a low res video.

cool, yea technology can be pretty amazing, cant imagine what it will be like when we enter the singularity if that occurs.

Well written man. I appreciate you for sharing with us such a great news article. You did good job. I think everyone should concern about it.
Keep it up. Looking forward your next post. @fatkat

Thanks I love steem. And would only feel comfortable writing something like this into a block chain.

For every Tecnology that has been placed to monitor the civilians, i believe there's an advantage and disadvantage of it....try to protect yourself as much as taping your webcam with a black tape and so much more....by doing so, even if there's a hack of system or so, you will be rest assured that you are safe. #stayprotected

not sure how safe it is when there is backdoor in os and hard drive with key loggers. I think we really are just cattle so long as there is a caste system of members of the surveillance state and the stock.

Awesome band, wish I could play with u guys !

trying to get it back together thx to steem, wish you could to want to move to ohio? Hoping to liberate the tree of life here this year somehow. Feel free to start your own FatKat N the Lobbyists, fuck intellectual property bro!! If you do and you release everything public domain I'll post it up on the accounts and give you any ad loot off it.

I actually was thinking it’d be super cool to do an open source music project, my next move is probably gonna be expat!

Nice let me know for some resteems!!

Yes your writing is very valuable, we can learn a lot from here

thanks, can only do it with a block chain otherwise they can always censor you afterwards, which maybe they can if they ever control all witnesses, but steem is so dope!!

Yes you are right

Your analysis is absolutly ok, you have educated me and i think you have done a nice work for this your post

Thanks hope it makes you think. Hopefully we will be free someday!!

He does not fear the consequences of going public, he said, only that doing so will distract attention from the issues raised by his disclosures.
He views his best hope as the possibility of asylum, with Iceland – with its reputation of a champion of internet freedom – at the top of his list. He knows that may prove a wish unfulfilled. @fatkat

Hopefully this hero like Assange too, are free someday. I dont think that will happen until there is a real 4th estate. Ending all the bs stuff against Assange and Snowden I suspect is the first step to no longer living in an insane world run amok and having the chance to be actually free someday.

Really great info. I often wonder how much is really private in this world.

very very little and that is with what we know they have. With the Invention Secrecy Act there is likely much we dont even know about in this supposedly democratic society.

Can Gov't have full control of the survelliance? I hope they do so that it will reduce the killing or stop it. Thanks for the post

Yea would be nice to bring all wrong doers to justice. I really dont care if people see me jacking off, but I dont think it need to even be that intrusive to achieve very efficient specific deterrence against aggression.