Your Own Personal Disclosure... Trying to show the manipulation using #QAnon & #Delonge

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)

Your Own Personal Disclosure... Trying to show the manipulation using #QAnon & #Delonge

Composite Based On The #CBTS Thread Image

I have been trying to make this post for a long time but the MULTIPLE details and updates coming from every angle of YouTube, 4/8chan the MSM daily, has not only been hard to document but it has tested my own thoughts about having escaped the rabbit hole.

I mentioned in my introduction post some basics about my personal troubles with mental health, caused by a brain injury and experiences with the a lifetime of chasing ‘truth’. I am not saying that truthers are mentally ill but I am only able to speak about my mindset and the two things go hand in hand in my life.

Following topics for this post lead to an horrific glance at the person I was during some of my darker years. I was slipping into a state of hyper awareness, desire and NEED for every single possible new lead just as I would have done from the sources that I considered trustworthy at that time.

So after I realised that the problems I wanted to try and express to people who may be in the same situation had almost pulled me back to square one, I had to just get this out and written down to allow myself to pull out and recover. The brain injury is something that is an ongoing issue and stress being a part of the effects, I find that I can get so absorbed by an idea or project, I will lose track of time and block out the real world often for weeks and always to the detriment to my health.

I decided to use the #QAnon situation and how it may seem like a new phenomenon, to explain why I see it a rehash of techniques I've witnessed before. The other example I think will help to explain the situation is the UFO ‘disclosure’ coming from the MSM..

The notion of controlled opposition is well known and thrown about constantly. The concept back in the early days of my truth seeking was ridiculous when you only had two choices. Fast forward to today and I can see the results of a serious and well planned out operation to remove and segregate the people who don't trust the MSM.

The amount of specific groups and movements that all have their own unique section of the web (spider web) compared to the 'movement’ I thought I was in is terrifying.

So each group has its own beliefs and the people are working to achieve an objective. The groups are so tailored they have their own idea of #disclosure. The scary part? Someone is giving it to them in bite size chunks. Enough to keep them coming back for more but not enough to keep them from achieving anything.

I have struggled to write this so I am deciding to get it out in a stream of consciousness, mental strife explosion of grey matter all over the keyboard. So excuse the lack of academic style citations and specific dates and locations. It's not relevant and that's the point of these truth traps. Unfortunately the average consumer has a short attention span and this allows for the repackaging of stories and patterns which happens nearly within a year now. The current example I saw is Jim Carrey disclosed the elites eat babies. The same story almost word for word was out just months ago but it was Keanu Reeves as the leaker…

Now I have a strange brain after the injury which allows for recall of a lot of details yet the basic skill of knowing my age alludes me. Even if I have a good recall of stupid facts this story was barely a month apart!

The idea of Q Anon being a #LARP is valid. The problem is that the people reporting on Q say it's not a LARP but fail to see the image of the #MSM they have painted (controlled by the #elites, #propaganda and the term given to them by the MSM, fake news) is itself a LARP. The grandest LARP of all. The news unlocks the map according to Q. So the fake controlled propaganda is the only way to red pill the #sheeple because someone who is admittedly involved with the same machine can ‘predict’ it's next move. Seriously?!

Let's think about this for a second without the lens of Q clouding the judgement. Someone who is in the MSM asks you to search the MSM for information based on the vague loaded questions about events in the MSM (and I include even tiny channels on YouTube under the title MSM as Alex Jones & #InfoWars can't be considered independent with #Trump on speed dial). The people who are involved in this patriotic revolution are finding obscure posts and then reporting back to this person who will offer the occasional hint that the patriots are on the right track. The #MAGA track in this case.

Now the people who are doing this are conspiracy minded. They think they know what control the #elites have over the internet. They are trying to get the public #woke to the data mining the government is doing with their social media. So why is the concept of the government data mining truth communities beyond their vision?

Now think about what is accomplished by this. The same narrative of #pizzagate is woven into this from the start. The same characters who are presented as the boogiemen and are strangely not bothered by the constant tweets calling them every kind of criminal under the sun with the evidence to support it coming from the same characters emails.

I am not a security expert but the idea of elite child abusers using Gmail with a password that's PASSWORD getting hacked and the shady business leaked out is just ARGH!?!?! I have used supposedly secure email services and Tor for legal purposes and I am supposed to believe that the open source software available to me is inferior to what the #NSA has and Gmail is the choice of the criminal elite?

To call the thing a hack is overstating the use of a brute force keyword attack and I don't think that was the way the password PASSWORD was really retrieved. Now the way #Podesta is presented as the villain in this play… This was an interesting way to get a grasp of how controlled each subdivision of the truth movement is. As the title says, every single one of the boxed off communities has their own personal ‘disclosure’. The #UFO community has been fed #Delonge the rock star ‘UFO researcher of the year’ who having worked with Podesta to get the government to release a blurry video of a #UAT (the T stands for threat, go down that rabbit hole if you wish) for the community to divide and argue about it's veracity.

The funny thing about the details running in some of these channels is that Podesta is a good guy who was pushing #Hillary to disclose the truth about UFOs. The emails to them, confirm that Delonge was talking to the insiders about his crazy plans after all.

I doubt I have changed any minds with this post. I had to call it a day as the effects of visiting the rabbit hole took a toll on me. The pull of truth is overwhelming. The minute you drop the ball you think you have ruined the revolution. The only thing that you are doing is exactly what the people you claim to be fighting want. Nothing. They have created a simple and self propelled truth trap where you start out with a distrust of the MSM, directed to the alternative and then get stuck in the loop of dissecting the MSM for clues to find where to look at another aspect of the same MSM.

I tried to leave my opinions out of this but it is not possible. I am not a #truther but I have seen and heard things that I can't forget and I doubt I can explain my worldview in a thousand posts. I am just trying to show the tactics that I have had used on me and help others avoid the same traps.


I am so happy someone I followed resteemed this post. I have been trying to expose the Q LARP and the cabal of fake YouTubers for over 6 months now and I've gotten myself in a lot of trouble over it. Last night I was on a show (queued up) where Defango says that he was involved in creating Q along with some of the people behind the Cicada puzzle. He said exactly what you're saying, that the people involved think that they're getting people #woke and it's a great way to expose them to the corruption in government and media. They don't seem to understand that they are being used and involved in a deception meant to lead their followers down the path "they" want them going down. Not to mention the fact that the whole thing is blatantly political and designed to make people unquestionably support Donald Trump while they wait around for him to save them. I'm going to be doing a live show about it in about an hour and taking calls in case you're interesting in tuning in. My YouTube channel.

I'm so glad for Steemit today for finding voices like yours on here. I've got my own mental differences, shall we say, and I relate in a big way to the way you think. Followed, upvoted, resteemed.

P.S. Tom DeLonge, Freemason, was involved in getting a strike against my YouTube channel when I questioned whether the release of the UFO information was some kind of government controlled limited hangout, which I firmly believe it is. They use people with big egos like his to disseminate information while propping them up as some kind of hero for exposing the "truth". My Steemit post about Tom DeLonge. Bless you again.

Thanks you for being a voice on YouTube that is even mentioning the politics involved. I do watch but I don't do phones or social media (more a stress thing than a protest unfortunately) UNIRock is close but friendship with certain channels is keeping him back I feel. Delonge is not even trying to hide his freemasonry. Personally I think it isn't necessarily a bad organisation but it could be a tool for finding people who are loyal and then they could be recruited by a higher level group. Angels & Airwaves looks like his self funded project that is all about freemasonry which is pure self indulgence. The strike you got was ridiculous and not exactly UFO researcher of the year behaviour.

Thanks for the kind words.

So glad you saw this Nathan!! 👍 It was very timely right?

Just watched the show. Ha I am glad I managed to get it finished in the time I did! Thanks for the shout out. Worth staying up late to watch, definitely sleep tonight and tomorrow probably! Although I have a head full of ideas for a post on Assange although the callers kind of suggested the things I have been mulling over. Night all!

As someone who is clawing their way out of the rabbit hole of Q, I understand your thoughts!! They are consistently reminding us that it doesn't matter who Q is.. but the importance of what he is bringing to light. The problem is, it absolutely does matter who Q is... because there are now a huge amount of truthers and their followers not only with new knowledge of our planet's corruption, but also filled with excitement that "it's happening". Trump will be our hero and is taking down the deep state. So even if it's a LARP, a puzzle, a game.. it's ok because Q has brought awareness? No. False hope, deception, and gaslighting is not ok.. it's mental abuse.

Tom Delonge is another story. I think his grandiose plan of disclosure has almost become a joke among the ET disclosure advocates. They recognize history repeating itself with complete government controlled "leaks"... all the way down to the Podesta emails like you referred to. While I suppose a little confirmation validating UFO's is better than none, the recent blurry black and white video clips from AF jets following a UFO from over 10 years ago were far from full disclosure.

Exactly 'the information is so important!!' is the fallback response to criticism of Q. The information is the problem as it's a script that leads to nowhere. Delonge is a useful idiot and it's embarrassing to watch. The idea of what his Academy is doing isn't even new. The people who are behind these are so sure that the public are stupid they just reuse a template and add a new character and new 'leaks'. It's really ridiculous that it works. The budget for these things is huge and they don't even have to try to make it look unique! Ah I am worn out after trying to get this done. It's not even close to the way I wanted it to be either.

Exactly!!! I thought your post was perfect and really appreciated it! Looking forward to more from you, my friend.

All just big distractions to keep the sheeple busy by decyphering riddles while the shit hits the fan.
If someone has something to say, why not in plain English?
It is ridiculous.
And the morons fall for it and masturbate to the hope porn.

I know. I was expecting a backlash so it's good to hear that there's some people who are not sucked in by empty promises. The same thing is happening with every group that is looking for the truth. It's so draining I feel sorry for people who are believing it. I've been there in the past.. The only way to learn is to be let down by these things over and over.

Hey there! Thanks for writing this. I feel much the same way you do.
Instead of Trump draining the swamp, this whole thing is draining our minds. But it's good we are recognizing it for what it is. Thanks again.

Thanks. I'm glad you can see how this will drag you in and drain your mind. Hopefully I managed to leave my views out as it's not important who is the target or the hero as there's always another op running on every possible side and view point.

The word truth is thrown about when it's belief that fuels the movement.

Anyway I hope I can get a better argument conclusion style essay next time. This was draining to follow without believing it. Maybe the hope helps you mask the psychological effects... Or I am just full of psychological problems anyway ha.

You wrote from the heart and that is what matters. I thought it was easy to read and follow. Maybe because your words resonated so much with my own thoughts.
When it comes to hope, it helps me to know my anchor of hope is not merely in mankind. I truly believe that no matter what happens while we are living on this planet with our physical restrictions and sometimes chains, in the end it will be good. That's what helps fuel my life, that, and people like you who write from the heart.