September 11, 2001: Ask Questions, Demand Answers and NEVER Forget!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #conspiracy7 years ago


Over the past few weeks I have tried to write a wide range of posts on Steemit relating to the attacks of September 11, 2001 as we led up to its anniversary. My goal was to help spread awareness about the countless oddities, inconsistencies, coincidences, and outright lies that are associated with every aspects of the events of that tragic day. Some deem people who question the 9/11 attacks as being insensitive towards the victims, the victims families, the first responders, and those that were directly effected by the events of that day, and I in no means aim to insult or tread on the memory of those who were effected, I personally just strongly feel that what we were told happened that day may very well be far from the truth and those that were killed deserve to have the truth fully known, instead of another decade of lies and continuous coverups. On the anniversary of this tragic day, spend some time and do your part to educate yourself on this sensitive but important topic... ask questions, demand answers and never forget!

The 9/11 Commission now admits that the official evidence they were given was "far from the truth"

September 11, 2001: This Post Will Likely Show You How Little You Actually Know About The 9/11 Attacks... SERIOUSLY...

September 11, 2001: "Amalgam Virgo 01" & "Amalgam Virgo 02" Are Military Wargame Exercises That Mimic EVERY ASPECT Of The 9/11 Attacks And Deserve More Attention...

9/11: The Story Of The Pentagon And Project MASCAL (Pentagon Mass Casualty Project)

9/11: The Primary NORAD Wargames Involved In The 9/11 Black-Op

Think It's A Game? The 1995 "Illuminati - New World Order" Card Game And It's Connection To The 9/11 Attacks

September 11, 2001: The Interesting Story Of The "Phantom Flight 11" On 9/11

September 11, 2001: Israeli Surveillance of the Future Hijackers and FBI Suspects in the September 11 Attacks and Their Failure to Give Us Adequate Warning: The Need for a Public Inquiry

9/11 and the Israeli Bomb Expert Infiltrated Art Groups: GELATIN (demo wiring team) and E-TEAM (sol-gel team)

9/11: MULTIPLE Suspicious Van Related Explosions/Events Reported On September 11, But Never Talked About Again After

9/11: 25 Did You Knows About The Pentagon Attack On September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 (Slip-Ups): Rumsfeld Says Flight 93 Shot Down, Clinton Says Pentagon Bombed, 9/11 Commission Says Pentagon Hit By Missile, Silverstein Says WTC7 Demolished & Bush Says Explosives Used In WTC Towers

September 11, 2001: Gordon Ross (Engineer) Frame-By-Frame Analysis of the Collapse of the WTC Towers on 9/11

September 11, 2001: Who Killed John O'Neill? (Video)

On 9/11 Larry Silverstein Had A Meeting Scheduled In The WTC1 Impact Zone To Discuss Of All Things... "What To Do In The Event Of A Terrorist Attack", A Meeting He Then Decided Not To Attend

On 9/11, Why Were Flight 11 & 175 Mentioned As Being 757's (when official story is they were 767's), And Why Was Flight 77 Thought To Be A Fighter Jet (official story is it was a 757)?

September 11, 2001: What Exactly Happened To WTC6 On 9/11?

The "Lone Gunmen" Conspiracy - Pilot Episode (Aired March 4, 2001) Plot Was The US Government Remotly Takes Over A Commercial Aircraft With The Goal Of Crashing It Into The World Trade Towers To Justify War & Increased Weapons Sales

9/11 Predictive Programming Found In Multiple Areas Of Popular Culture Leading Up To The September 11 Attacks

September 11, 2001: Anyone ever heard of the company AMEC?

9/11: Were NORAD, NEADS And The NRO All Intentionally Distracted To Help Allow 9/11 To Happen?

9/11: The FBI's Official Code-Name for the 911 Investigation is "PENTTBOM" AKA The "Pentagon and Twin Towers BOMBING" Investigation

9/11: The Targeting of Cantor Fitzgerald Owned Companies on 9/11 (44% of Total 9/11 Deaths)

9/11: BBC Video Shows Large Explosion In WTC1 & Demo Sounds in WTC2 During WTC2 Collapse
