The ridiculous notion that Paul McCartney is dead.

in #conspiracy8 years ago (edited)

The prize for the most ridiculous conspiracy theory ever and the ultimate mocking point against tin foil hat wearing nutcases everywhere has to be the story that the real Paul McCartney is actually dead and a body double has replaced him.


(1) The Rumor
(2) The Timeline
(3) The Clues
(4) The Conspiracy
(5) The Evidence
(6) Conclusion


The basic narrative is that in 1966 Paul was killed, possibly in a car crash. The Beatles, who were at the height of their fame at the time, did not want to upset their fans so they replaced Paul with a lookalike in order to continue playing as though nothing had happened.


The initial rumor began soon after the alleged incident took place in November 1966, this led to it being acknowledged and rebutted in the February 1967 issue of The Beatles Book fanzine which was published monthly until December 1969. There was relative silence on the subject until 17 September 1969 when Tim Harper, an editor at the student newspaper of Drake University in Iowa (the Drake Times-Delphic) published an article titled "Is Beatle Paul McCartney Dead?" The article described a rumor that had been circulating on campus that Paul was dead. At that point, the rumor included numerous clues from recent Beatles albums, including a "turn me on, dead man" message that some people heard when "Revolution 9" from the White Album was played backwards. In wire reports published as early as 11 October, Beatles press officer Derek Taylor responded to the rumor saying, "Recently we've been getting a flood of inquiries asking about reports that Paul is dead. We've been getting questions like that for years, of course, but in the past few weeks we've been getting them at the office and home night and day. I'm even getting telephone calls from disc jockeys and others in the United States."

On 12 October 1969, a caller to Detroit radio station WKNR-FM told disc jockey Russ Gibb about the rumor and its clues. Gibb and other callers then discussed the rumor on the air for the next hour. Two days after the WKNR broadcast, The Michigan Daily published a satirical review of Abbey Road by University of Michigan student Fred LaBour under the headline "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light". It identified various clues to McCartney's death on Beatles album covers, including new clues from the just-released Abbey Road LP. LaBour had invented many of the clues, and he was astonished when the story was picked up by newspapers across the United States. WKNR-FM further fueled the rumor with a special two-hour program on the subject, "The Beatle Plot", which aired 19 October 1969 (and in the years since on Detroit radio).

In the early morning hours of 21 October 1969, New York radio station WABC's disc jockey Roby Yonge discussed the rumor on the air for over an hour before being pulled off for breaking format. At that time of night, WABC's signal covered a wide listening area and could be heard in 38 states and, at times, in other countries. Later that day, the Beatles' press office issued statements denying the rumor which were widely reported by national and international media.

On 21 October 1969, the Beatles' press office issued statements denying the rumor, deeming it "a load of old rubbish" and saying that "the story has been circulating for about two years—we get letters from all sorts of nuts but Paul is still very much with us." Rumors started to decline when, on 7 November 1969, Life magazine published a contemporary interview with McCartney in which he said, "Perhaps the rumor started because I haven't been much in the press lately. I have done enough press for a lifetime, and I don't have anything to say these days. I am happy to be with my family and I will work when I work. I was switched on for ten years and I never switched off. Now I am switching off whenever I can. I would rather be a little less famous these days."

In November 1969, Capitol Records sales managers reported a significant increase in sales of Beatles catalog albums, attributed to the rumor. Rocco Catena, Capitol's vice president of national merchandising, estimated that "this is going to be the biggest month in history in terms of Beatles sales." The albums Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and Magical Mystery Tour had been off the charts since February, but both re-entered the Billboard Top LP's chart.

A television program was broadcast on WOR in New York on 30 November 1969, hosted by celebrity lawyer F. Lee Bailey, in which Bailey cross-examined the Michigan student Fred LaBour and other "witnesses" about the rumor, but he left it to the viewer to determine conclusions. Before the recording, LaBour allegedly told Bailey that his article had been intended as a joke, and Bailey sighed and replied: "Well, we have an hour of television to do; you're going to have to go along with this."
LaBour later became notable as the bassist for the western swing group Riders in the Sky, which he co founded in 1977. In 2008, he joked that his success as a musician had extended his fifteen minutes of fame for creating the "Paul is Dead" hoax to "seventeen minutes." In 2015, he told The Detroit News that he is still periodically contacted by conspiracy theorists who have attempted to present him with supposed new developments on the McCartney rumors.


Hundreds of supposed clues to McCartney's death were reported by fans and followers of the legend. These included messages perceived when listening to a song being played backwards and symbolic interpretations of both lyrics and album cover imagery.

One oft-cited example is the suggestion that the words "I buried Paul" are spoken by McCartney's band-mate John Lennon in the final section of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever". Another is that "Miss him, miss him, miss him" can be heard when the song "I'm so tired" from the White Album is played backwards.

The clues on the album covers and booklets which came with the records include:-

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

The first album to be released after the alleged replacement of Paul McCartney was Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Recording was completed in February 1967 and the record was released on June 1st 1967.

The front cover was a gem of a find: one sees the four Beatles all holding instruments which are inappropriate to them. But of the four, only Paul is holding a wooden for coffin instrument it’s also black for death. Also three Beatles are facing the camera at an angle but Paul appears straight on as if he were being propped up by Ringo and George.

The whole cover is a grave scene with the word “Beatles” being spelled out in flowers— red hyacinths, the mythological flower of death. The yellow flowers have been interpreted as being a left-handed bass guitar complete with strings. Or, if one looks sideways, the yellow flowers resemble a “P” for Paul.

The personalities on the album are interesting. John Lennon on Tony Palmer's “All You Need is Love” TV series comments that “the people on the Sergeant Pepper cover…two are flying, two are not.” Apparently an inside joke, whatever the inside joke is. Let's look at the personalities. This is a great album to have in front of you as you listen to the "Is Paul Dead Radio show."

First, Paul is the only one with a hand over his head—a symbol of death representing the hand of a religious leader who blesses the body before it's interned. The owner of this hand, who is staring at Paul, is the writer Stephen Crane most famous for his war story “The Red Badge of Courage.” Mr. Crane himself died when he was 28 years old. Another one of Mr. Crane short stories is called “The Open Boat” and concerns four men who struggle to survive in a lifeboat. The one most determined to keep the group together dies in the ordeal; the other three then act as interpreters of the event.

Other famous but dead people looking at Paul includes. Edgar Allan Poe himself died in a tragic death; Marilyn Monroe, a suicide victim; James Dean, who died in a cycle crash; Jayne Mansfield, decapitated in a car crash; and the other dead Beatle, Stuart Sutcliffe. There seems to be quite a collection of dead heroes.

The cover of Sergeant Pepper conveniently opens up. The inside photo again shows Paul being propped up by two other Beatles: Paul in the fetal position, which is how Indians bury their dead. A closer look at Paul’s uniform shows his white bars and epaulets trimmed in black for death. But the real clincher that theorists felt was on his left arm. Paul is wearing a patch which reads O.P.D. which in England stands for “Officially Pronounced Dead” —in America the equivalent to D.O.A. “Dead On Arrival”.

The back cover of Sergeant Pepper also holds some clues. Of the four Beatles, only Paul has his back towards the camera in the same pose as his body is on the front cover. Notice also that the braids on the other three Beatles are now on their left sides, whereas on the front the braids were on the right. These braids have been consciously changed as wearing them on the left side is part of the military funeral dress code in England. Paul also has three black buttons on his coat representing the mourning of the other three Beatles. Finally notice George's hand is pointing to a line of lyrics “Wednesday morning at five o'clock” this is the time that theorists say Paul was O.P.D: Officially Pronounced Dead after his tragic accident during the night.

On the back cover of the original album, George appears to be pointing at the words "Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins", which was supposed to have been the time of Paul's fatal accident. Note: the picture of the Beatles that originally appeared on the back cover of the LP is shown on pages 12 and 13 of the CD booklet, but the lyrics are not presented in the same way as they were on the LP. Also Paul has his back to the camera on the back cover of Sgt. Peppers.

The music was loaded with clues. It's the first time we hear about Billy Shears and William Campbell. William Campbell had won a Paul McCartney look a like contest a year earlier in Scotland and was carefully trained and groomed in Paul McCartney's music style, to replace the dead Beatle. The Beatles refer to him in the title song on the Sgt. Peppers album and introduce him to us as Billy Shears.

William Cambpell from Scotland has not been heard from since the famous Paul McCartney look a like contest in 1965. Is Paul McCartney Dead?

Now for a little history of the Sgt. Peppers album.. Now for a little history of the Sgt. Peppers album..

The Magical Mystery Tour

Magical Mystery Tour came with an original 24 page booklet in the LP. Which now a days is impossible to find unless you have an old copy. So we have place pictures from that booklet so you can follow along if you need help with the clues.

The front cover was quite an eye- opener for clues. The most obvious thing is that all four Beatles are dressed in animal costumes. Foremost is the black walrus, which is Paul. The black again is symbolic again of death and the walrus was a bad element of Viking hunters. For if they saw a dead walrus at the start of their journeys they would turn back because of its negative symbolism.

The yellow stars spelling out Beatles should also be examined. If the cover is held to a mirror and the largest stars connected and read from the mirror, one can see seven digits: a phone number. According to how you hold the cover, whether upside down or not, these three phone numbers are agreed on their appearing: 834-1735, 483-5317 and 237-7038. It was common in the fall of 1969 to call these numbers in London and it was rumored that you'd get a funeral parlor; or two, you would get an angry old lady whom you have awakened from her sleep at 3 am; or three, the strangest story of all, as reported in a Washington, DC underground paper and simultaneously in a rumor sheet circulating the music business in New York. It was that you would get someone answering the phone who would claim to be Billy Shears.

After quizzing the caller on the Beatles trivia, he would promise to send you tickets to Pepperland. It was reported that three Michigan students receive such tickets in the mail with the inscription ADN on the envelope. Apparently the stamps on the envelope, which the receiver was instructed to lick, were laced with LSD, because one of the Michigan students did lick them and jumped from the window to his death. The second student claimed to have already been to Pepperland in the Caribbean Sea and was returning there on the upcoming November 27. The third student when queried just laughed. By the way if you call these numbers today they're all out of service. The Magical Mystery Tour album contains a 24-page booklet which contains some startling clues.

537-1438 the phone number to the M and D Company?

Picture from inside the booklet from Magical Mystery Tour, of Paul sitting at a desk. The plaque in front of Paul says, I Was

Another cool picture from the 24 page booklet. The police men standing on a head stone, that has been pushed over. The doctors behind the Beatles representing the doctors that tried to save Paul;s life. With that many doctors no wonder he died.

The sign "The best way to go is by M&D company" That is a funeral home in London, that if you called the phone number from the front cover of the album, they would answer the phone.

A drawing from the booklet where the L from hill splits Paul head open.

On pages 12 and 13 there is a photo of the Beatles again with Paul being barefoot. This time however we are treated to the sight of his shoes. Look closely: his shoes are stained with blood. Some argue that the red is just a runoff from the printing error on the drum but we can easily see the shade of red is much different and if it was simply a printing error it would have been corrected on later copies. The stains are still on current pressings. The drum has a message for us too: written on the drum is the message, “love the three Beatles.” We all know there are four Beatles, unless of course...

Close up of the drum "Love the 3 Beatles" and Paul's blood cover shoes.

Everyone's favorite scene appears on page 23 with the Beatles decked out with white tuxedos. Notice that Paul has on the black carnation while the others are wearing red. The Beatles said that, “We ran out of red ones and happen to find a black one backstage.” Did you know how rare black carnations are? Not likely that one would be found lying around. The only other black or dead flowers are in fact being handed to Paul by the girl on the left of the picture.

Last picture from the booklet, notice again Paul with a hand over his head, the blessing of the dead. For whatever reason Paul was the one who always had a hand over his head, no shoes on his feet, black walrus outfit, black carnation the list goes on and on. In almost every Beatle picture Paul is doing something to draw attention to him. Paul always wanted to stand out and look different than the other beatles.

In the fall of 1969, shortly after the release of the Beatles’ album Abbey Road, a wild rumor started spreading across America: was Paul McCartney dead? The cover of Abbey Road started it all!

As you look at the four Beatles, you’ll will see that Paul is the only one out of step, to draw attention to Paul. Also Paul is the only one barefoot, which allegedly is how people are buried in several countries. The Beatles are shown walking in a specific order. John dressed in white, as a religious person would be. Ringo dressed as an undertaker. Paul, shabby suited and barefoot, resembles a corpse; and finally George, in old jeans, is a gravedigger. The cover of Abbey Road is a funeral procession. A closer look at Paul will reveal something else: he's a holding his cigarette—also known as the coffin nail—in his right hand, and any Beatle maniac knows that Paul is left-handed. This is a most significant clue as who we are seeing on the cover; perhaps not Paul McCartney but in fact a replacement who filled in for Paul after his death.

Behind George Harrison appears a white Volkswagen which looks like an innocent car until one checks out the license plate: 28 IF. It means of course that Paul would have been 28 if he was still alive. The policemen on the other side of the street symbolize the police who were called to the scene of the original McCartney accident in 1966 and were paid off to hush up the whole affair.

By now many of you are probably thinking of ways to discredit these clues. The Beatles themselves tried to do just that in 1969. You're wrong, you may be thinking, regarding Paul’s being 28 if he were alive in the fall of 1969. It has been pointed out that he would have only been 27, but he would have been in his 28th year of existence, and by Indian belief would be 28 as one's first year as a fetus is counted as part of one's life; and the Beatles made no secret of their fascination with Indian beliefs.

The back cover of the Abbey Road LP held interesting clues also: the main “Beatles” has a crack running through it on the “s,” making the name imperfect. The eight dots before the word Beatles when connected form the number three rather than four. When visiting the wall in 1970 there were in fact 13 dots on the wall but the picture purposely included only these eight dots. Passing through this otherwise clear photograph is a girl in a blue dress. What's the reason for this? Hold the album some distance away and observe her elbow, what will appear is the image of Paul McCartney’s profile.

The back cover of Abbey Road held some great clues. Notice the girl walking in the picture in the blue dress, if you hold the album away from you and look at her arm you will see the profile of Paul McCartney.

The Beatles has a crack that is running through the S making the name imperfect.

If you connect the 8 dots together before the word Beatles it is the number 3 "The 3 Beatles" instead of 4.

You got to admit Abbey Road was no mistake in placing weird clues for all of us to find. This album cover was staged without a doubt!


Paul McCartney was murdered on the 9th of November 1966. The British system for dates puts the day before the month so the date was 9/11/66, a significant set of numbers to the numerology obsessed Illuminati. The double was a certain William Campbell, the winner of a look alike contest held in Scotland specifically for the task of finding a replacement for the premeditated killing. The winner vanished soon after the competition and was given plastic surgery to make him closer resemble Paul. The Beatles never toured again after the death of Paul so the new double was rarely seen by the public, photos of him were altered before their release and he grew a beard in the first year of his new job to hide scars and his identity. The new Paul or Faul as he became known to the other band members gave the famous LSD interview where he "confessed" to having used the drug and therefore influenced millions of devoted fans to follow his example.
This mass drug experimentation has become synonymous with the sixties but there is a theory that it was promoted by covert government organisations to dissipate the antiwar and anti-establishment energies of the population at that time and certainly it had that effect as millions of people began to look inwardly under the influence of drugs. This irrelevance toward reality was in part promoted by Faul.
The Beatles would never have become the phenomenon that they were with out their promotion by the BBC which gave them massive coverage and distorted the view of the public through mass media. As the only television channel at the time and a branch of the British government the BBC manipulated the public image of the band. The Beatles paid an enormous 98% tax rate to the Inland Revenue and were really "cash cows" for the British Government.
Now here we begin to get into real conspiracy territory. The picture below is a small photo found in the corner of the White Album poster, and also on the second to last page of the cd booklet.

The rumors go that this is a photo of Paul's supposed double soon after he underwent plastic surgery and shortly before appearing on the scene in late December of 1966. The man's name is supposed to be Billy Shepherd ex leader of the "Pepperpots" ("Billy Pepper and the Pepperpots" Band). So logically, if the rumors are correct, and this really is the face of a look-alike, it will be conclusive match for the face of the supposed lookalike from 1967's "Sgt. Pepper".
Let us first compare these two faces to see if they match, and then we will get to the smoking gun of whether pre-67 Paul is or is not a match with post-67 paul.

The album covers before Paul's death give some insight to the premeditated nature of his murder.

Starting with "Help" their fifth studio album released in August 1965.

Help from what?

The next album was "Rubber Soul" released in December 1965.

The name could imply the flexible or replaceable nature of an individual's life.

The next album was "Yesterday and Today" which was released on the 20th of June 1966, summer solstice, another significant date for the astrologically minded. The ninth Capitol Records album release by the Beatles and the eleventh overall American release. It was originally issued only in the United States and Canada. The cover speaks for itself, the focus of the photo is Paul, a headless doll on each shoulder and a dolls head on his lap. George stands behind while Ringo and John are on either side of him, he is the center piece draped in slabs on raw meat, the picture is grotesque.

The album cover was met with such disgust that 750,000 copies were recalled from distributors which wiped out Capitols initial profit. A new cover photo was made which although not as graphic implied the same concept, the band stand around while the focus is on Paul in the center who this time is sitting in a man-sized box.

Their following album was "Revolver" released in August 1966 and the last album before the death of Paul.

The name has the double meaning of a specific type of firearm and the concept of changing things around, replacing one person for another and a weapon, it is an interesting choice of title.

Below is the cover of "Let it Be" where Faul is covering his plastic surgery scars with the microphone and a new beard while he is the only band member with a red background for his photo.


The best way to prove or disprove the theory that Paul McCartney died or was murdered and replaced by a double is obviously to compare photos of him before November 1966 and after that date. In the photos below the pre 1966 Paul on the left and post 1966 Paul on the right do look very similar. On closer examination there are some differences in their faces, pre 1966 Paul has a rounder face than post 1966 Paul whose face is more elongated. The level of the earlobes in comparison to the nose is different in each photo with pre 1966 Paul's earlobes being level with the underside of his nose and post 1966 Paul's earlobe being slightly higher than the underside of his nose. The Paul on the left has a rounded jaw with the chin slightly offset to his left where as Paul on the right has a more V-shaped jaw with the chin more symmetrical in his face.

These differences become more evident with the addition of lines on the photos and arrows pointing to the outline of their face with the same measurements for both.

Below are more photos of pre and post 1966 Paul for comparison.

The height of pre and post 1966 Paul can be compared also. It is knowen that John, Paul and George were all approximately the same height, 5'11". Below are John and Paul standing side by side during a performance on Ed Sullivan on August 14th 1965:

Paul was still the same approximate height as John three months later, during the filming of the Day Tripper video on November 23rd 1965; it's hard to capture on their exact heights in a frame like this, as they bop around a lot while performing, but they appear roughly the same height:

Now we see "Paul" from the cover of Sgt. Pepper; he suddenly appears to be a few inches taller than the others. It would appear this man is roughly 2 to 3 inches than taller in real world terms. This difference is also seen in the inside photo:

From the other photos in the booklet, they all seem to be wearing the same kind of costume shoes to match their outfits, and they actually rented these costumes from a costume shop, so it is unlikely that different heels are to blame
Now, when we view the wax figures of the Beatles in the same photo, Paul's figure appears the same height as John and George. Madame Tussaud's is known for preparing their figures to the subjects specific physical measurements, and indeed they have prepared John, Paul and George at approximately the same height:

We see this difference in height again in the film Magial Mystery Tour. Here we see the boys standing side by side, again wearing matching shoes; "Paul" is on the right end and clearly stands a few inches taller than John and George. His shoulders in particular are considerably higher. You can also just make out the infamous "black carnation" clue; the others wear red carnations, while "Paul" is singled out by wearing a black carnation:

And here we see a frame from "I Am The Walrus"; note that he is actually wearing no shoes in this video sequence, and yet he still appears taller than the others. Could this man really be the same height as John Lennon and George Harrison?

So let's come back to the comparison from the introduction page:

Although the angles are a little different, I think with the other evidence and the fact that the head size is the same result as the head size comparison make this comparison at least partly reliable. Again, the bass is the same model, a Hofner 500/1, and the headstock, neck length and fret spacing has been equalized close enough to say that these pictures are now on the same scale.
Paul, John's and Georges heights are was listed as 5'11" in biographical descriptions going back to 1963, and Paul was definately the same approximate height as John Lennon at the end of 1965. He was 23 going on 24. Men generally stop growing in height between the ages of 17 and 21. It is very rare that a man will gain any significant height past the age of 22; Paul was the same height in 1963 as he was in 1965. It seems highly unlikely that he would go for several years without any significant growth, and then suddenly, at the age of 24, suddenly grow between 2 inches and 3 inches to 6'1 or 6'2, suddenly looking over John's head.

Below we see two picture's supposedly of "Paul" with his girlfriend Jane Asher; one taken before 67, and one taken after:

Now and now the photo from after 67:

The difference in height is immediatly obvious; his nose now rises well past her forehead, and her eyes are level with his chin. It is of course possible that she is wearing heels in one, but not the other. However, this change is perfectly consistent with the other photos shown above, as well as the scale comparison.
Another interesting note that may or may not be significant; notice where they are walking........A GRAVEYARD! Now, this is almost certainly a sheduled photo shoot for a magazine, and not just some nut with a camera following them. Why in the world would they pick a graveyard for the location? This is a completely contrived photo of a romantic couple on a quiet stroll........THROUGH A GRAVEYARD!

Let's take a picture of Real Paul (circa 1965-66) and another of "Faul" (from "Hey Jude" performance), and zero in on the eyes:

Observe how much droopier and sleepier the Real Paul's eyes are compared to the False Paul's, and also how differently the bottom lid is shaped: False Paul's are just round lines, whereas Real Paul's are long on the outside and get shorter at the inside, and notice how they hit a slight angle at the inside corners. Paul also has longer, more feminine eyelashes; and again notice how differently their noses are shaped.


Considering the numerous deliberate details that are in the artwork of the album covers it can not be denied that the suggestion that Paul is dead and has been replaced is being promoted. A single symbolic death reference could be dismissed but the sheer volume of these subliminal or blatantly obvious clues such as the Sgt Peppers funeral scene cannot be dismissed as coincidental. These clues were deliberate and designed to provoke a debate that the Beatles were "trying to tell us something"

The physical differences between Paul before 1966 and after 1966 are too great to believe that he is the same person. An individual could alter their face with surgery but their height is certainly much harder to change.

As there is evidence in the way of album cover clues and album titles before Paul changed his appearance in 1966 that he was being single out and was the focus of attention it must be concluded that Paul McCartney was murdered in a long planned conspiracy by powerful players that saw him replaced by a body double who continues to impersonate him to this day.

The question is why? Why would a group of people want to go to all the effort for no apparent gain?

As stated earlier, the Beatles were controlled by the British government, they were promoted through the government's propaganda broadcaster the BBC and gave 98% of their earning to the state. They brought in billions of pounds of revenue for the state and were manipulated by a group of dedicated handlers in the same way that Lady Gaga or Beyoncy are today. They possible wrote their own songs but what was recorded and every other aspect of their careers was dictated by the government.
Establishing that their controllers were an extremely powerful group of people, the British Government and the oligarchs that control it, with an obsessive interest in power and control over the population gives us the motivation for Paul's murder.

It was to create more power and more dominance over the public.

The whole conspiracy was a government, or above government, psychological operation. By killing Paul and replacing him with a double, then releasing the story though subliminal channels, the minds of millions of people that were aware of the events were set into a state of cognitive dissonance. In this condition the subjects lie to themselves as they simultaneously hold two opposing ideas in their mind. The psychopaths that strive to dominate nations have a deep knowledge of these covert operations through millennia of experience.
Anyone that looks at the photos of Paul and Faul can see that it is not the same person but whether they believe it or not has to do with their ability to accept the implications of that realization. The ones that cannot accept that is it true fall into a state of cognitive dissonance where they deny the obvious that their subconscious knows to be a fact. To accept that Paul has been been murdered and replaced implies that the entire hierarchy of government, lawyers, judges and police are all complicit and this realization is unbearable for most people. It involves accepting that everybody is vulnerable , unprotected and ruled by criminal psychopaths. Even if this realization is not consciously embraced the individual's subconscious knows it to be true so with the majority of people that enter a state of cognitive dissonance their fear is buried deep in the subconscious where it makes them easily manipulated by the bullying hierarchy to conform to its demands.
The small minority of people that can believe their own eyes also experience a period of fear however they can quickly overcome it as it is consciously observed and understood.

John Lennon died in December 1980 at the hands of a CIA mind controlled zombie, George Harrison was stabbed in his house more than forty times by an insane man, who said he had been sent by god to kill him, on December 30th 1999 but survived to finally be taken by throat cancer in November 2001. The Beatles manager, Brian Epstein, died or was "suicided" in August 1967 from a drug and alcohol overdose and it is possible they were all silenced to stop them breaking the cognitive dissonance spell over the population.

Only Ringo Starr remains with the power to enlighten the masses now.